Title Page

  • Enquiry Number / PH Surname

  • Prepared by

  • Date

  • Location

Project Details

  • Project Title

  • Contract Number

  • Project Description

  • Start Date

  • Duration ( In Weeks )

  • Normal Working Hours are: Monday To Friday 0800-1600

  • It is intended that the Construction Phase Plan builds upon information supplied within the Pre-Construction Information and should detail the arrangements made for Managing the Project, taking into account specific risks. This document, if completed in sufficient detail, will form the basis of a Construction Phase Plan, which should be developed as the work progresses providing a focus for the management and co-ordination of Health and Safety on site.

  • Client

  • Site Address

  • Principal Designer

  • Principal Contractor: Building Repair Solutions Ltd

  • Health and Safety Aims : Company H&S Objectives/Standards

  • 1. Prevent Accidents and ill health to our Staff, Client, Sub-Contractors, Third Parties and Members of the Public. 2. All works are carried out in accordance with all Relevant Legislation and Codes of Practice. 3. Provide a place of Work that is Safe and without risk to Health, Safety and Welfare to all those involved in the Project and Third Parties. 4. Consult and communicate to all those involved in the Project and listen to given feedback.

  • Project Specific Objectives/Standards

  • 1. No RIDDOR reportable Accidents or Incidents. 2. Keep possible disturbance to the Client, Local Residents, Businesses and General Public to the absolute minimum.

  • Other Goals ( Project Specific )

  • Detail Project Specific Goals

Construction Phase

Examples of Hazards - Mark as Appropriate ( list is not exhaustive )

  • Working at Height

  • Falling Objects

  • Collapse of Excavation

  • Manual Handling

  • Fire

  • Confined Spaces

  • Asbestos

  • Noise

  • Extreme Temperature

  • Dust

  • Struck by Traffic

  • Struck by Plant

  • Collapse of Structure


  • Fragile Materials

  • Tools and Equipment

  • Trip on level

  • Access/Egress

  • Contact with Services

  • Adjacent to Water

  • Additional Hazards Not Listed Above
  • Description of Hazard


  • Is the Asbestos Register present on site ?

  • If NO, please give details.

  • Have the Asbestos register findings been communicated to all

  • If NO, please give details

  • Asbestos removed ?

  • If YES, please give details

  • Has an R&D Survey been carried out ?

  • If NO, please give details

  • Have the findings of the R&D survey been communicated to site workers ?

  • If NO, please give details

  • If potential ACM's are identified during repairs - Cease work and notify Building Repair Solutions Ltd. who will arrange for sampling and testing.

Permit To Work

  • Indicate which Permits will be required and provide detailed arrangements

  • Confined Space

  • Provide Detailed Arrangements

  • Work at Height

  • Provide Detailed Arrangements

  • Use Of Hazardous Substances

  • Provide Detailed Arrangements

  • Electrical Work

  • Provide Detailed Arrangements

  • Hot Works

  • Provide Detailed Arrangements

  • Gas Works

  • Provide Detailed Arrangements

  • Other

  • Provide Details

Arrangements Made for the Management of Health & Safety on Site

  • Arrangements to ensure Co-operation between Project Team Members and Co-ordination.

  • 1. Staff members of Building Repair Solutions Ltd and any self-employed Sub-Contractors are required to co-operate fully with other parties on site for issues that affect Health & Safety arrangements on this Project. 2. Where the Project requires meetings, these will be held with the Client, PD/Designers and other parties involved with the works to ensure liaison between the parties involved in this Project.

  • Arrangement for Involving Workers.

  • Building Repair Solutions Ltd. recognises that workforce consultation plays a key role in the effective Health & Safety management on site. All Building Repair Solutions Ltd. staff members and the sub-contractors will be encouraged to make suggestions, report any unsafe situation, near misses and communicate their concerns and ideas regarding Health and Safety to the Site Manager/Supervisor. The company will consider any reasonable request made by the staff member or the sub-contractor regarding Health and Safety matters on site. Any site related issues are discussed with the Site Manager/Supervisor and Contracts Manager at meetings and site staff can approach to identify or flag up any issues relevant to site Health and Safety.

