Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Location of plant room
Are all applicable external signs in place, considering warning signs and mandatory signs for equipment within the plant room?
Are all internal signs in place, such as fire exit, fire action notices, and electric shock notices?
Is the first aid box fully stocked and the products in date?
Are ear plug dispensers stocked?
Are standards satisfactory with no rubbish or old equipment, spares stored in allocated space, and are tidy?
Is the plant safe, checking for leaking pipe joints, control panel lamps not working, and faulty gauges?
Check equipment, cable containment, and cables for signs of wear or environmental effects.
Is the lighting in the plant room suitable and working?
Emergency lighting - if possible check lighting works.
Ventilation - are ventilation systems working, is the plant in serviceable condition?
Building condition - is the plant room weatherproof, with no damage to doors, walls, and ceilings.
Is the fire compartmentation sufficient and Compliant?
Access and egress - is there a safe means of access and egress, are all doors secure and lockable, are escape routes unobstructed?
Slips trips and falls - is the area safe, are changes in floor height identified, are step edges identified, are there any obstacles that may cause a trip?
Fire Extinguisher - are they provided and are they within the inspection date?
Emergency power off buttons - are they clearly identified and protected from accidental operation?
Is the Fixed wire testing in date
Any other observations