Daily Quality Walk Checklist (Production)
Conducted on
Inspected by
Equipment/Auxiliaries/Material Handling Equipment/End-of-Line Equipment/Storage Equipment (freezer)/Environment/Personnel
Equipment surfaces are free from rust, dirt, excess grease, condensates, splashed product, and in good working condition (no cracks, no temporary fixes, no broken parts).
Unused equipment/auxiliaries parts, tools and cleaning implements are properly stored. Packaging materials are not used as storage bins.
There are no loose equipment parts on the line (nuts, bolts, washer etc.).
There are no pest sightings on the line.
Storage cabinet for equipment parts and operator's table are clean and organized (5S). No unnecessary items stored.
There are no unwanted items in the area (corrugated boxes, rags, construction materials, opened raw materials ). No accumulation of garbage in the area.
Floor/platforms/drains are clean, dry, and well-maintained and in good repair.
Walls and ceilings are well-maintained and in good repair (no signs of leaks, no gaps, no flaking paint).
Sanitizer dispensers, auto dosing units, water hoses/water pipes and air receivers/lines are in good condition. Water and air hoses are properly hoisted.
Personnel PPEs are clean, in good condition, and are worn properly.