Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Site Image

External Areas

  • Will you be auditing the external areas?

  • Security barrier/gates secure and in good working order?

  • Car Park clear of litter and or debris?

  • Premises free from signs of pest activity e.g. rats, pigeons and bird droppings?

  • All signage visible and in good condition?

  • External pavings and walkways clear and in good condition?

  • Site free from signs of graffiti and vagrancy and fly tipping?

  • Roof - All external drains and down pipes clear of debris and vegetation?

  • Premises free from signs of water ingress on brickwork?

  • External fence in good condition with no broken panels?

  • Plants and bushes tidy and well maintained?

  • Run off drains and interceptors free from vegetation and soil?

  • All ACO and storm drains covered and in good condition?

  • Fire exit doors clearly labelled and unobstructed?

Waste Storage

  • External bins stored securely away from the building?

  • Skips - All waste contained and not overflowing?

  • Rubbish correctly divided and bins not over flowing?

  • Used fluorescent lamps stored away correctly in designated lamp coffins?

  • Bin store tidy and free from discarded furniture and fuel for fire?

Fire Prevention & Emergency

  • Fire exits clearly marked and free from obstructions?

  • Fire alarm panel operational with no active faults or isolations?

  • Protected walkways clear of obstacles?

  • Designated fire assembly point clearly marked and access to is clear?

  • Fire doors in good condition and shut/locked as appropriate and signae?

  • Emergency lights operational and tested within the last 28 days?

  • Automatic release doors tested and operational at last weekly test?

  • Fire extinguishers in designated place and clearly marked for type of fire?

  • Extinguisher service within date and unbroken tamper seal present?

  • Fire log book accurately completed with all relevant sections completed (weekly fire test Weds 09:15, escape routes, panel status)?

Fire Log Book

  • Will the fire log book check be undertaken today?

  • DAILY: Fire alarm panel indicator logged S3.2

  • Contractor: Record of fire alarm system maintenance completed? S3.6

  • WEEKLY: fire alarm test documented in log book S3.5

  • Contractor: Monthly emergency lighting test logged? S4.2

  • Contractor: Record of emergency lighting maintenance updated (6 monthly visits)? S4.3

  • MONTHLY: Record of fire doors inspection/operation logged S5.2

  • DAILY: Inspection of exit routes conducted and logged S5.3

  • Fire drill carried out within last 6 months and logged? S5.4

  • MONTHLY: Record inspection of fire extinguisher up to date? S6.2

Site Security

  • Is site security to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are site entry and exit points clearly designated?

  • Does the alarm system functions as expected?

  • Access control system fully operational?

  • Has the site visitors/staff sign in book completed and regularly checked?

  • Doors to restricted areas kept locked?

  • CCTV system correctly working (check date, recording and any failing cameras?

House Keeping

  • Will the housekeeping be inspected today?

  • Are carpets, floors and ceiling in good condition?

  • Communal space and office lighting undamaged and working?

  • Access to risers, cleaners store and plant room doors kept locked?

  • Cleaning chemicals kept securely locked away in COSHH cupboard?

  • Has an acceptable standard of cleaning been maintained?

  • Office temperature at acceptable level?


  • Kitchen appliances clean and in good working order (Fridge, microwaves, Zip-Tap)?

  • Adequate supply of mugs and cutlery available?

  • A good supply of tea, coffee, sugar available?

  • Bins are available and not overflowing?

  • Supply of hand towels and soap available?

  • Furniture in relatively good condition?

First Aid Provisions

  • Are first aid provisions to be inspected?

  • First Aid station easily available and clearly marked for staff to see?

  • First aid box adequately stocked with tamper seal unbroken?

  • List of first aiders present and up to date?

  • Defibrillator prominently located and operational?

  • Defib kit is within date?


  • Are there lifts on site?

  • Doors open when obstruction presented?

  • Lights and hand rails in good condition?

  • Level indicator working correctly on each floor?

  • Lift operational with smooth travel between floors?

  • Door tracks clean and clear?

  • Test call conducted and logged in fire log book weekly?

Toilets/Showers & Wash Room Facilities

  • Are there communcal toilets that form part of this inspection?

  • Toilet fittings clean and undamaged?

  • Sufficient stock of toilet roll, hand towels and hand soap?

  • Sanitary bins present and not over flowing?

  • Cubicle lock and hooks in good working order?

  • Hand dryers operational?

  • Where shower provided, this has been flushed weekly (allow to run for 5 mins)?

  • Disabled pull cord alarm tested weekly (pull cord and check audible and visible)?

  • Lights working in all cubicles?

Meeting Rooms

  • Are meeting rooms to be checked on this audit?

  • Meeting rooms clean, tidy and free from clutter?

  • Hand sanitiser, wipes and tissue available in each room?

  • Bins available for use in each room?

  • Sufficient stationery available in room (flip chart, markers, white board marker etc)

  • Audio visual equipment operational and present (remotes, click share buttons etc)

Compliance Check

  • Is this a compliance Audit?

  • PAT Testing stickers in date?

  • Fire Log book wholly compliant?

  • Fire doors in good condition?

  • EICR within date?

  • On site ladders are compliant and in date?

  • Water flush carried out?

  • Contractor Safety Checklist & Induction in use?

Meter Reading (Monthly)

  • Electricity meter reading?

  • Gas meter reading?

  • Water meter reading?

Plant Room

  • Is there a plant room?

  • Is the plant room clean and clear of clutter?

  • Control panel free from errors/faults?

  • Water pressure adequate?

  • Where sprinkler present water pressure as displayed on meter?


  • Generator secure with no evidence of vandalism?

  • Bund tray is less than 25% of capacity?

Sign Off

  • Any observations to be noted?

  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.