
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Job Information

  • Job Name/Number:

  • Inspected by:

  • Address:
  • Date

General Job Safety

  • Are all required OSHA posters present?

  • Phone number for nearest medical center posted?

  • Weekly safety meeting up to date?

  • Work areas properly signed and barricaded?

  • Each employee instructed in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions?

  • Are portable drinking water and toilet facilities available at the site?

  • Is the facility for medical treatment within 15 minutes of job, if not, is there an employee trained onsite?

  • Is there protection from blood borne pathogens?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Hard hats being worn?

  • Safety glasses being worn?

  • Respirators being used when required and NIOSH approved?

  • Hearing protection being worn when required?

  • Safety vest or high visibility clothing being used?

  • Proper footwear in use?


  • All equipment have back up alarms or used with an observer?

  • Are seat belts in working condition and being used?

  • Traffic flagmen wearing proper vests and using proper sign paddles, flags, or lights?

Fire Prevention

  • Fuel stored in UL approved metal safety cans?

  • All fire extinguishers inspected monthly and up to date?

  • Are portable fire extinguishers readily available?

  • Temporary heater stored a safe distance from combustibles?


  • All power cords inspected and damaged cords removed from service?

  • GFCI protection being used?

  • GFCI tested and working?

  • All cabinets and panels closed and secured?

  • Power cords protected from vehicle and equipment damage?

  • All terminal boxes have required covers?

  • All devices located in wet location have the proper enclosures?

Trenches, Excavating, and Shoring

  • Competent person on hand and inspecting daily?

  • Excavations over 5 foot depth are shored or sloped back?

  • Spoils are stored at least 2' back?

  • Ladders provided every 25' in trench more than 4' deep?

  • Equipment is a safe distance from edge of trench?

  • Underground utilities have been located?

  • Employees exposed to vehicles are wearing high visibility vests?

Material Handling

  • Materials are properly stored or stacked?

  • Proper lifting methods are being used?

  • Tag lines used to guide loads?

  • Proper number of workers for each operation?

Welding & Burning

  • Gas cylinders stored upright and secured?

  • Welding/burning goggles or shields used?

  • Proper distance between fuels and oxygen (20ft)?

  • Fire extinguishers near by?

  • Hoses and regulators in good condition?

  • Combustibles maintained a safe distance away?


  • Outriggers in place and swing radius barricade in place?

  • Operator certification on file?

  • Crane inspection up to date?

  • Daily inspection of rigging?

  • Certified rigger?

  • Lift plan in place?

Concrete construction

  • Employees protected from concrete dust?

  • All dowels covered with caps?

  • Wall/edge forms properly supported?

Hand, Power, and Powder/Compressed Gas Actuated tools

  • Hand tools inspected and broken items removed from service?

  • All guards in place?

  • Tools being used properly?

  • Powder actuated operators are certified?

Fall Protection

  • Window and floor openings protected properly?

  • Temporary stairs have handrails?

  • Warning line and monitor in place for roofers?

  • Proper rebar impalement protection in place?

  • Are employees working above 6' protected properly by guard rails, nets, personal fall arrest system?

  • Fall protection plan provided from roofers and framers?


  • Ladders extend 36" above landing?

  • Ladders are tied off?

  • Damaged ladders removed from service?

  • A frame ladders used properly fully open?

  • No one on the top 2 steps of A frame?


  • All scaffold inspected daily?

  • Erected on sound rigid footing?

  • Ties to structure as required?

  • Guardrails, intermediate rails, bracing, toe boards, and screens in place?

  • Planking is sound and sturdy?

  • Proper access provided?

  • Employees below protected from falling objects?

Floor & Wall openings

  • All floor or deck penetrations are planked over or barricaded?

  • Perimeter protection is in place?

  • Deck covers are secured?

  • Materials are stored away from edge?


  • Written Hazard Communication Program onsite including MSDS?

  • Is exposure to lead, silica, and asbestos controlled?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.