Title Page

  • Vehicle Registration:

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • 1. Check and answer all questions
    2. Defects, issues or failures should be supported by notation (tap on paperclip icon to add notes)
    3. Issues found requiring immediate attention alert Fleet Ops immediately. Driver to alert all team members who use the vehicle
    4. Issues not affecting driving in the short term but require repair or replacement must be emailed to/discussed with Fleet Ops asap
    5. Complete inspection
    6. Export report (either by exporting as .pdf or by `Share report’)
    7. Load inspection in Vault under the vehicle
    8. Follow up any issues and update as required

Vehicle Details

  • WOF Due:

  • Next Service Due (Kms):

  • Current Kms:

Internal Checks

  • Seat belts - Do they all click and lock into place? Do belts lock when pulled sharply? Do belts retract? No sign of fraying or cracking?

  • If this is the drivers seat belt - Do not drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport. If this is a passenger seat belt and passengers will not be in the vehicle (or can use another seat) then vehicle is safe to drive provided Fleet Ops is alerted and the particular seat belt tagged/labelled as `Do not use'.

  • Seats secure?

  • If this is the drivers seat - Do not drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport. If this is a passenger seat and passengers will not be in the vehicle (or can use another seat) then vehicle is safe to drive provided Fleet Ops is alerted and the particular seat tagged/labelled as `Do not use'.

  • Mirrors functioning?

  • Ok to drive if they can be manually adjusted. Alert Fleet Ops asap.

  • Check windshield clear of chips, cracks and scratches

  • Ok to drive. Alert Fleet Ops asap.

  • DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Wiper blades functioning effectively?

  • Ok to drive. Alert Fleet Ops asap.

  • DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Hand brake holding?

  • Ok to drive. Alert Fleet Ops asap.

  • If hand brake is not holding DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Horn audible?

  • DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Brakes functioning? To test, start vehicle and move forward slightly to engage brakes.

  • DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Reversing camera: working / showing clear image?

  • Alert Fleet Ops asap. Ok to drive if confident with using mirrors and visually checking. If not confident arrange alternative transport.

External Checks

  • Brake/Tail lights

  • DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Headlights high beam / low beam functioning?

  • If headlights not working alert Fleet Operations asap. Vehicle must only be driven during daylight hours until lights operational. Avoid driving if weather is such that having headlights on may be required.

  • Turn indicators functioning (front and rear)?

  • If an indicator is not working - DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport.

  • Hazard lights operational?

  • Ok to drive but alert Fleet Ops asap.

  • Tyres - inflation (visual check of tyres). If unsure, check with Fleet Ops as they should have a tyre guage

  • DO NOT drive vehicle. Alert Fleet Ops immediately. Arrange alternative transport if available

  • Tyres - tread condition - use tyre tread depth indicator supplied by Fleet Ops

  • Ok to drive. Advise Fleet Ops via email asap.

  • DO NOT drive. Advise Fleet Operations immediately. Arrange for another vehicle if available.

  • Window washer fluid level adequate?

  • Refill/top up before driving

  • Oil levels within acceptable range?

  • Top up with oil at nearest service station

  • Coolant levels adequate?

  • Top up coolant at nearest service station

Vehicle Gear Check

  • Is there a fire extinguisher present in the vehicle?

  • Ok to drive if fire extinguisher is not required as emergency equipment for tasks being carried out. Arrange for department to replace asap. Note only trained staff may use a fire extinguisher in an emergency.

  • Does the fire extinguisher have a maintenance record tag attached?

  • Ok to drive, alert Fleet Ops asap.

  • Does the fire extinguisher's maintenance record tag indicate that it has been checked in the last 12 months?

  • Ok to drive, remove fire extinguisher and organise to get it inspected and tested.

  • Jack and wheel brace present in vehicle?

  • Ok to drive in CBD only. Organise to have your department replace asap.

  • Spare tyre present and functional?

  • Ok to drive in CBD only. Discuss with Fleet Ops/dept to arrange replacement asap.

  • If vehicle not required to have a spare tyre, is the emergency inflation kit available?

  • First aid kit in vehicle?

  • Ok to drive. Organise purchase of replacement first aid kit through department asap.

  • Accident information in glove box?

  • Ok to drive. Print off accident information from Section 13 `Safe Use of a DCC Vehicle' policy in the DCC H&S manual - found in `Connect' within the H&S toolbox.

  • Completed:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.