Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Operative being assessed

Manual excavation

  • Where the proposed route has been surfaced with bituminous materials, Concrete or the<br>surfaces has been compacted over many years it may be necessary to use a road breaker to <br>break out the surface. All utilities and plant must be traced and located prior to commencing <br>excavation

  • Where existing surfaces are to be reinstated, it is beneficial to ensure the surface is cut neatly<br>with a road saw or road breaker fitted with an asphalt cutter, as this will reduce the associated <br>reinstatement costs and make the reinstatement neater and more effective. It will also reduce<br>the possible water ingress into the reinstatement.

  • As the excavation becomes deeper the Operative will require more room to work in to remove <br>the spoil and the risk of trench collapse is greater. The use of mechanical excavators with a <br>narrow trencher can be used as they can excavate to greater depths at a reduced trench width.

  • To protect Operatives working in the trench it may necessary to install trench supports to reduce<br>the risk of collapse. A risk assessment should be undertaken wherever a person enters a trench <br>and ground/weather conditions must be taken into account, as rain could weaken the trench <br>walls. All excavations in the public highway will need to be reinstated in accordance with the<br>Specifications for Reinstatement on the Highways. Further information is available in the<br>Excavation and Reinstatement documents

  • It is important that trench widths are kept to a minimum thus minimising reinstatement cost.

  • Bituminous, concrete or paved areas are normally cut out prior to using a mechanical excavator <br>as this reduces potential damage to the surface, reducing reinstatement costs.

  • At no time, should an Operative be working in the trench when a mechanical excavator is being<br>used to dig out the excavation. Should the Operative be unable to observe the excavation clearly <br>a banks man must be employed to guide the operator

Sign off

  • Name of assessor

  • Pass or refer for additional training

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