Title Page
CPD recording and reflection
Prepared by
CPD record
CPD type
- Lecture based
- Practical
- Webinar
- Online learning
- Conference
- Group discussion
- Mentoring/Appraisal
- Reading
- Other
Further details if needed
Number of CPD hours
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 45 minutes
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
- 5 hours
- 6 hours
- 7 hours
Further details if needed
- Home
- Work
- BSAVA regional meeting
- BSAVA Woodrow House
- BSAVA congress
- Other
Further details if needed
Intended learning outcomes
Provided by
List the intended learning outcomes provided for you, or inferred by you from the content
Outcome 1 - please check if achieved
Outcome 2 - please check if achieved
Outcome 3 - please check if achieved
Outcome 4 - please check if achieved
Outcome 5 - please check if achieved
Outcome 6 - please check if achieved
Further comments
Positive learning aspects
List knowledge or skills which have been acquired or developed
How likely are these to be useful in your daily work?
List knowledge or skills which have been refreshed
Negative aspects
List any aspects of this CPD which disappointed you or did not meet your expectations
Plans arising from this CPD
What plans do you have following this CPD?
Further information if needed
Photographs if appropriate