Title Page

  • Auditor

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Build Partner

  • Slip Number

  • Audit Type

Retrospective Audit

Site Conditions

  • Has the site been cleared of all Apparatus/Materials and swept properly?

  • Is the work site free from any clear staining or Highway / damage / Mess left on private property?

  • Have all Road/Footway Markings been replaced?

Reinstatement Type

  • What Type of road has the works been carried out on?

  • Is the reinstatement carried out an Interim or Permanent Solution?

  • Has the reinstatement been recorded correctly on Street Manager as Interim or Permanent?

Flexible / Composite Highways

  • Have the correct materials been used?

  • Are there any acute angles or 150mm rules (against iron works and existing scarring) within the reinstatement?

  • Is the Surface Course sufficiently closed and Binding?

  • Have the edges been cut correctly?

  • Has sealant been used for the edges of the reinstatement?

  • Is the reinstatement within tolerance for reinstatement crowning / depression?

Rigid Highways

  • Has the C30-C40 of concrete with aggregate (ballast) been used?

  • Are there any acute angles or 250mm rules (against iron works and existing scarring) within the reinstatement?

  • Have the edges been cut correctly?

  • Is the reinstatement within tolerance for reinstatement crowning / depression?

Modular Highways

  • Has the correct type and colour of Slabs / Blocks been used?

  • Are there Slabs / Blocks that have been broken or chipped?

  • Is there any irregularity within the block paving surface level?

  • Does the reinstatement match the correct pattern?

  • Are there any Rocking/Movement slabs within the reinstatement?

  • Has Kiln Dried sand been used on the block paving to fill voids?

  • Is the reinstatement within tolerance for reinstatement Trip Hazards?


  • Has the verge been compacted correctly and hard underfoot?

  • Has topsoil and seed been used to assist growth back to the excavation area?

  • Has any consequential damage to the verge been regulated and topsoil and seeded?

  • Is the reinstatement within tolerance for reinstatement crowning / depression?

Retrospective PIA

  • Has the duct entry on the Openreach chamber been left cut flush and made good with Mortar?

  • Has the duct been left at the correct depth (250mm in FW, 450mm in CW, 350mm in verge) and location when entering the chamber?

  • Has the upturn been left correctly with Elephants foot installed?

  • Has Rope/Subduct/Cable been installed from chamber to pole/chamber?

Live Audit

Site Setup

  • Is the Site in the correct location within the conditions of the Street Works Permit?

  • Is Chapter 8 displayed, if so is it in the correct position and clearly reflective?

  • Is the form of site setup safe and does it suit the road conditions?

  • Is there a Safety Zone in place and all cones onsite have White reflective sleeves?

  • Is there a safe facility for pedestrians by keeping the footway open with a minimum width of 1m, providing a walkway or footway closed ahead and footway closed signs?

  • Are all excavations properly guarded with the correct barrier (Not Gate guards) and barriers clipped together?

  • Are all materials/ Spoil / equipment kept within the site guarding and do not overspill?

  • Is the Company vehicle safely parked with Chevrons at the rear and a minimum of 2 single amber beacons?


  • Has the repair / new duct and exposed existing apparatus been fully surrounded with sand or material free from 10mm stone?

  • Are the team reusing excavated material for the layer of backfill after the surround? If so does it comply with the field test as per the SROH standards and the backfill used and is not Class E (unacceptable material pg44)

  • Is there enough Type 1 stone onsite / being used the meet SROH standard depending on the location /type of road. (always a minimum of 100mm in footways)

  • Has the backfill been compacted in layers with a vibro tamper (4 passes every 100mm or 8 passes every 150mm)

Reinstatement In progress Base Course (For surface course use retrospective questions)

  • Has the backfill been left at the correct depth for reinstatement purposed (Flexible, modular footway = 60 / 80mm, Rigid and composite as existing.

  • Have the edges been prepped painted and trimmed with a saw?

  • Has the base course level been laid at the correct depth of 30mm (flexible footway) 60mm (flexible Carriageway)?

  • Has the base course been correctly compacted using a plate or vibro tamper(footway) or vibro tamper only on CW?

Live PIA

  • Does any / all repair made to existing OR duct comply? (Repair kits installed into duct mouth correctly / The correct split duct installed with straps every 100mm / all existing cables inside repair.

  • Has all evidence been carried out by SPO approval?

  • Has Rope / Subduct / Cable installed prior to backfill?

  • Is new Duct laid at the correct depth of 250mm in Footway 450mm in Carriageway, 350mm in Verge?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.