
  • Project Name:

  • Location:
  • General Contractor:

  • Conducted on:

  • Prepared by:

  • Purpose of audit:

1. Universal Forming Program Requirements

  • 1.1 UFI Safety Program Onsite?

  • 1.2 SDS/Hazcom Program Current?

  • 1.3 Pre-Task planning implemented?

  • 1.4 Weekly Safety Inspections Current?

2. General Safety & Health Provisions

  • 2.1 Work areas clean and free of excess trash and debris?

  • 2.3 Material stored properly?

  • 2.4 Scrap material free of puncture hazards?

  • 2.5. Insufficient lighting?

3. Personal Protective Equipment

  • 3.1 Full body harness maintained?

  • 3.2 PPE functional and in good repair. Employees Wearing Appropriately?

  • 3.4 Proper glasses being worn for specific areas?

  • Respiratory Protection Program followed where required?

  • Hearing Conservation Program followed where required?

4. Tools and Equipment

  • 4.1 Broken tools taken out of service and tagged out?

  • 4.2 Are safety retainers installed on air hoses to prevent accidental disconnect?

  • 4.3 Do air compressor hoses have a shut off valve on the end and are hoses, blow pipes, etc. in good condition?

  • 4.4 All hand tools observed in good shape?

  • 4.5 Lock out/tag out procedures followed?

  • 4.6 Unsafe or damaged equipment or power tools? (including missing or damaged guards)?

  • 4.7 Side handles being used on grinders and drills?

  • 4.8 Hammer head in good shape with no grinder cuts?

  • 4.9 Saw horses in use and top plate inspected?

  • 4.10 Incorrect equipment or tools for job? (e.g. grinding discs for cutting)

5. Stairways and Ladders

  • 5.1 Stairway or ladder provided in breaks of elevation of 19” or more with pull up ropes installed on ladders?

  • 5.2 Is there more than one ladder for more than 25 people on the working area?

  • 5.3 Stairways equipped with handrails installed between 30-37” above the treads with spacing between the wall and handrail?

  • 5.4 Job built wood ladder rungs 12” on center & side rails 16” – 20” apart properly constructed

  • 5.5 Job built ladder grab bars in use & secured with lag screws?

  • 5.6 Ladder spreaders locked while the stepladder is being used?

  • 5.7 Are the top two steps on the stepladder not being used?

  • 5.8 Ladder side rail extends 36” – 42” above landing area and secured?

  • 5.9 Portable ladders secured at top to prevent accidental displacement?

  • 5.10 Extension ladder used only on stable and level surfaces and secured at the base?

  • 5.11 Defective ladders being disposed of?

6. Crane, Rigging & Lifting Equipment

  • 6.1 Signal Person certified?

  • 6.2 Rigging in good condition?

  • 6.3 Tag line(s) in use?

  • 6.4 Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks?

  • 6.5 Are slings permanently identified & legible stating size, grade, rated capacity, and sling manufacturer?

  • 6.6 Materials stored and stacked on firm foundation at least 10’ from edge of slab?

  • 6.7 Crane swing radius barricades in place?

  • 6.8 Safe distance from heavy equipment?

7. Signs, Signals & Barricades

  • 7.1 Stripping signs posted?

  • 7.2 Stripping area barricaded?

  • 7.3 All fall hazard areas barricaded correctly?

  • 7.4 Lower levels & ground area barricaded under perimeter stripping operations?

  • 7.5 Lower levels & ground barricades removed timely?

  • 7.6 Proper signage at Outrigger?

  • 7.7 Men Working Above Signs in place?

  • 7.8 Proper signage at Leading Edge?

8. Shores, Reshores, Stripping, Stripping Nets

  • 8.1 Perimeter lacing installed on all unsecured shores to prevent accidentally falling out of place?

  • 8.2 Stripping nets in good shape?

  • 8.3 Stripping nets installed per manufacturer?

  • 8.4 Erection and dismantling procedures are followed under the direction of a competent person?

  • 8.5 Scaffolding with a height to base ration greater than 4 to 1 is restrained from tipping by guy wires, bracing, or equivalent means?

