
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Image of site

  • Investigation Started on

  • Prepared by

Executive summary

Executive summary

  • Background

  • Conclusions drawn

  • cost to the organisation

  • Recommendations

  • Method of investigation

Part 1 to be completed immediately upon notification

Part 1 - to be completed immediately upon notification

  • Initial report made by

  • Date of incident if known

  • Time of incident if known

  • Incident

  • Ill health

  • Minor injury

  • Serious injury

  • Fatality

  • Near miss

  • Number of casualties

  • Date initial report was received by corporate and public safety

Part 2 - initial assessment

  • Tap to enter information

Part 2 initial assessment be carried out by the person responsible for health and safety

  • Types of incident

  • Potential for harm

  • Is the incident reportable under RIDDOR

  • Tap to enter information
  • Date and time reported and report number

  • Copy of report

  • Incident report completed ? Date entered / reference number

  • Level of investigation carried out by line manager

  • Name of line manager?

  • Is a further investigation required?

  • Priority of investigation? ( 1 is low 5 is high)

  • Names of people required during the further investigation

Part 3- investigation and information gathering

Part 3 investigation and information gathering

  • 1. Where did the incident take place
  • Site photo

  • 2. Names of the injured person and extent of injuries or ill health including the type and location of any injury

  • 3. Brief description of how the incident occurred

  • 4. What work activities would be carried out at the time?

  • 5. Was there anything unusual about the work conditions at the time?

  • 6. Is there a risk assessment available for the activity?

  • 7. Is there an adequate safe working procedure available?( or method statement)

  • Tap to enter information
  • 7a. Was it followed?

  • Tap to enter information
  • 7a. Why not?

  • 8. Was the risk known ?

  • Tap to enter information
  • 8a. Why was it not controlled?

  • Tap to enter information
  • 8a. Why was the risk not foreseen

  • 9. Did the organisation and arrangement of the work influence the adverse effect?

  • 10. Was maintenance and cleaning sufficient?

  • 11. Were the people involved to be considered a competent and suitable?

  • 12. Did the workplace layout influence the adverse event?

  • 13. Did the nature or shape of the materials or substance influence the adverse event?

  • 14. Did any machinery or equipment influence the adverse effect?

  • 15. Was safety equipment sufficient?

  • 16. Was PPE required?

  • Tap to enter information
  • 16a. Was it issued?

  • 16b. Was it worn and used correctly?

  • 17. did other conditions influence the adverse event?

Part 3a - evidence and statements

Part 3a evidence and statements

Physical evidence

  • Has any physical evidence been seized or recovered?

  • Tap to enter information Physical evidence
  • Description of evidence seized or recovered

  • Photographs of evidence seized or recovered

  • Have any witness statements been taken?

  • Tap to enter information Witness statements
  • Name of witness

  • Date statement received

  • Notes

  • Statement

  • other evidence
  • Description of other evidence

  • Other previously not included photographic or document evidence

Part 4 - legislation and legal risks

Part 4 legislation and legal risks

  • Tap to enter information

  • Detail

  • Could this have been breached?

  • Other risks to the council and its officers
  • Description and nature of the risk including maximum penalty if applicable

  • Is this risk to council officers or the corporate body

Part 5 - analysis

Part 5 analysis

    Current controls
  • Current control measures in place and was it followed?

  • Root cause analysis diagram

  • Immediate cause

  • Underlying causes

  • Root causes

  • Are there similar risks elsewhere?

  • Have similar incident happened before?

  • cost of this incident to the organisation

  • Total cost of this incident so far

Part 6 recommendations

    Tap to enter information

Part 6 - recommendations

  • Controls
    responsible person

  • Does the risk assessment require amending?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Name of responsible officer

  • Target date

  • Does any method statement require amendment

  • Tap to enter information
  • Name of responsible officer

  • Target date

Other recommendations

  • Control measure or recommendation

  • Target date

Part 7 - end of report

Part 7 end of report

  • Signed on behalf of the investigation team

  • Position

  • Members of the investigation team

  • Distribution List name and position

  • List of appendices

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