
  • Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Contractor

Pad Site

  • Is cellar free of water? Ref. CHK Standard

  • I reserve pit empty? Ref. CHK Standard

  • Are cellar covers in good condition? Ref. CHK Standard

  • Is overall pad in good condition? Ref CHK standard

  • Is pad free of any previous equipment? Ref. CHK standard

  • Equipment Layes out per Gas Train Drawing? Ref. CHK Standard

  • All equipment under containment? Ref. CHK Standard

  • Wellhead cages or barriers required? Ref. CHK standard

  • Additional comments.

Frac Tanks

  • Quick connect pipe from fresh water source free of leaks or damage? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Water manifold to tanks free of leaks, all valves to operate present and in containment if re-use water is used? Ref. CHK BMP, I.S.

  • All lines from manifold into tank secured to tank? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Tanks set level? CHK BMP

  • Stairs, handrails, and walkways pinned, connected and not damaged with no open holes? Ref. RP54 9.3.8, 1910.24(h)

  • Frac tanks grounded? Ref. RP2003 4.5.2

  • Valves double blocked when not in use? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Flare lines properly torqued? Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • Flare line properly secured? Ref. API 9B

  • Additional comments.

Lease Entrance

  • Lease gate and cattle guard free of damage? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Dust control required? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Proper signage and sign in sheet at entrance to pad? Ref. API RP54 5.1-5.4, I.S., API RP49, RP54 4.1 and 4.2, 1910.145(c)(2)(i)

  • Medical services, driving directions, and first aid kit posted? Ref. 1910.151(b), RP54 4.1-4.3

  • Additional comments.


  • All personnel on pad wearing proper PPE? Ref. CHK policy

  • Hard hat Ref. 1910.135(a)(1-2)

  • Safety glasses Ref. 1910.133(a)(1-5

  • Safety boots Ref. 1910.136(a)

  • FRC worn by all employees and properly? Ref. 1910.132, NFPA 2113

  • Gloves Ref. 1910.132(a)

  • Fall arrest system/ lanyards inspected and labels readable before working 4ft or more off the ground? Ref. 1910.66 App C(f), ANSI Z359.5.1.2

  • Hard hats and safety glasses available for visitors? Ref. 1910.132(a)

  • Personnel with less than 90 days experience are assigned a mentor? Ref. RP54 6.1.7

  • Personnel H2S awareness trained and have gas badges? Ref. API RP49 5.1

  • Each personnel involved in the job fit tested for drawer and Scott packs? Ref. CHK standard

  • Each company on pad has a JSA for their job? Ref. RP54 6.1.7

  • SIMOPS is being coordinated through Company man? Ref. RP54 6.1.7

  • Personnel using spotters when backing? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Personnel using tag lines? Rf. 1910.180(h)(3)(vi), Rap54 6.2.12

  • Personnel using designated smoking area? RP54 7.1.2-3

  • All personnel operating equipment are trained and certified on that equipment? Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • General housekeeping good? Ref. RP54 6.5.1, 1910.22(a)(1)

  • Additional comments.

Job Execution

  • Supervisor/PIC identified and in control? Ref. CHK Standard

  • Employees work as a team? Ref. CHK standard

  • Equipment working without failures? Ref. CHK standard

  • Regular checks of equipment done? Ref. API RP54 9.16.1-3

  • Tools in good working order? Ref. API RP54 6.8.6

  • Laks on equipment contained? Ref. CHK Standard

  • Spill kit easily accessible? Ref. CHK standard

  • Spill containment in place? Ref. CHK standard

  • Safety procedure followed? Rf. CHK standard

  • Additional comments.


  • Cr/op certified Nd knowledgable? Ref. 1910.180(b)(3)

  • Outriggers out and pads under them? Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(i)(a)

  • Boom angle not too great for load? Ref. 1910.180(h)(1)((i)

  • Cones out to identify swing path? Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(iii)(b)

  • Crane is free of leaks? Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • Cr/op has performed daily inspection? Ref. 1910.180(d)(2)(i)

  • Annual inspection on crane is up to date? Ref. 1910.180.(d)(2)(ii)

  • Cr/op remains at controls while lubricator is unsecured. Ref. 1910.180(h)(4)(i)

  • Rigging meets Crosby standards? Ref. Industry standard

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected and ready for service? Ref. RP54 16.1.10

  • Cr/op clear of area when testing or pumping? RP54 16.1.10

  • Lift slings inspected and label readable? Ref. 1910.184, 1915.112(b)

  • Chains inspected and tagged grade 8 or better? Ref. 1910.184, 1915.112(c)