  • 8.6 Work planks cleated at the ends with a 2x4?

9. Electrical Hazards

  • 9.1 Aerial lift extension cord / GFCI free from damage with grounding pin

  • 9.2 Extension cords proper ground pins, no wires showing , damage insulating sheathing or strain relief pulled

  • 9.3 Extension cords not hung with staples, nails, or suspended from wire?

10. Fire Protection

  • 10.1 Fire extinguisher immediately available in work area for instant use while cutting or welding?

  • 10.2 Approved RED safety cans for GASOLINE stored in ventilated area and tagged?

  • 10.3 Approved YELLOW safety cans for DIESEL stored in ventilated area and tagged?

  • 10.4 Fire Extinguisher 20-B located not less than 25 feet, nor more than 75 feet, from any flammable liquid storage area located outside?

11. Fall Protection

  • 11.1 Adequate Temporary Guardrail systems installed properly?

  • 11.2 Adequate Permanent Guardrail systems in place?

  • 11.3 Are holes 2” or wider covered, secured , labeled “HOLE” and designed per program?

  • 11.4 All hand rails installed properly up to leading edge barricades?

  • 11.5 Outriggers have guardrails in place and approved anchor points?

  • 11.6 Horizontal lifelines installed correctly?

  • 11.7 Are employees who construct leading edge or working protected from falling by approved methods?

  • 11.8 PFAS inspection training completed and documented for all employees?

12. Scaffolds

  • 12.1. OSHA competent person(s) erecting scaffold?

  • 12.2. Unsafe or incomplete scaffold?

  • 12.3. Toe boards, hand rails and mid rails in place?

  • 12.4. Safe Work Load exceeded? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)

  • 12.5 Rolling scaffold wheels locked while used?

  • 12.6 Working level fully planked?

  • 12.7 Each employee 6’ above a lower level protected by guardrails or lifelines?

  • 12.8 Scaffold erectors and dismantlers tied off inside of scaffold?

  • 12.9 All employees properly trained and documented?

  • 12.10 Working level of scaffold fully planked with no more than 1” open space between planks?

  • 12.11 Scaffold walkways at least 18” wide?

  • 12.12 Scaffold planks extend at least 6” over a support brace and free from splits?

13. Motor Vehicles/Equipment

  • 13.1 Seatbelts being used on all equipment?

  • 13.2 All equipment operators authorized?

  • 13.3 Backup alarm functioning on heavy equipment?

  • 13.4 Equipment inspections current?

  • Rated load capacities, operating speeds, warnings, instructions posted on equipment?

14. Trenching and Shoring

  • 14.1 Spoil pile away from trench - 2 feet minimum requirement

  • 14.2. Proper egress in place?

  • 14.3. Trench properly barricaded?

  • 14.4 Employees protected by proper system?

  • 14.5 Employee training complete?

  • 14.6 Ladder provided for 4’ deep trench?

Concrete Construction

  • Impalement hazards negated?

  • PT cable pulling operations protected?

  • Place and Finish Crew wearing proper PPE?

15. Hazardous Material & Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

  • 15.1. Unsafe storage location? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, etc)

  • 15.2. Inadequate spill containment equipment?

  • Chemical containers clearly labeled as to contents?

  • 15.4. Lack of emergency procedures for injury/spills/fire etc?

  • 15.5 Insufficient ventilation?

  • 15.6 Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE?

13. Emergency Response

  • 13.1. Lack of, or no emergency plans for site?

  • 13.2. Emergency procedures not displayed at site?

  • 13.3. Lack of knowledge, training and rehearsal of emergency plans?

  • 13.4. Lack of, or inadequate first aid kits aid equipment for site?

  • 13.5. Insufficient access to formally trained First Aiders for all shifts?

  • 13.6. Unsuitable or inadequate communication equipment?

Craft Training

  • Scaffold training provided?

  • Circular saw training provided?

  • Proper use of Ellis Jack training? Hand & foot placement?

  • HLL use provided?

  • Ladder training provided?

  • Aerial Lift training completed?

  • Forklift training completed?

Corrective Actions

  • Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken

Sign Off

  • On site representative / Supervisor

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.