
  • Audit Title [Supplier; AWB; Flight; Destination]

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Shipping Information

  • Date Received

  • Add Product Description

  • Product
  • Product

  • Variety

  • Size/Count

  • Pack Size

  • Quantity

  • AWB/Container No.

  • Flight/Vessel

  • Supplier:

  • Grower/Code

  • Temperature Recorder/s

  • Arrival Pulp Temperature<br>

  • Batch/Lot Number/s

  • Fumigated

  • Country of Origin

Product Specifications

  • Outer Weight and Count<br>

  • Size [mm diameter]

  • Colour Guide:
    Nectarine Yellow - >50% red blush with yellow background; nil green
    Nectarine White - >40% red/pink blush with white/cream/pale green background

  • Colour<br>

  • Appearance Guide:
    Nectarine - not overly bright or glossy; depending on variety, may present with sugar spotting, leaf shadow and stem imprint; minimum 85% individually stickered

  • Appearance<br>

  • Sweet and juicy with slight acidity

  • Eating Quality/Sensory

  • Brix (*Bx)<br>[>11*Bx]

  • Firmness Guide:
    By hand - yields to slight pressure but does not collapse
    Penetrometer - 4.0-6.3kg/f (8mm probe)

  • Firmness

  • Maturity<br>

  • Shape<br>

Packaging and Labelling

  • Presentation [Stickered PLU]

  • Importer Label

  • Packed on Date

  • Outer Packaging Condition

  • Foreign Objects/Matter

Defect Criteria

  • Defect Guide Minor:
    Superficial skin marking 1-3cm2
    Sunburn <10%
    Healed damage

  • Minor Defects %

  • Defect Guide Major:
    Rot and mould
    Severe bruising
    Unhealed wounds
    Temperature injury
    Pest and insect damage
    Fumigation burn
    Fail Brix requirement
    Split stone

  • Major Defects %

Assessment Result


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.