Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Observations Criteria
Equipment is free from defect indicating that operator performed a pre-use inspection
Lifting gear is appropriately stored when not in use
Risk assessment in place for use of synthetic slings with a focus on preventing shearing of slings
Is lifting equipment double wrapped on steel components
SWL/Capacity tags/information on lift equipment legible
Are sharp edges protected
Is the correct equipment being utilised for the task
Are operators performing works in such a manner as to minimise Line of Fire events
16mm tag lines used to control inadvertent load shift
Barricading/cones in place to define lift and slew radius
Are secondary slings being utilised to support unattended suspended loads
Are significant lift permits being utilised where required and signed by personnel performing the lift
Is there a register that includes this equipment, has been quarterly inspected