Title Page
Date of Assessment
Facility Location
Prepared by
Section 1: Facility and Workforce Characteristics
Assessment Details
Type of assessment
Facility information
Facility name:
Type of industry (e.g., elementary school, clothing manufacturing, restaurant, grocery store)
Type of site/facility (any additional descriptive information, e.g., Industry = clothing manufacturing, oil and gas; Type = shoe production, neurology wing, gas pipeline)
Name(s) of employers and contracting companies who have workers on-site
Total number of employees who work at this site
Total number of contractors who work at this site
Number of production workers (if applicable)
Number of production contractors (if applicable)
Number of office employees (if applicable)
Number of office contractors (if applicable)
Number and types of shifts
Shift start, shift end, and break times:
Number of breaks and length of breaks:
Names of departments or work areas in facility:
Workforce diversity
Primary languages spoken by workforce:
% of workforce that speak/understand and read
Describe others (record percentage of workers that speak each language):
Any other cultural factors that should be considered in prevention recommendations [Optional]:
Employer-sponsored transportation
Employer-sponsored transportation to or during work?
What types of transportation? (e.g., ride-share vans or shuttle vehicles, car-pools, and public transportation)?
Are workers able to maintain social distancing during transportation to work?
Are workers required to wear cloth face coverings during employer-sponsored transportation?
Are workers encouraged to wear cloth face coverings during employer-sponsored transportation?
Additional comments/observations:
Group transportation to work that is not sponsored by employer
Group transportation to work that is not sponsored by employer
What types of transportation? (e.g., ride-share vans or shuttle vehicles, car-pools, and public transportation)?
Additional comments/observations:
Employer-sponsored housing
Employer-sponsored housing for workers?
Do employees live together in group housing that is not employer-sponsored?
Additional comments/observations:
Other workforce characteristics that might be relevant to infectious disease transmission
Do workers work in other facilities of the same company?
Which facilities?
Do any workers come to the facility from work release programs?
Job share or work exchange programs?
Additional comments/observations:
Union information
Union representation
Name of union(s) and point(s) of contact for each
Federal, State, Local agency information
Name and contact information of important regulatory agency official(s) for industry [if any, e.g., OSHA, USDA]
Is there any OSHA activity at the facility?
Additional local and/or state public health authorities and other stakeholder contact information:
Section 2. Facility policies and procedures
COVID-19 Workplace Health and Safety Plan
Workplace COVID-19 coordinators identified
Who are the coordinators? (include their contact information and their backgrounds)
Plans have been developed to continue essential functions with higher than usual absenteeism
What are those plans?
Mechanism for monitoring and tracking absenteeism
Standard operating procedures for cleaning and disinfection have been modified as necessary for COVID-19
Leave policies are flexible, non-punitive, and encourage ill employees and employees who have been in close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases to stay home
What is the policy?
How would taking leave affect income?
Has the policy been consistently communicated to employees?
Coordination with occupational safety, health, or medical professionals
Does the facility have an on-site occupational safety and health services?
If no on-site services are provided, does the facility refer to or have a contract with off-site occupational safety and health services?
What role, if any, are these services playing in health screening, referral for further evaluation, testing, and other policies?
Collaboration with local and/or state public health authorities and other stakeholders
Consulted with local and/or state public health authorities
Name and contact information for local and/or state contacts
Pre-shift employee health screening has been considered or implemented
Does pre-shift employee health screening include:
Verbal questions about symptoms?
Written questions about symptoms?
Measurement of body temperature?
Visitor (includes delivery workers)/customer/client health screening has been considered or implemented
Does visitor/customer/client health screening include:
Verbal questions about symptoms?
Written questions about symptoms?
Measurement of body temperature?
Policies in place for managing workers with potential exposure to COVID-19
What are the policies (please describe)?
- • Self-quarantine
- • Criteria for returning to work
- • Other
Policies for managing employees with symptoms
What are the procedures for an employee to report symptoms before or at work?
Policies for managing workers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 or COVID-19 positive test result
What are return-to-work criteria for workers with COVID-19 (e.g., symptom-based, time-based, or test-based)?
Section 3: Infection prevention and control policies and practices (Engineering Controls)
Workstations, production lines or areas, and other work areas (including cash register, food prep area, sales floor, warehouse, shipping and receiving, mailroom, and reception):
Is there ability to maintain social distancing ≥6 feet?
Does this vary by department or work area?
Are workers, visitors, customers, or clients facing each other?
Can workstation alignment allow for worker, visitor, customer, or client separation (≥6 feet)?
Are physical barriers such as partitions (e.g., stainless steel, plexiglass, plastic strip curtains) in use to separate workers and visitor/customers/clients?
Are these barriers being disinfected?
Other areas where workers, visitors, customers, or clients may congregate (including health screening area, entrances and exits, clock-in/out areas, uniform and equipment pickup area, PPE donning and doffing areas, hallways, break areas, dining areas/cafeteria, locker rooms, restrooms, smoking areas, and parking lots):
Is there ability to maintain social distancing in these areas?
Why not?
Are physical barriers such as partitions (e.g., stainless steel, plexiglass, plastic strip curtains) in use to separate workers and visitor/customers/clients?
Are these barriers being disinfected?
Has the number of tables in lunch or break areas been decreased?
Are other building spaces (e.g., conference rooms) in use for overflow?
Are tents being added to be used for overflow?
Is the number of workers, visitors, or customers/clients in a space at one time being limited?
Are clock in/out stations touch-free?
Are workers able to safely and easily access potable water in the workplace?
