Inspection Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Information and Documentation
Work Activity
Provide a brief description of the work being carried out
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Are the actions from the previous inspection closed out?
Documentation and Office
Toolbox talk completed?
Adequate revision of documents being used?
Induction training
Policies, Registers & Certificates available and displayed?
Management of asbestos
Office cleanliness & file tidiness
Risk Assessment & Method Statements
Method Statement approved?
Risk Assessments specific and approved?
COSHH Assessments specific and approved?
Procedures available and being worked to?
Pre start planning completed?
Permits required?
Are there safe systems established for all permits issued?
Are permits closed out correctly?
Construction Phase Plan
Are we Principal Contractor?
Construction Phase Plan approved?
Fire Plan in place?
Personnel named within plan on site?
Traffic Management Plan in place?
Quality Plan approved?
Is F10 complete and displayed?
Site set up and Welfare
Site general
Adequate access/egress
Adequate site security/demarcation
Clearly defines pedestrian/safe route
Prescribed signs & notices
Slips, Trips & falls prevented
Adequate levels of tidiness/housekeeping
Adequate levels of safety lighting
Protection of general public
Site rules observed by all personnel
Welfare Facilities (CDM 2015 - Schedule 2)
Adequate facilities
Cleanliness of welfare facilities
Emergency Procedures
Has a fire risk assessment been completed?
Are Fire points suitably equipped?
Fire log checks? (fire alarm, Fire points)
Escape routes and exit doors kept clear of obstruction and suitable?
Had fire signage been provided at the premises?
Where final exit doors readily accessible and able to open freely?
Hot works controls being implemented and suitable for the task?
First Aid
Adequate provisions and suitable for the tasks?
Trained persons available?
Work activity
Work Equipment & Electrics
Correct use of power tools
Correct use of abrasive wheels
Electrical equipment/leads maintained? (damaged, out of test date or untested)
Lifting Operations
Are Lifting Operations taking place?
Lift plan completed
Thorough examination certificate
Regular inspection of lifting equipment and accessories
Are excavations work being carried out?
Service identification
Permit to dig correctly completed
Suitable access and egress
Edge protection
Signage on display
Regular inspection by competent person
Are Piling works being carried out?
Does the Supervisor carry out daily inspections of the working platform prior to work starting?
Does the Pile rig have sufficient space to produce piles?
Can the excavator move safely whilst clearing muck away?
Can the muck away vehicle manoeuvre safely on site?
Can equipment for the piling rig be easily accessed?
Is piling equipment stored in suitable areas out of the way of creating obstacles?
Is the access into the piling area clear of obstructions?
Work at Height
Work at Height
Evidence that work at height has been planned?
Evidence of competence and training for working at height?
Suitable access equipment being used for the activity?
Adequate and fixed edge protections installed?
Equipment checked and regularly maintained?
Public/ operatives protected from falling items?
Is scaffolding being used for working at height?
Suitability of the scaffold system?
Hand over certificate available
Scaffolding inspection register up to date
Access and egress maintained
Ladders/ stepladders
Are step ladders or ladders being used on site?
Safe use observed
Safe condition
Visual inspections complete
Mobile towers and podiums
Are Mobile towers and podiums being used on site?
Are operatives erecting equipment PASMA trained?
Equipment has been erected correctly
Safe use observed
Regular visual inspection
Working at height (Other)
Are other means of working at height equipment being used?
Suitable planning and adoption of the hierarchy of controls
Correct harness (fall arrest / restraint equipment) being worn (rescue procedures if applicable)?
Operatives involved are competent
Suitable access and egress
Adequate edge protection
Regular inspection by competent person
Traffic Management
Traffic Management
Suitable Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
Training on TMP for all persons on site?<br>(contractors and visitors)
Adequate controls for TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)
Suitable signage
Are traffic marshals trained & wearing correct PPE?
Occupation Health
Occupational Health
Adequate montoring of vibration?
Adequate monitoring of noise exposure?
Suitable control measures for dust exposure
Avoid, assess, reduce principle adopted for manual handling?
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE / RPE compliance - any task specific PPE required?
Facilities available for maintenance and storage of PPE / RPE
Is PPE / RPE adequate and worn correctly
Temporary Works
Temporary Works
Are temporary works part of the project scope?
Is the Temporary Work Register available and up to date?
Has design been completed by a competent person & all necessary checks completed?
All necessary appointments made
TW Manual in place and up to date
Permit to load/ strike completed
Storage and Environmental
Storage / Materials & COSHH
Are materials stored suitably?
Adequate storage/lay down areas
Are materials loaded correctly?
Are the cylinders caged and secured?
Adequate signage?
Correct storage of flammable liquids
Environmental considerations
All fuel & oil in bunded containers?
Suitable drain guards in place?
Adequate spill kits available?
Chemicals being disposed of correctly?
All waste transfer/consignment notes present and complete?
End of Inspection
- Observations
List Sub-contractors operating on site
End of Inspection
Signature of auditor
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Signature of supervisor
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