  • Site Management Personnel and Contact Numbers

  • BRS Surveyor

  • BRS Surveyor Contact Details

  • Contracts Manager

  • Contract Manager Contact Details

  • Site Manager

  • Site Manager Contact Details

  • Site Supervisor

  • Site Supervisor Contact Details

Arrangements for Site Security / Traffic Management

  • State Provisions for Site Security / Preventing Unauthorised Access to Site

  • Access to site to be provided by

  • Movement of all Construction Traffic, Plant and Equipment

  • 1. All persons driving on or delivering to site are made aware of the need for extreme care when on site. 2. Traffic speeds are to be kept to a minimum. All speed limits to be adhered to. 3. Deliveries are pre-arranged and peak times avoided. 4. When necessary, signs, cones and barriers will be used to segregate pedestrians from traffic and plant on site. 5. Deliveries and visitors will report in the first instance to the Site Manager for site briefing and Induction. 6. A daily record of ALL visitors to and from the site WILL be maintained and ALL persons onto site including staff and contractors MUST sign in and out from the site.

  • State Further Requirements

Site Welfare Arrangements

  • Welfare Facilities will be provided in accordance with CDM Regs 2015 as applicable to the Project Size

  • Use of Client Facilities

  • Building Repair Solutions Ltd. provisions

  • Everyone who works on site must have : 1. Access to adequate toilet and warm water washing facilities. 2. A place for preparing and consuming refreshments. 3. Somewhere for storing and drying clothing and personal protective equipment. 4. Access drinking water. 5. Heated rest area.

  • If Mobile teams work at a number of locations over a few days, these facilities can be provided at a central location accessible within a reasonable distance or time.

  • HSE Guidance. 1. Portable Chemical Toilets are acceptable ONLY if it is not reasonably practicable to make other adequate provision 2. Number of users on site per portable toilet = 1 toilet for 7 users where weekly emptying is applied. 3. Washing Facilities MUST be positioned next to toilets and MUST include a supply of clean hot and cold or warm water, soap, towels or paper towels, sufficient ventilation and lighting, sinks provided MUST be large enough to wash face, hands and forearms. 4. Rest rooms MUST be heated, preferably by using PAT tested electric heaters ( avoiding LPG where possible ) 5. Rest facilities should provide shelter from wind and rain. 5. The rest facilities should have adequate numbers of tables, seating with backs, a means for heating water for drinks and for warming up food ( eg. a gas or electrical heating ring or microwave oven ) and be adequately heated. 6. Rest areas are not to be used to store plant, equipment or materials.

  • Provisions for this site are :

  • If it has been found that Building Repair Solutions Ltd. have no option but to provide a chemical toilet, please list the reasons here. ( note : Chemical toilets are as a last resort and site workers must still have access to warm water near by )

First Aid Provisions

  • Names of First Aiders/ Appointed persons

  • Location of First Aid Kit

  • Nearest Hospital with A&E

  • Map

Fire Proceedures

  • Fire Prevention

  • 1. Smoking WILL NOT be permitted within site buildings and smokers will be allocated an area to smoke. 2. Any Hot Works will require the need for Task Fire Extinguishers appropriate for the works. A Hot Work Permit System MUST be adopted. 3. The working area WILL be inspected at the end of every working day. 4. Suitable Fire Extinguishers will be placed within the building when combustible materials are present ( water and dry powder extinguishers ) 5. Site Specific Fire Risk Assessments will be carried out. 6. The Fire Plan to be documented, showing ALL locations of Firefighting Equipment and Call Points on site.

  • Add Other Prevention Methods

  • Action to be taken in the Event of a Fire. 1. On discovering a Fire shout FIRE-FIRE-FIRE or raise the alarm with any means provided. ( Horn, Manual Bells, Alarm Call Point ) 2. If the fire is small and it is possible to tackle, use available extinguishers to fight the fire. DO NOT put yourself in any danger. 3. Call the Fire Brigade, giving the correct address as stated on the fire plan. 4. Evacuate the building to the fire assembly points and conduct a head count to account for ALL operatives.

