Title Page
Audit Start Date
Audit End Date
Prepared by
Audit Details
- Canoe Leader Development
- Paddlesport Supervisor Development
- Canoe Award Development
- Paddlesport Instructor Development
Training Venue
Head Tutor
- Jos Bevan
- Jason Collins
- Logan Barker= LB
- Jakob Doran= JD
- Sarah Williams=SW
- Dean Hutchison= DH
- James Barrett= JB
- Gavin Blacoe= GB
- Lauren Perks= LP
- Alastair MacGregor= AM
Health & Safety
Is the training complying with relevant NOP?
- Yes, in all cases
- Yes, in most cases but action is required
- No, mulitiple breaches requireing imidiate intervention during the audit
Is the ATP offsite procedure being followed?
- Yes, in all cases
- Yes, in most cases but action is required
- No, mulitiple breaches requireing imidiate intervention during the audit
Have all accidents & incidents been recorded & reported appropriately?
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Line Managment & Support of Tutors
Does each Tutor have the following up to date qualifications & certificates recorded in their star file: BC Leadership certificate, BC Coach or L2 certificate, WWSR certificate, Current FAAW certificate & statement of competence.
- Yes, all present for all members in the team
- No, some are missing
Does each Tutor have a current CPD recorded in their Star file?
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Is each Tutor clear on what actions they should be focussing on to make improvements in their role?
- Yes, each member of the team is clear on what actions they should be focussing on to make improvements in their role.
- Some but not all, members of the team are clear on what actions they should be focussing on to make improvements in their role.
- None of the team know what actions they should be focussing on to make improvements in their role.
Does each Tutor have an observation recorded in their star file that clearly indicates what actions they should be focussing on to make improvements in their role? (no more than 4 weeks old)
- Yes, each Tutor has an observation recorded in their star file, clearly indicating what actions they should be working on & they have all been completed in the last 4 weeks.
- Some but not all of the Tutors have an observation recorded in their star file, clearly indicating what actions they should be working on & they have all been completed in the last 4 weeks.
- Not all observations have been completed in the last 4 weeks
- None of the Tutors have an observation recorded in their star file, clearly indicating what actions they should be working on.
Do all of the observations audited have links to the previous observation & a measurement of progress?
- Yes all include links to the previous observation & measurements of progress
- Some but not all, have links to the previous observation & measurements of progress
- None have links to the previous observation & measurements of progress
Do the observations audited include reference to areas of work other than training delivery, eg: driving, admin, planning etc
- Yes all observations include feedback about other areas of work.
- Some but not all observations include feedback about other areas of work
- No reference to other areas of work has been included in any of the observations
Quality of Coaching & Training Delivery
Is each Tutor clear on what part of the SOW they are delivering?
Does each Tutor have a structured plan for the training they are delivering that day?
- Yes, all have a structured plan that includes aims for that day & they are clear on how this days training fits into the overall program.
- Some Tutors are more prepared than others, some have structured plans for their days training but others are less organised & are not aware how the days training fits into the overall program.
- None of the Tutors have a structured plan for the days training.
- None of the Tutors are aware of how the days training fits into the overall program.
Are the candidates at an appropriate point of progress in relation to the date in the program & the SOW?
- Yes, all the candidates have progressed to an appropriate stage for this point in the program/SOW.
- Some candidates have progressed accordingly but others have not made as much progress & are of concern.
- None of the candidates are at an appropriate point of progress at this stage in the program & intervention is required to provide more training.
How good is the quality of training being delivered?
- Good, a high standard of dellivery displayed across the board by all Tutors
- Medium, good in most cases but some apects could be better
- Poor, there are a number of issues with delivery
Are the Tutors giving good quality feedback that is promoting progression?
- Yes, in all cases
- Mostly, although more could be done to provide better feedback
- No, feedback is rarely being given or given poorly
Are the candidates being encouraged to self reflect effectively?
Are the Tutors setting clear aims for the following session?
- Yes, in all cases
- Mostly, although more could be done to provide better feedback
- No, feedback is rarely being given or given poorly
Comments about feedback & candidate support:
Equipment & Rescources
Is there an up to date record of vehicle checks & vehicle use logs for all vehicles being used on the programs?
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Is there an up to date record of trailer checks for all trailers being used on the programs?
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Are all vehicles being used on the program being cleaned & maintained to a good standard?
Is there an accurate, up to date safety check record of all equipment being used on the program?
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Is the equipment being used on the program being maintained to a good standard?
Is there an accurate record of candidate performance being recorded? (lateness, negative behaviour, sickness/absence)
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Are all course schedules & course registers being completed and stored correctly? (and sent to NGB on-time)
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Are all course course registers being completed kept up to date and stored correctly?
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Have all Training Cost Agreements been completed and stored correctly (on V; Drive for Sharon to access)
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Have all Salary Advance forms been completed and stored correctly (on V; Drive for Verity to access)
- Yes, all present & correct
- Mostly, some are missing or incorrect
- No, many missing or incorrect
- N/A
Has all petty cash been coded correctly & returned to the finance team on time?
- Yes all petty cash is being stored correctly & the finance team are happy with process as all collections & returns have been on time & coded correctly.
- Petty cash is being stored correctly
- Petty cash is not being stored correctly
- Receipts are regularly coded incorrectly or not coded at all.
- All receipts are being coded correctly.
- Collections & returns are happening on time
- Collections & returns are often missed or late.
Communication & Relationships
Is the Tutor team maintaining good relationship/communication with the host centres management team?
- Yes, regular contact and a good level of communication
- Mostly, although more could be done to communicate better
- No, a distinct lack of communication & defensive or relectant behaviour occuring
Is the Tutor team maintaining good relationship/communication with external providers and NGB? (including pre-course emails being sent out correctly/on-time)
- Yes, regular contact and a good level of communication
- Mostly, although more could be done to communicate better
- No, a distinct lack of communication & defensive or relectant behaviour occuring
Is feedback being gathered from external providers?
- Yes, feedback is being gathered from all the external providers, using consistent criteria that can be measured against all responses.
- Some feedback is being gathered anecdotally.
- No feedback is being gathered from external providers
Is the Tutor team maintaining good relationship/communication with the candidates on the program, do they feel well informed? (including pre-course emails being sent out correctly/on-time)
- Yes, regular contact and a good level of communication
- Mostly, although more could be done to communicate better
- No, a distinct lack of communication & defensive or relectant behaviour occuring
Have the candidates had an opportunity to give feedback on the program, do they feel listened to?
- Yes feedback is being gathered regularly or periodically & the candidates feel listened to.
- Some feedback has been gathered but not all candidates feel listened to.
- The candidates have not been given the opportunity to give any feedback & as a result don't really feel listened to.
- No formal feedback is being gathered from the candidates but the candidates do feel listened to as result of anecdotal feedback discussed with Tutors.