Title Page
Document No. 15
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Was a storey rod used to set it out?
Are there issues with the rebate being level?
Are the bricks blended?
Are the bricks being covered with plastic during the laying process?
Is the mortar the correct colour?
Are the mortar lines correct?
Are the cut end - internal corners consistent?
Is the wall plumb?
Sills - have we advised the bricklayer about a slip on the end of the sill?
Are unacceptable chipped / cracked or badly bowed bricks being used?
Is the window DPM installed correctly - 150mm jamb / 300mm sills?
Check the hose taps / exterior lights cables and the location of the downpipes?
Is there a packer on the paper to divert the water?
Is the telecom cable coming out where the mains cable is and are they directly above each other?
Check the hose taps / exterior lights cables and the location of downpipes.
Check the air conditioning pipe condition. Has it been bent?
Has the bricklayer tidied up?
Are any surplus bricks required to be taken away?
If there is under half a pallet of bricks left, ask the owner if they would like to keep the surplus.
Are the pallets worth something? If so, return them to the supplier (Firth).
Do we need to return the pallets?
Have you contacted the supplier to pick them up?