  • Tag lines inspected and used while lifting loads? Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(vi), API RP54 6.2.12

  • Only one person signaling crane operator? Ref. Industry standard

  • Outrigger floats secured with pad pin? Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(iv)

  • Boom exhibits no damage to structure, wear pads, boom stops, or cylinder? Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(ix)

  • Wire rope free of dirt, excess lube, kinks and spooled correctly? Ref. 1910.180(g)

  • Block not damaged? Ref. per manufacturer

  • No damage to the hook and it swivels freely? Ref. 1910.180(d)(3)(v)

  • All guards in place? Ref. 1910.212(a)(1)

  • Handrails in place, secured, and not damaged? Ref. 1910.21(f)(10)

  • Cab glass not cracked and wipers are functional? Ref. per manufacturer

  • anti-two block in place and functioning? Ref. 1910.180(b)(3)(iii)

  • Additional comments.

Rig Up-CT Unit

  • CT Unit placed upwind from well? API RP49 11.6.1, RP68 12.7.1

  • Steps leading to operators can secured, level, has handrails, and pins in place? Ref. 1910.23, 1910.36

  • All railing in place and secured with keeper pins? Ref. 1910.23(c)(1)

  • All hydraulic hoses in good condition with no leaks? Ref. industry standard

  • All pins and keepers in reel saddle? Ref. CHK standard

  • Only necessary personnel in area when rigging up? Ref. CHK standard

  • Injector gooseneck pinned? Ref. CHK standard

  • Lights and horns functional? Ref. 1910.180(b)(3)(iii)

  • Additional comments.

RIG UP- General/Wellhead

  • Spotters used when backing equipment? Ref. CHk standard

  • 20# fire extinguisher located at left front bumper of each piece of equipment? Ref. API RP54 7.2.4-5

  • Fall arrest system used while in aerial lift? Ref. 1926.453(b)(2)(v)

  • Personnel using forklift and aerial lift must have current certification cards. Ref. 1910.178(i), 1926.453(b)(2)(ii)

  • Forklift inspected before use? Ref. 1910.178(p)(7)

  • Seatbelt used while operating forklift. Ref. B 56.1 5.3.19

  • Ropes used on hammer wrenches. Ref. CHK standard

  • Iron certification current. Ref. API RP54 12.5.1

  • Hammer unions in good shape and not mushroomed. Ref. API RP54 12.5.1

  • Restraints on iron and rated for that pressure. Ref. industry standard

  • Lubricator marked with permanent serial number. Ref. API RP54 13.6.5C

  • Lubricator certification currents. Ref. API RP54 13.6.2

  • BOP's tested. Ref. API RP54 6.4.1

  • All bolts in place in all flanges. Ref. API RP54 6.4.1

  • All personnel not involved with pressure testing should be outside of taped off area. Ref. API RP54 16.1.10

  • Caution tape around high pressure and crane working area. Ref. API RP54 16.1.10

  • Additional comments.

Well Head

  • No leaks around hydraulic lines for BOP or hydraulic valve. Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • All valves have handles installed and number of turns to open and close on tree. Ref. BMP

  • Frac stack has platform installed or am lift on location. Ref. RP54 5.5.1

  • All flanges have all bolts and not short bolted. Ref. RP54 6.4.10

  • Cellar has been cleaned out and filled in to CSG valve less than 4 ft. And properly guarded. Ref. API 54 7.1.9/ RP54 6.7.2

  • Flow back tie in. Ref. CHK BMP

  • Hydraulic valves have 1 male and 1 female fitting. Ref. BMP

  • BOP hoses have crush proof sheaths. Ref. RP53 12.5.2

  • Frac head, hydraulic valve, BOP, and B section should be accompanied with test charts. Ref. RP53 17.3.7

  • Additional comments.


  • No leaks on closing unit. Ref. BMP

  • 1 end male and 1 end female on connections. Ref. BMP

  • Open/Close clearly marked on handle. Ref. RP54 7.2.2, RP53 12.5.3f

  • Valve hand has direct line of sight to well head? Ref. CHK BMP

  • Closing unit has crush restraint over hoses. Ref. RP53 12.5.2

  • Additional comments.

