Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Depot & Yard Inspection - Kinetic Sites
Adequate and safe parking for bus/coaches?
Is depot signage clear including speed limits, entry and exit points, traffic flow/directions, stop signs, parking spaces?
Line marking is clear – walkways / crossings / traffic flow?
Space allowed and clear for the swing of large vehicles/buses?
Is there a safety procedure adhered to when reversing buses in the depot yard (e.g., sounding horn 3 times prior to reversing, reversing indicators on buses, using a spotter)?
Is site signage clear and free from obstruction?
Traffic Management Plan and Parking plan adhered to?
Yard House Keeping
Is yard, clean and tidy?
Are waste disposal & recycling facilities available, maintained, and appropriate?
Is yard free from potholes and loose surfaces that may cause an incident?
Are people in the depot yard wearing appropriate PPE for the task they are performing? E.g., vests / day / night high visibility clothing, gloves, eye protection etc?
Is lighting working and sufficient for work being completed at dusk, dawn, and night?
Are any security measures functioning and adequate (security cameras, locks, electronic gates, sensor lights)?
Incidents and Emergencies
Are incident report forms readily available to workshop staff?
Is depot emergency plan displayed and readily available in key areas?
Emergency telephone numbers prominently displayed?
Is the list of emergency response personnel (first aid officers, fire wardens etc) displayed?
If there is an emergency right now, are there currently first aiders and fire wardens on site ready to respond?
First aid kit available in suitable areas and adequately stocked?
Fire extinguishers suitable, available, mounted, signed, and regularly inspected/tested (6 monthly)?
Are workshop emergency exits clear and exist signage adequate, illuminated and working when power is off?
Fire blankets available, readily accessible, and in good condition?
Suitable eyewash station/shower/equipment available and working?
Is an emergency alarm/horn sign posted and present?
Yard gate keys accessible in case of emergency?
Evacuation diagram present in accessible places, current and orientated the right way?
Are emergency drills carried out on time and in accordance with the Emergency Plan?
Manual Handling and Ergonomics
Frequently used items are stored in easy to access shelves between knee and shoulder height?
A step ladder is used where necessary and close / easily accessible?
Are the desks and chairs in a safe condition?
Can workstations and computers be adjusted to suit individual worker needs?
Is there sufficient legroom under the desk?
Are manual handling aids available to transport heavy items such as large boxes and containers?
Are workers using trollies for transporting tools and other products around while performing their work?
Appropriate lifting tools available and used for heavy items such as engines, tyres etc.?
General House Keeping
Racks and shelves display storage weight limits?
Do racks and shelves visually look structurally sound?
Are racks and shelves certified?
Racks and shelves free from items that might fall?
Are bollards around pressure vessel/s in good working order?
Are the airline hoses and fittings rated for the pressure required and are in good condition?
Is there any excessive noise? Are sources of excessive noise identified and managed?
Are floors clean, dry and free from slip / trip hazards & obstructions?
Stairs have adequate foot space, handrails and slip resistant strips?
Storage areas are tidy and floors are free from tripping hazards?
Storage areas are regularly reviewed so that objects that do not need to be retained are discarded?
Adequate lighting and ventilation?
Services functioning (taps, power points, lights etc.)?
Waste disposal procedures adopted and adhered to?
Are kitchen benches and appliances kept clean?
Are fridges cleaned out regularly?
Toilet facilities clean and tidy?
Are workshop entry and exit points clear and free from obstruction?
"No Smoking" signs prominently displayed?
Is machine guarding and emergency stops installed?
Are Emergency Stop Buttons working and labelled correctly?
Hazardous Chemicals
Gas cylinders upright and secured?
Separation distances for Gas cylinders in storage? (LPG and Acetylene stored at least 5m away from oxygen cylinder unless in use on trolly)
Are chemicals appropriately labelled (including decanted products)?
Are chemical containers kept closed when not in use?
Are hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods recorded in the chemicals register?
Are SDS’s available for all chemicals (no older than five years)?
Are SDS stored in a suitable, signed location and do workers know where to locate them?
Is oil stored in a bunded area or spill protected trolly?
Flammable liquids stored in flammables cabinet?
All batteries stored in designated bunded area?
Integrity of bunds visually verified?
Adequate spill kit(s) available and fully stocked?
Are chemical storage areas clean, tidy and only used for the storage of chemicals?
Are all chemicals safely stored? Consider spill prevention, segregation requirements, ignition points etc
Is signage & placarding clearly displayed where hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods are stored?
Are chemical containers washed out in areas to prevent them from entering storm water drains / waterways?
Are first aid resources and emergency equipment adequate for the types of chemicals located on site? Check against SDS’s. e.g. correct fire extinguishers
Do the first aiders and wardens on site know the correct management of all chemical related potential incidents on site?
No fumes detected?
Electrical Safety
Are electrical leads tested and tagged (according to AS/NZS3760)?
Is oxy fuel gas inspected and maintained as scheduled (no hose cracking and fitted with flashback arrester)?
Is electrical test equipment (e.g. multimeters) calibrated every 6 months?
Are pressure gauges fitted to inflation points and are they calibrated?
Are any welding machines inspected and tested for earthing between the earth pin and metal casing (part of test and tag inspections)?
Are power boards used industrial and no evidence of “piggybacking” or double adaptors in use?
Is the main power board inspected every 6 months?
Is an RCD type 2 fitted at the main power board?
Are electrical leads off the ground & no leads greater than 25m in length?
Heights, lifting equipment and Pits
Are ladders in use compliant (industrial rated), if engineered are certified and appropriately set up?
Are people who are working at heights trained (hold RIIWHS204D competency)
Is there a rescue plan in place in the event someone falls from heights?
Is the static line certified?
Are inertia reels inspected at least every 12 months?
Are harnesses and lanyards inspected every 6 months?
Are vehicle hoists inspected every 6 months by a competent person?
Are lifting support stands and hydraulic jacks inspected every 6 months?
Forklift inspected prior to use and records of each inspection maintained?
Are forklift operators licenced?
Is forklift serviced and maintained and are jibs and other forklift equipment appropriately engineered and certified?
Are pits without buses cordoned off?
Equipment Safety and Maintenance
Are prestart inspection forms available and in use?
Check a bus at random (one that is currently fit for use)
Is the interior and exterior clean and presentable? Signage consistent and to standard?
Check a bus that has been defected/undergoing maintenance. Does it contain a “do not operate” steering wheel cover?
Is equipment maintenance scheduled and regularly maintained?
Are all torque wrenches calibrated and are the calibration certificate/s current?
Is the calibration certificate current for all weigh scales?
Are pressure vessels certified and inspected as scheduled?
Are out of service tags and lock out devices available?