Visual cues to maintain social distancing
What methods (e.g., floor markings, signs) are used?
Handwashing and hand sanitizer stations
Are handwashing stations and/or hand sanitizers (ideally touchless) placed in multiple locations?
Where are they located (e.g., all entrances, common areas)?
Are they touch-free?
Are they easily accessible?
Are all stations functioning and stocked with adequate supplies (e.g., sanitizer, soap, single use paper towels)?
Is there a mechanism to report depleted supplies?
Are workers aware of how to report?
Is there ability to maintain social distancing?
Is additional time allotted to accommodate more frequent and thorough handwashing for each shift, during the shift, and/or between shifts?
What type/s of ventilation is/are in place (general or local)?
Have personal cooling fans been eliminated?
If pedestal fans or hard mounted fans are used, minimize fans blowing air from one worker directly towards another worker.
What steps are being taken to prevent heat hazards?
Section 3: Infection prevention and control policies and practices (Cleaning and Disinfection)
Food production areas (if applicable)
What cleaning and disinfection agents are used?
Are cleaning and disinfection agents consistent with USDA and EPA recommendations?
What is the frequency of cleaning and disinfection?
Are products being applied at the appropriate concentration?
Are products being applied for the appropriate contact time?
Non-food production areas
What cleaning and disinfection agents are used?
Are they consistent with EPA List N recommendations?
What is the frequency of cleaning and disinfection?
Are products being applied at the appropriate concentration?
Are products being applied for the appropriate contact time?
Targeted and more frequent cleaning of high priority surfaces including common areas, frequently touched surfaces, and physical barriers (if present)
What surfaces are receiving additional cleaning and disinfection?
What is the schedule for this cleaning?
Are products being applied at the appropriate concentration?
Are products being applied for the appropriate contact time?
Are shared equipment and materials being cleaned and disinfected between use by each worker?
What is the schedule for this cleaning?
Are there cleaning and disinfecting procedures conducted between visitor/customers/clients?
What are the procedures?
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection after persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 have been in the facility
What policies and procedures are in place?
Hazard assessment performed for cleaning and disinfection tasks
Are protections in place to protect workers who perform cleaning and disinfection tasks from chemical hazards posed by disinfectants?
Are they wearing PPE appropriate for these tasks?
Section 3: Infection prevention and control policies and practices (Administrative Controls)
Pre-shift employee/visitor health screening
Is screening completed prior to entry into<br>the facility?
Does screening include every person prior to building entry (including visitors/customers/clients and employees who arrive early or late or through other entrances)?
Who performs the screening?
Have screeners been appropriately trained?
Are protections in place for the screeners?
Social distancing?
What information is assessed?
Are symptoms asked?
Are other questions asked?
Are temperatures being checked?
Is social distancing between individuals awaiting screening being maintained during the process?
How are employees who screen affirmatively managed?
Is secondary screening done for those with fever or reported symptoms?
What does it include?
Who performs it?
Where is it done?
Is a referral process in place that will direct employees with signs or symptoms of COVID-19- like illness (CLI) to further assessment? If yes, please describe.
Are privacy practices in place, wherever possible?
Is confidentiality maintained as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Are physical distancing coaches being used?
Are they effective?
Training and communication
What is/are the mode(s) of delivery (e.g., online, written materials, beginning of shift updates)?
What topics are covered?
What languages are used?
Are interpreters needed?
Who are they?
Is there any signage?
Where is it placed?
What topics are covered?
Section 3: Infection prevention and control policies and practices (PPE and Source Control)
Is PPE required for usual job duties (required prior to COVID-19 pandemic)?
- Yes, at least some PPE was required prior to COVID-19
- No, PPE was not required prior to COVID-19
What types of PPE (e.g., disposable vs reusable, material, style) are required for which job tasks?
Eye protection:
Type or style (e.g. goggles, face shield, safety glasses)?
Other facial covering:
Type (e.g., face shield)?
Is PPE provided by the employer?
Are there challenges in sourcing PPE?
Is PPE required specifically for COVID-19 prevention?
- Yes, PPE is now required specifically to prevent COVID-19
- No, PPE is not required specifically to prevent COVID-19
Eye protection:
Type or style (e.g. goggles, face shield, safety glasses)?
Other facial covering:
Type (e.g., face shield)?
Is PPE being used more than once (re-used)?
Is PPE designed to be re-used or is it being re-used in the setting of optimization due to decreased supply?
- Yes, designed to be re-used.
- No, being re-used due to decreased supply.
How is reusable PPE being cleaned and disinfected?
How often is reusable PPE being cleaned and disinfected?
Is reusable PPE stored in a clean location at the facility (not taken home) when not in use?
Is PPE provided by the employer?
Are there challenges in sourcing PPE?
Face covering use (for source control)
Are workers required to wear face coverings?
In which parts of the facility are they being used?
What materials are allowed for this industry?
- Cloth
- Other than cloth
- Both Cloth and Other than cloth
Is there an area for donning and doffing of cloth face coverings?
Are these cloth face coverings provided by the facility?
Who is responsible for laundering cloth face coverings?
- Employer only
- Employer, but employee can lauder their own if they want to.
- Employee only
Are laundered cloth face coverings provided at least daily?
Are they being replaced when they are contaminated?
Is there a mechanism for reporting supplies are low?
Are there challenges in sourcing cloth face coverings?
Are workers instructed about the need to launder cloth face coverings routinely?
Are workers instructed about the need to launder cloth face coverings routinely?
Do the face coverings interfere with PPE and performing of tasks?
How has this been addressed?
Are face coverings required for visitors/customers/clients?
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