  • Add Other Prevention Measures

  • In The Event of an Accident, from your Risk Assessment, note any emergency procedures to be taken in the event ( such as a rescue from height if wearing a harness )

  • Nearest Hospital Address and Telephone Number

Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE )

  • The Provision of PPE will be Risk Assessed and supplied in accordance with the Assessment. COSHH Assessments will be available and PPE provided as necessary. PPE is the last form of protection and is provided where all other control measures have been considered. Where supplied, it must be used for the intention it has been supplied for. Damaged PPE must be reported and replaced. Examples of Required PPE may include but are not limited to, Hard Hat, Gloves, Safety Glasses, Face Shield, Safety Boots, Hi-Viz Vest, Ear Defenders, FFP3 RPE, FFP2 RPE, Coveralls, Overalls

  • PPE Required as per Risk Assessment

  • Safety Information.

  • All Statutory Safety Signs and Notices will be displayed in :

  • Working At Height Site Requirements.

  • 1. Ladders. You should ONLY use ladders in situations where they can be used safely, eg. where the ladder will be level and stable and where it is reasonably practicable to do, so the ladder can be secured. 2. Trestles are NOT to used for Working at Height unless a suitable handrail is fitted. 3. Scaffold Structures MUST have a Hand Over Certificate and Compliance Sheet/Scaffold Design present on site. 4. Scaffold Structures MUST be inspected every 7 days, this must be documented using the correct form and kept within the site file. 5. Mobile Tower Scaffolds MUST be built by competent PASMA Trained Operatives only, following the correct build method. 6. Mobile Tower Scaffolds MUST be inspected every 7 days by Competent, Trained Operatives, these are to be documented using the correct form and kept within the site file. 7. Scaff Tags. These are to be attached to the scaffold structures with the previous inspection date clearly written. 8. All Working at Height Structures MUST have a suitable hand rail fitted at all times with a maximum height of 905mm, the gap between top rail and intermediate rail should not exceed 470mm. 9. All Working at Height structures MUST be fitted with a toe board of a minimum of 100mm height. 10. MEWPS MUST only be used by Operatives that are competent and trained in the correct machine type, a harness MUST be worn at all times by those working within the Man Basket. Operatives MUST be trained in the Inspection and Use of Harnesses and Lanyards. 11. All working platforms are not to be used in adverse weather conditions, inspections must be carried out and documented post any adverse weather event. 12. All mobile access equipment, including step ladder and ladders, are to be inspected before any use. Any damage or defects found MUST be reported to their line manager and the equipment MUST not be used.

Schedule of Risk Assessments/Method Statements/COSHH Risk Assessments


  • Asbestos

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision number

  • Brick and Block Paving

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working with Concrete

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Confined Space Working

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Demolition Works

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Driving at Work

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Dust, Noise, Vibration

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • False work, Form work

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Fire

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • First Aid ( All Claims )

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • General (all claims )

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Groundworks

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Hot Works

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Internal Works ( all claims )

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Lifting Operations

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Lone Working

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Painting

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Plumbing & Gas Works

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Roofing Works

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Site Movements

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Steelwork

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Tower Scaffolds and Working on Scaffolding

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Use of Tools and Equipment

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Waste Management

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Wood Working

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working at Height

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working near Telephone Antenna Equipment

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working Under or Near Overhead Power Lines

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working With Stone

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Additional Risk Assessments Not Listed Above
  • Risk Assessment required

  • Date Required

  • Date Prepared

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Date Risk Assessments Prepared

  • Date Risk Assessments Required

Method Statements

  • Asbestos Sampling

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Bricklaying

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Concreting

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Dealing with Suspected Asbestos

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Disc Cutter

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Door Adjustment

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Excavation

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Flat Roof Working

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • General Carpentry and Joinery

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • General Demolition

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Gin Wheel

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Hot Works

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Installing Ceiling Boards

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Install Window Boards

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Installation of External Doors

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Installing Roof Timbers and Trusses

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Lifting Operation

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Manual Handling ( All Claims )

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Painting, Commercial Brush and Roller

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Plastering

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Refurbishment of Casement Windows

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Refurbishment of Sash Windows

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Removal of Plasterboard

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Removing ( hacking off ) Tiles

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Render Repairs on Brickwork

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Render Repairs on Lathe

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Safe Erection & Use of Mobile Scaffold Towers