Below Is In Operators Cab

  • Coil company field safety guide. Ref. CHK Standard

  • Emergency phone #'s filled out and posted. Ref. API RP54 4.2.1, RP49 7.6-7, RP54 7.7-8

  • Current SDS book? Ref. API RP54 6.1.12, 1919.1200(g)(1)

  • Copy of emergency response plan. Ref. 1919.38(b)

  • First aid kit current and stocked, blood borne pathogen kit. Ref. API RP54 4.3.2, 1910.151(b)

  • Fire extinguisher monthly/annual current. 1910.157(e)(1)-(2)

  • Operators manual. Ref. per manufacturer

  • Load chart legible and visible to operator. Ref. 1910.180(c)(2)

  • Hand signal chart visible to workers. Ref. Industry Standard

  • Hand held wind speed indicator. Ref. Industry standard

  • Additional comments.

Light Plants/Generators

  • Rig lighting and fixtures shall be of appropriate electrical classification for the area in which they are located. Ref. RP54 9.14.6, RP 500

  • Light fixtures should be replaced and maintained to provide illumination for work areas. Ref. RP54 9.14.7

  • Light plants/generators shall be placed 100ft from well. Ref. RP54 9.14.2

  • All electrical extension cords shall be properly insulated and plugs shall be in good condition. Ref. RP54 9.14.5

  • Light plants shall be grounded. Ref. RP 2003

  • Repairs shall not be made on lit plants unless LOTO is performed and person is qualified. Ref. RP54 9.14.9

  • Additional comments.

Eye Wash Trailer

  • Personnel know where eye wash trailer is located? Ref. 1910.151

  • Trailer is clearly marked. Ref. 1910.145(c)(2)(i)

  • Tanks are full and have been tested daily. Ref. z358.14.1.4

  • Generator starts on first crank. Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • Water flows freely from eye wash and shower. Ref. z358.1 5.1.6

  • Additional comments.

Rig Up-N2 Pump

  • Iron certification current ref. API RP54 12.5.1

  • Hammer unions in good shape and not mushroomed. Ref. API RP54 12.5.1

  • Steps leading to operators cab secured, level, has handrails and keeper pins in place. Rf. 1910.23, 1910.36

  • N2 PPE being used (face shield, cryo gloves)

  • Additional comments.

Outside of Equipment (Trailers)

  • Is equipment clean? Ref. CHK Standard

  • Fuel tanks/caps/mounts in place and not damaged. Ref. API RP54 8.3.3

  • Fuel, hydraulic and other tanks properly labeled. Ref. 1910.1200(f)(5)

  • All drive belts and rotating lines have guards in place. Ref. API RP54 6.8.3, API RP54 6.8.2-3

  • All hoses on equipment in good condition. Ref. General duty clause

  • One axle. on each unit chocked. Ref. API RP54 11.1.2

  • Trailer plug and hitch secured and not damaged. Ref. CHK Standard

  • Break away cable on light duty trailers connected and working properly. Ref. FMCSA 393.43(d)

  • Tool/junk boxes uncluttered and lids able to close and latch. Ref. FMCSA 393.100(b)

  • Leaks on equipment. Ref. Industry Standard

  • Additional comments.


  • Acid transport and all other tote tanks in containment. Ref. CHK BMp

  • All chemicals clearly labeled wish SDS. Ref. 1910.1200(b)(1)

  • All personnel wearing proper PPE per SDS. Ref. 1910.1200(b)(1)

  • All transfer lines are fit for purpose. Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • Acid transport grounded. Ref. RR 2003

  • Additional comments.

Fuel Trucks

  • Discharge valves, hose, and nozzles in good condition. Nozzle equipped with auto shut off. Ref. 1910.106(b)

  • Piping and fuel lines in good condition. Ref. 1910.106(b)

  • 2 people while fielding at all times. Ref. CHK BMP

  • Fuel tanks properly labeled on all sides. Ref. RP54 8.4.1d, 1910.1200(f)(4-5)

  • Fuel lines not ran under equipment when not in use. Ref. BMP

  • "No smoking" signs erected on all sides. Ref. RP54 7.1.2-6

  • Vapor release vents elevated & away from ignition sources. Ref. 1910.106(b)(2)(iv)(c)

  • General housekeeping. Ref. 1910.22(a)(1)

  • B/C class fire extinguisher available and identified. Ref. 1910.157(c)(1)

  • Splash filling prohibited.

  • Fill line & discharge velocity limited.

  • Grounded.

  • Contents of NON-FLAMMABLE storage tanks identified on all sides of tanks(s). Ref. 1910.145(c)(2)(i)

  • Additional comments.

Post Job

  • Area policed, garbaged picked up.

  • Spills cleaned up before leaving location.

  • Location left clean.

  • Cellars empty.

  • Reserve pit empty.

  • Cellar covers in good condition.

  • Does wellhead have cages or guards,

  • Additional comments.

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