Title Page
Team Inspected
Contractor name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Team Leader
Proactive Safety
Good general safety practice and housekeeping displayed?
Have the team signed in to the CDM pack?
Is a copy of the red book available?
Are generic risk assessments available?
SGN Safe person handbook and task cards available?
Team members first aid trained and first aid kit available?
EUSR (SHEA Gas) , NRSWA and ID cards available?
Name of NRSWA qualified operative?
Risk assessments completed and hazards correctly identified?
HAV's log available and completed?
CAT available and within calibration date?
Is a welfare unit available for use by the reinstators?
Is it in a clean condition and fit for use?
Is drinking water available?
Hot water provided in both welfare and toilet sections?
Work site and traffic management
Would pedestrians and motorist know what is expected of them when passing the works?
Pedestrian access routes safe and sufficient?
All works areas barriered off?
Correct signage maintained?
Pedestrian walkway in place where required?
Tools, plant and equipment within barriers?
Road plates barriered off after use?
Barriers stacked correctly after use?
Unfinished / curing work barriered off?
Are all operatives clean shaven?
Correct PPE available?
In good condition?
Safety glasses worn?
FFP3 dust mask available?
Ear defenders?
Flame retardant overalls?
Hi Viz?
Vehicles and plant parked safety and environmentally?
Dust suppresion available and used?
Plant and equipment turned off when not in use?
Fuel / oils stored and labelled correctly (petrol, diesel, etc)?
Funnel available for refuelling?
Gas bottles labelled and stored correctly?
Spill kit available?
Waste carriers license available?
Vehicle, plant and work equipment
All vehicles
"O" License displayed?
Vehicle defect book available and up to date?
Daily vehicle checks carried out and recorded?
Vehicles parked safely?
Amber beacons fitted and working?
Dashboard clear from paperwork etc?
Is the rear of the vehicle clear of obstructions / trips etc?
Roller and trailer (including breakaway cable) in good order?
Warning stickers (petrol, diesel etc) in place?
Fire extinguisher available (all vehicles)?
Safe access to rear of vehicle?
First aid kit fully stocked, in date and available?
500ml eyewash available and in date?
Can the operator provide a current HIAB qualification?
Driving license?
Up to date CPC licence card?
Certificates of thorough examination (LOLER) for the crane and accessories?
Have waste transfer notes been completed correctly?
Type of backfill material used? e.g. recycled type 1
Correct compaction technique used?
Type of compactor used?
Is it footpath, carriageway or private?
Type of surface being reinstated?
Correct materials available?
Correct depths of base and wearing courses being applied?
Evidence of edge depression or crowning?
Evidence of edge sealant being used?
Correct slabs or modular paving available?
Completed surfaces free from defects?
Site left tidy upon completion?
Sign off
Inspection completed by:
Date and time: