
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 - Previous Audit

  • 1.1 - Have actions from last audit been completed?

2.0 - Pre Checks

  • 2.1 - Have employees received chemical awareness training?

  • 2.2 - Have employees received how to clean training?

  • 2.3 - Are safety data sheets available?

  • 2.4 - Are chemical containers appropriately labelled?

  • 2.5 - Are all chemicals suitably stored (proper segregation etc.)

  • 2.6 - Is PPE suitable PPE readily available and being used?

  • 2.7 - Is correct cleaning equipment available?

  • 2.8 - Is there a clear work plan and system for cleaners?

3.0 - Step 1 - Dry Clean

  • 3.1 - All solid waste removed?

  • 3.2 - All electrical equipment suitably covered?

  • 3.3 - All packaging and finished product removed from area?

  • 3.4 - Started in a timely manner (no delays)

  • 3.5 - Equipment suitable for job?

  • 3.6 - Any equipment requiring disassembly completed?

4.0 - Step 2 - Rough Down

  • 4.1 - Good top to bottom methodology used?

  • 4.2 - Majority of bulk soiling removed prior to foaming?

  • 4.3 - Process flow followed?

  • 4.4 - Suitable water temperature used?

  • 4.5 - Was rough down completed within a suitable time period?

5.0 - Step 3 - Foaming

  • 5.1 - Good bottom up methodology?

  • 5.2 - Correct chemical strength?

  • 5.3 - Good foam coverage?

  • 5.4 - Correct residence time

  • 5.5 - Foam removed before being left to dry on surface?

  • 5.6 - PPE worn?

6.0 - Step 4 - Manual scrub

  • 6.1 - Is the correct colour coded equipment used for the area?

  • 6.2 - Brushes/scouring pads in suitable condition?

  • 6.3 - Scrubbing after suitable residence time?

  • 6.4 - All areas well scrubbed?

  • 6.5 - Correct PPE worn?

7.0 - Step 5 - Rinse off

  • 7.1 - Good top down methodology?

  • 7.2 - Suitable water temperature used?

  • 7.3 - Completed in timely manner prior to foam drying onto surfaces

  • 7.4 - Suitable flow followed to prevent cross contamination?

8.0 - Step 6 - Detailing

  • 8.1 - Correct strength chemical used?

  • 8.2 - Rinse off completed as you go?

  • 8.3 - Equipment being inspected for any faults?

  • 8.4 - All areas inspected and cleaned sufficiently?

9.0 - Step 7 - Sanitise

  • 9.1 - Correct chemical strength?

  • 9.2 - All surfaces sufficiently cleaned prior to sanitise?

  • 9.3 - Correct contact time observed?

10.0 - Step 8 - Final rinse and clean up

  • 10.1 - All chemical rinsed from all surfaces?

  • 10.2 - Correct top down methodology being used?

  • 10.3 - All equipment (including hoses) cleaned and sanitised prior to storage?

  • 10.4 - All equipment stored clean dry and sanitised?

11.0 Final check and pre op

  • 11.1 - All surfaces of acceptable clean standard?

  • 11.2 - No pooling of water?

Actions list

  • Actions

  • Action
  • Action

  • Responsibility -who

  • Planned completion date

Sign Off

  • On site representative

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.