Building Consultancy reference & customer name
Adjuster reference & name
- All Trades (GB) Limited
- C Hanlon
- Edinmore Ltd
- Elmtree Contracts
- FSH Maintenance Ltd
- Heightvale
- Lambert Contracts Ltd
- Prodrive (Property Maintenance) Ltd
- TEC Building Services NW Ltd
- TFE Amey
- Other
Provide details
Weather at time of visit
Conducted on
Who was on site?
Clerk of Works
- Colin Armstrong
- Simon Abbott
- Paul Draude
- Chris Butlet
- Alan Hicks
- Peter McCool
- David Alcock
- Adam Simeon
Provide details
Prepared by
Please take a front elevation photo of the property
Were you able to gain safe access to the property?
Site inspection report
Is the property clean, tidy & safe?
Has Health & Safety information been left at the site?
Any other H&S Comments?
Present position
Progress / activity on site since previous report
Repair completion date
Is the project on plan?
Is a valid extension of time required?
Record valid reasons for the extension of time
Complete extension of time documentation and issue to lead surveyor for checking and issuing
Extension time contract document sent to lead surveyor?
Enter reasons why not a valid request for an extension of time
Formally inform contractor of reasons why not a valid extension of time and record on file
Planned activity
Overview of planned activity in next two weeks
Is a variation to the contract required?
Variation Request
Is it a valid variation?
Enter details of why variation is not valid
Formally notify contractor in writing why variation is not valid and record note on file
Add photos of variation items / areas
Variation details
Variation required
Variation request
Enter cost of variation in £'s
Enter details of variation
Complete contract instruction and issue to lead surveyor for checking and issuing and enter note on file
Contract Instruction sent to lead surveyor?
Add photos of variation items / areas
Is a valuation required / requested by the contractor?
Valuation request
Is it a valid valuation?
Enter details of why valuation is not valid
Formally inform contractor why valuation is not valid and record note on file
Enter details of valuation
Enter Valuation figure in £'s
Complete contract documentation and issue to lead surveyor to review and issue
Contract certificates sent to lead surveyor?
Take photos of completed work that forms the valuation
Action plan following this visit
Please provide details of any actions that are required in order to progress the repairs, when this needs to be done by and who needs to action this.
If actions are required then tap on the "Add Action required" button. For each additional action either hit that button again or tap the "+ Add" button. -
Action plan details
Action required
What needs to be done next in order to move this repair forward?
When does action need to be taken by?
Specify the person / party responsible for this action
- Surveyor
- Adjuster
- Drying contractor
- Reinstatement contractor
- Customer
- Other
Detail who this is
Instructions or Guidance required
Please provide details of any instructions / guidance that are required in order to progress the repairs, when this needs to be done by and who needs to action this.
If actions are required then tap on the "Add Action required" button. For each additional action either hit that button again or tap the "+ Add" button. -
Instructions / Guidance details
Action required
What instructions / guidance are needed?
When do you need the instruction / guidance by?
Specify the person / party responsible for this instruction / guidance
- Surveyor
- Adjuster
- Drying contractor
- Reinstatement contractor
- Customer
- Other
Detail who this is
Any additional comments
Please take photos of all rooms and external areas
Sign Off
Clerk of Works