Title Page
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared/Approved by
Incident Report Form
PART A – Details of Injured/Involved Person
Full Name (Surname, Given Name)
Date of Birth
Job Title
Basis of Employment
PART B – Details of Incident
Details of Incidents
Name of person completing this report
Description of Incident
Date of incident
Date reported
Name/position of person incident reported to
Name(s) and Contact Number(s) of any witnesses
Full Name and Contact Number
Treatment Provided
- None
- First Aid
- Doctor
- Ambulance
- Hospital
- Other (specify)
•Name of treatment provider
Witness Report taken and on file?
Photos taken of injured party or damaged property and area of incident?
Is a worker’s compensation claim likely to be made?
•Have claim forms been completed and enclosed?)
Is this a notifiable incident?
Was weather conditions a contributing factor to the Incident?
Select all injured Body Part(s)
- Head
- Neck
- Shoulder
- Lower Back
- Hand
- Wrist
- Finger
- Elbow
- Knee
- Ankle
- Foot
- Lower Arm
- Upper Arm
- Lower Leg
- Upper Leg
- Multiple
- Other
List all Other Injured Body parts
•Body Part
Select all Injury Type
- Fracture / Dislocation
- Sprain / Strain
- Multiple Injuries
- Poisoning & toxic effects of substances.
- Burn
- Foreign Body (on external eye, in ear or nose)
- Open wound (graze / cut)
- Head Injury
- Stress Claim
- Internal Injury
- Traumatic Amputation
- Contusion (bruising)
- Other
List all Other Injury Types
Select all Mechanism of Injury
- Plant / Equipment
- Hit by Moving Object
- Material/Chemical/Substance
- Slip / Trip / Fall
- Laceration
- Human Error
- System of Work
- Fall from Height
- Manual Handling
- Fatigue
- Electrical
- Other
List all Other Mechanism of Injury
•Mechanism of Injury
Work Location
New or recurring injury
Date and Time of Injury/incident
Location of injury/incident
Weather Condition
First Aid given
Photos and/or CCTV footage collected & filed EDMS#
Upload relevant photos as needed
PART C – Details of Incident
Describe the sequence of events that led to the incident happening
Describe the sequence of events following the incident
Describe the task being performed at the time of the incident
Treating Doctors Name
Name(s) and Signature(s) of people rendering first aid
•First Aider
Full Name and Signature
Equipment involved
Was the person trained to do the task
Time the employee held the position
Has the person stopped work
Signature of injured employee
Signature of injured workers' Manager
PART D – Incident Risk Rating
Using the Risk Matrix
- Rate the consequence (severity) of the incident
- Rate the likelihood of the incident occurring or re-occurring -
•Risk Matrix
Resultant risk rating on the matrix
PART E – Contributing Factors
•Unsafe Acts
Improper work technique
Safety rule violation
Improper PPE or PPE not used
Operating without authority
Failure to warn or secure
Operating at improper speeds
By-passing safety devices
Guards not used
Improper loading or placement
Improper lifting
Servicing machinery in motion
Drug or alcohol use
Unnecessary haste
Unsafe act of others
•Unsafe Conditions
Poor workstation design/layout
Congested work area
Hazardous substances
Fire or explosion hazard
Inadequate ventilation
Improper material storage
Improper tool or equipment
Insufficient knowledge of job
Slippery conditions
Poor housekeeping
Excessive noise
Inadequate guarding of hazards
Defective tools/equipment
Insufficient lighting
Inadequate fall protection
•System/Management Deficiencies
Lack of written procedures or policies
Safety rules not enforced
Hazards not identified
PPE unavailable
Insufficient worker training
Insufficient supervisor training
Improper maintenance
Inadequate supervision
Inadequate job planning
Inadequate hiring practices
Inadequate workplace inspection
Inadequate equipment
Unsafe design or construction
Unrealistic scheduling
Poor process design
•Incident Analysis
Using the root-cause analysis list above, explain the cause(s) of the incident in as much detail as possible.
PART F – Corrective Action and Close Out
Action Taken/Recommended (in accordance with the hierarchy of controls)
Click on +Add Action to set due date and assign to specific person
•Action Taken
PART G – Corrective Action - Residual Risk Rating
Using the Risk Matrix
- Rate the consequence (severity) of the incident following the completion of Corrective Actions
- Rate the likelihood of the incident re-occurring -
•RIsk Matrix
Resultant risk rating on the matrix
Completion and Incident Closed out
Full Name(s) and Signature(s) of person involved on Incident Closed out
Full Name and Signature
Prepared/Approved By: (Full Name and Signature)