Title Page
Health/Social Care Facility
Conducted on
CQC Assessment - Medicine Management Quality
Clinic Room
Are there any medicines left out in the clinic room?
Are the trolley and drug cupboards locked?
Is the fridge locked?
Is the drug trolley attached to a wall when not in use?
Are the fridge temps (minimum and maximum) being recorded daily (working days only)?
Is the fridge thermometer reset daily?
Are the room temperatures being recorded daily?
Are medicines in date? (check 5 in each cupboard/trolley)
Do medicines have the date opened on them if needed? ( e.g. oral liquids, eye drops, creams - check 5)
Do all patients’ own drugs have the patient’s name on?
Are there any loose tablets/ strips?
Medicine Waste Bins
Is there a blue waste bin?
Does the blue bin have ward name and date started on it?
Is the blue bin locked away?
Does the blue bin contain correct waste?
Is there a purple bin?
Does the purple bin have ward name and date started on it?
Is the purple bin locked away?
Does the purple bin contain correct waste?
Are denaturing kits available for Controlled Drug destruction?
Controlled Drugs (CDs)
Has a stock check been completed in the past week?
Are there separate entries for stock, patient’s own & TTOs?
Are all CDs in date?
Are errors annotated correctly? (bracket/sign/date/witness/no crossing out)
Have CD orders been completed correctly? (including sig/qualification)
Have stock receipts been documented in the CD register correctly? (including order no./pharmacy name)
General Questions
Are the gas cylinder(s) in date?
Are the gas cylinder(s) stored appropriately? i.e. large cylinders secured in rack/trolley.
Is a BNF available, which is no older than one year?
Do trained staff (ask 3) know how to access MCAPP (SH CP1), Medusa, and Choice & Medication website?
Are trained staff up-to-date with the following training: 1) Medicines Management Day A/B? (MH and LD only); 2) Rapid Tranquilisation (MH and LD only); 3) Buccal Midazolam; 4) Medication Administration Competency; and 5) Medicines policy training (community and school nurses only)?
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