Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Team Effort
To plan and implement the process design
The team members are trained in the Six Sigma Methodology.
Team scheduled and held frequent meetings.
The team members regularly attended all meetings.
DEFINE - To identify business objectives, project scope, product/service concept, and develop project plan
Outcome indicator(s) reflecting preliminary opportunity/gap?
Scope of project determined (i.e. process boundaries)?
Product/service objective and target customers determined?
Preliminary opportunity/gap statement developed and reviewed with sponsor
Project plan completed?
MEASURE - To identify customer needs, specify CTQs (Critical to Quality), and product/service requirements
Customer needs defined & prioritized (CTQs)
Associated process outcome indicators to measure CTQs defined?
Customer specifications for CTQs identified?
Outcome indicator for current process measured against CTQs?
Overall product/service requirements determined and prioritized?
Design methodology selected?
Development risks assessed and exit strategies developed?
ANALYZE - To convert customer product/service requirements into process design requirements and establish a high-level end product
Selected design track consistently followed to produce high-level design?
High-level process design alternatives developed and evaluated?
High-level design demonstrates capability to meet customer CTQs?
Potential pitfalls in the design evaluated and eliminated or minimized?
High-level design review conducted and modifications made?
DESIGN - To develop, evaluate, and select a detailed process/product design
Alternative detail designs developed and evaluated?
Process indicators (Xs) identified and linked to outcome indicators? (Ys)
Detail design evaluated for value, productivity, capability, and cost/benefits?
Enabling design elements identified and developed?
Detail design review conducted and modifications made?
Multi-generational design plan developed?
Pilot/verification test plan developed?
VALIDATE - To assure new design meets customer requirements, institutionalize it, and implement on-going monitoring
Pilot run results evaluated (including cost/benefit) X & Y indicators validated?
Final detailed design completed and PMCS developed?
Full-scale start-up plan and training completed?
Process satisfied performance requirements for initial Y indicator(s)
Process Management Control System functioning (with stable X & Y indicators)?
Process owner assigned on-going PMCS accountability?
DMADV Team Leader's name and signature