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Safe Working on a Scaffold

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Skimming

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Steel Erection

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Use of Hand Tools

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Use of Laser Level

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Use of Lead Paint

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Use of Steps, Ladders and Hop Ups

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Use of Telehandler

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Welding and Flame Cutting on Site

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working Near Telephone Antenna Equipment

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Working Under or Near Overhead Power Lines

  • Authorised By

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Additional Method Statements Required Not Listed Above
  • Additional Method Statement

  • Date Required

  • Date Prepared

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

  • Date Method Statement Prepared

  • Date Method Statement Required

COSHH Risk Assessments Title

    COSHH Risk Assessments
  • COSHH Assessment Required for

  • Date Required

  • Date Prepared

  • Authorised by

  • Remarks/Revision Number

Site Plan

  • Site Plan

Site Rules


  • 1. Safety Helmets, High Visibility Vests and Safety Footwear are MANDATORY on this site, unless stated otherwise in the Risk Assessment. The correct Personal Protective Equipment MUST be worn on site at all times in line with the Risk Assessments and task being carried out. 2. Risk Assessments and Method Statements for all works including from Sub-Contractors to be in place before work commences. 3. Smoking is NOT allowed inside buildings and a designated smoking area will be allocated. 4. Operators of Plant and Equipment must be trained in the use of the equipment they are using and have relevant cards and certificates available for inspection. These qualifications are to be produced at induction to the Site Management and on request. 5. All access and emergency routes MUST be kept free from obstructions at ALL TIMES. 6. It is Strictly Forbidden to ride on Plant as a passenger ( eg. Dump Trucks / JCB ) 7. Machine keys are removed when not being operated to avoid theft or misuse on site. 8. The consumption or possession of alcohol on the site is Strictly Prohibited. No person is to work on this site having consumed Alcohol. 9. The possession or taking of Drugs on this site other than than for Authorised Medical Purposes is Strictly Prohibited. The taking of drugs for medical purposes is to be notified to the Site Manager. 10. All site employees are to be made aware of the Emergency, First Aid arrangements and Escape Routes on the site and the Site Assembly Point. This will be made clear at induction on site. IF IN ANY DOUBT, THEY ARE TO ASK THEIR SUPERVISOR OR MANAGER. 11. All site employees must co-operate in keeping the site tidy and clear away debris and rubbish at the end of each work shift. This includes the site welfare facilities. 12. No Site employee is to interfere, damage or abuse any safety sign or item provided in the interests of site safety. 13. All Employees will attend a site-specific induction and are required to confirm that they understand the requirements of Method Statements/Risk Assessments associated with their Tasks, before work commences on site. Employees are instructed NOT to deviate from documented RAMS, should these need amending, works are to stop, re-assessed and then works are able to then proceed. 14. No one is to remove or interfere with any scaffold structure/work platform unless they are trained to do so. 15. Scaffolding structures are to have a hand over certificate and compliance sheet, issued by the Scaffolding Contractor, these are to kept in the site file. 16. All Access structures, including scaffolding and mobile access towers are to have 7 day inspections carried out and documented either by the scaffolding contractor or a trained site manager. Inspection documents are to be kept on site. Inspection dates are to be written on Scaff Tags attached to structure. 17. Site employees are to report any defects to plant or equipment to their manager immediately. Defective equipment is NOT to be used and must be segregated. 18. No Radios, personal stereos etc to used on site. 19. Site Speed limit of 5mph to be observed at all times. 20. Site employees to be made fully aware of the vicinity of overhead electric power lines and/or any other existing Utilities that may cause harm or risk. 21. Where English is not the first language, Site Management must make suitable arrangements. 22. The use of Mobile Phones on site is limited to Emergency purposes only. 23. Parking arrangements to be communicated to all staff and visitors during induction. 24. Permit to work systems to be used where stated on the Risk Assessments. ie. permit to dig, hot works, confined spaces etc. these must be documented using the appropriate forms. 25. Site specific hazards and risks to be communicated regularly and at site induction and throughout the project with all involved. these hazard meetings must be documented as evidence.

  • Confirmation of Receipt of Site Rules
  • Name

  • Employer

  • Date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.