
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Sovereign Kitchen



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Fat Noodle



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Have the tea cups and ramekins been prepared overnight

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Gold Suite



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Food Quarter



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Central clearing station

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Has the pizza oven been cleaned to standard

  • Wednesday evenings only - Have the display cabinets been cleaned

  • Has the coffee machine area been cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Back FOH trolley area cleaned and scrubbed to standard - all bins pulled forward

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Duck drying area cleaned to standard

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Tuesday only - Has the waffle machine been cleaned to standard <br>

  • Have both duck ovens been cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Have the tea cups been prepared overnight

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Bistro 80



  • Tapas area cleaned to standard

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • Has the seafood area been cleaned to standard

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Garden Buffet



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Mondays only - Have all the undercounted and wall shelves been cleaned to standard?

  • Sundays only - Has the main cool room been cleaned to standard?

  • Wednesdays only - Have the hot lights in the middle buffet been cleaned?

  • Have the live chicken/duck, asian stations been cleaned as per required standard

  • Has the Rotisserie been cleaned and polished as per standard<br>

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Glasswasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Has all the buffet special items been cleared, washed and re packed correctly?

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Fuel Kitchen



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Events Centre Kitchen



  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • Glass washer cleaned and fully operational

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Oil Area



  • No oil leaks on the ground

  • All equipment cleaned to standard

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this oil area meets the minimum leaning and HACCP standards required

Jones Bay Compactor Room



  • All walls and corners cleaned to standard

  • All equipment cleaned to standard

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)

  • Is the area free of any excess furniture and large items (please list items with pics)

Equipment Check - Compactor Daily check, please note any issues

  • Damage - No bent, dented or broken parts?

  • Damage - No bent, loose or broken parts?

  • Guards - No bent, loose or broken parts?

  • Locks - Wet compactor side access is locked?

  • No leaks - Oil, Hydraulics & Water?

  • Control panels - Accessible, dry and clearly labelled?

  • Auto mode - Activated?

  • Start up - Green auto start lights up & guard lights off?

  • Controls - All directions tested to full range, working properly with no noises?

  • Interlocks - Stop compactor from operating ?

  • Emergency Stops - Stops compactor from operating?

  • Restart - Requires 'start' to be activated after 'stop' pressed? <br>

  • Bin full - Not illuminated?


  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this compactor room meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

Commissary Kitchen



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Sunday, Monday & Tuesday - Have the cool rooms been deep cleaned according to the weekly rosters?

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Pot wash cleaned, scrubbed and fully operational

  • Sundays - Have all the chopping been soaked accordingly?

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All equipment cleaned to standard

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standard required

Eat Street



  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned, filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Dishwasher cleaner and fully operational

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required

B1 Compactor Room



  • Fruit fly activity under control

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All walls and corners cleaned to standard

  • All equipment cleaned to standard

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Are all locks secure on both the compactors (Cardboard & General)

  • Are the keys removed from the compactors?

  • Are the roller doors behind the compactors closed

  • Is the chemical cage clean and packed accordingly

  • Is the chemical cage locked and the keys with the duty supervisor

  • Are the hazardous chemical cupboards locked and secure

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)

  • Is the area free of any large items (TVs, chairs) please include pictures

Equipment Check - Compactor Daily check, please note any issues

  • Damage - No bent, dented or broken parts?

  • Damage - No bent, loose or broken parts?

  • Guards - No bent, loose or broken parts?

  • Locks - Wet compactor side access is locked?

  • No leaks - Oil, Hydraulics & Water?

  • Control panels - Accessible, dry and clearly labelled?

  • Auto mode - Activated?

  • Start up - Green auto start lights up & guard lights off?

  • Controls - All directions tested to full range, working properly with no noises?

  • Interlocks - Stop compactor from operating ?

  • Emergency Stops - Stops compactor from operating?

  • Restart - Requires 'start' to be activated after 'stop' pressed? <br>

  • Bin full - Not illuminated?


  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • I hereby declare that this compactor room meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • Behind all ovens cleaned to standard

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • Pot wash area cleaned and fully operational

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Have the cool rooms been cleaned as per weekly schedule

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Has the flame grill been cleaned properly

  • Has the bar area been cleaned to standard?

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Has the bar area been cleaned to standard?

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Fryers, Grills, Flat tops, Counter top units, Wok units, Ovens, Fridges etc

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Range hoods cleaned and filters changed

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)

  • Fridays - Back of House stairwell has been deep cleaned (free of grease and grime)


  • Photo of the floor sweep schedule (please wipe clear once complete)

  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

  • I hereby declare that this kitchen meets the minimum cleaning and HACCP standards required




  • Dishwasher cleaned and fully operational

  • All cooking equipment cleaned to standard (incl Counter top units, Ovens, Prep equipment, Fridges etc)

  • All walls / tiles and corners cleaned to standard (Check entire kitchen incl passageways)

  • All counter tops cleaned and polished to standard (Check under lips for any sticky residue)

  • Floors scrubbed and mopped to standard, no excess water left (Check all corners and behind all heavy equipment)

  • Have the ceilings and filters been cleaned to standard

  • Are the coolroom handles and seals cleaned to standard

  • Is the area free of fruit flies (Check ceilings and drains)


  • Equipment is fully operational

  • AMPRO Job

  • Details
  • Add media

  • Job Requirement

  • AMPRO No.

  • Are there any other issues that need to be addressed or followed up?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.