Title Page
Job Reference
Site Address
Description of the works
Date and Time
Prepared by
RISK ASSESSMENTS AND METHOD STATEMENTS: Select standard RA/MS relevant to this task
- RAMS 1
- RAMS 2
- RAMS 3
- RAMS 4
- RAMS 5
- RAMS 6
- RAMS 7
CAPABILITY: Have you got the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and training to carry out the task safely?
LONE WORKING: Can the work at this property be carried out safely alone?
EQUIPMENT: Have you got the necessary equipment in good condition to carry out the task safely?
ASBESTOS: Have you got the necessary information about asbestos related to the job so that you can carry out the task safely?
WORK AT HEIGHT: Do you have the correct work at height equipment to carry out the task safely?
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Have you got the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) in good condition to carry out the task safely?
WELFARE: Have you got access to the appropriate welfare facilities to carry out the task without risk to your health?
FINAL CHECK: Do you have everything you need to undertake the work without, so far as is reasonably practicable, exposing yourself or anybody else to a health and safety risk?
If you have answered NO to any of the above questions do not undertake the task