Document No.
DHSV Medication Safety Audit for Dental Practices
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by Marrianne Beaty
Is there a medication safety policy in place?
Are Dentists instructed to use this policy?
Is there access to current Therapeutic Guidelines - Oral and Dental (2012)?
Is there access to current MIMS or similar?
Is there access to the National Prescribing Service?
Do Dentists have a current prescriber and provider numbers?
Are all Dentists registered with AHPRA?
Do all Dentists have an individual scope of clinical practice tailored to their individual role and responsibilities?
Is a complete (best possible) patient medical and medication history taken for new patients?
Are medical and medication histories updated and recorded annually?
Are known allergies and adverse drug reactions recorded in the patient history?
Are any prescribed medications recorded in the medical history?
Are prescriptions written in the Dentist's own handwriting?
Are prescriptions for Schedule 4 and Schedule 8 medications written for single supply only (i.e. no repeat on prescription)?
If medications are supplied to the patient, are they supplied by the Dentist only?
If dispensing, the Dentist ensures that the container is labeled with the patient's name, date of transaction, drug name, strength and form, wording "Keep out of reach of children" and directions for use?
Are records ever erased or deleted?
Is information given to patients regarding possible side effects of taking the medication?
Are medications stored in accordance with the Victorian legislative requirements? (i.e. have you passed the audit by the Poisons' Control Unit as part of your Poisons Control Plan?)
Are medications stored in accordance to their Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or manufacturers instructions?
Are Schedule 4 medicines stored in lockable overnight storage?
Is the key for the Schedule 4 drug cupboard held by a Dentist?
Are Schedule 8 medicines stored appropriately? (i.e. stored only with other Schedule 8 drugs and held in a 10mm steel locked safe that is fixed to a wall)
Is the key to the Schedule 8 safe held by the Senior Dentist?
Are Schedule 8 medicines administered or supplied, accurately recorded in a separate record in addition to the patient record?
Is action taken to ensure stock is used within the expiry date?
Does the clinic practice stock rotation on a regular basis?
Stock is not "over ordered"
Expiry date is checked before dispensing
Are unused, expired or unwanted Schedule 4 medications disposed of appropriately?
Disposed of in a designated bin in a secure area?
Returned to supplier?
Picked up by a designated collector?
Returned to local pharmacy?
Are unused, expired or unwanted Schedule 8 medications disposed of appropriately?
Destruction of Schedule 7 medications is recorded and both participants sign the register?
Destruction of any Schedule 8 medications is witnessed by a pharmacist, other dentist or medical practitioner?
Is medication information communicated with patients/carers, either verbally or by the provision of fact sheets?