Audit Title
Is the store in compliance?
Conducted on
Prepared By:
Is the parking lot and dumpster area clean?
Is the drive thru area clean?
If the location has flowers/ flower pots do they look to be maintained?
If the location has a patio area is it setup and clean?
Are the windows and sills clean?
Does the overall curb appeal look up to standards?
Customer Area
Is the front door clean?
Are the floors and rugs clean?
Are all exit signs working and in good repair?
Are all of the lights and ceiling fans clean and working?
Are all ceiling tiles,dividers, and vents clean?
Is the art work, trim and walls clean and in good repair?
Is the temperature of the lobby acceptable?
Are the windows and sills clean.
Are all high chairs clean and in good condition?
Are all the tables chairs and booths clean?
Are the trash cans clean and at acceptable levels?
Is the soda station clean? Pop nozzles and ice chute clean?<br>
Are the cabinets under the soda station clean?
Is the radio on and set at acceptable volume and content?
If the location has a t.v is it on and on the proper channel?
Is the front counter clean and organized? (no unnecessary items on the front counter)
If signs are posted in the customer area are they computer generated?
Are the restrooms cleaned and stocked? Is there hand washing signs posted?
Play Area
Are there any items that need to be addressed for safety reasons?
Is the door to the play area clean?
Are all tables and floors clean?
Does all the equipment look clean?
Do they have a cleaning schedule available for the play area?
Does all equipment look to be in good repair?
Are all windows clean?
Are the trash cans clean and at acceptable levels?
Are the restrooms clean and stocked?
Customer Service
Were customers greeted when entering the store?<br>
Did cashier ask if the order was for here or to go?
Did the cashier upsell?
Did the cashier offer the combo meal if applicable?
Did the cashier thank the customer/ closing statement?
Were the employees smiling and working together as a team?
Are table visits being done?
Is there a sense of urgency with the team?
Service times less than 3 minutes? (start timer after they finish placing order)
Is there an acceptable amount of staff working? too many,too little?
Are all employees in their correct assigned positions? (manager in expo position)
Are the employees forward selling in the drive thru?
Did the order taker upsell?
Was the food packaged and presented according to spec?
Did the cashier repeat the order and give the customer a total?
Is the drive thru window clean and free from unnecessary items?<br>
Is the drive thru soda station clean and organized?
Service Area
Are all menu boards clean?
Is the area under the registers clean and organized?
Are all trash cans clean and at acceptable levels?
Do all stations have sanitizer buckets with clean water and towels?
Is the shake machine clean?
Is the cookie case clean?
Is the bun toaster clean and in good repair?
Is the burger make line clean and organized?
Is the food warmer clean and working properly?
Are all products being held properly in the warmer?
Are the grill hood vents and surrounding walls clean?
Is the prep area including tables, shelves and floors clean and organized?
Are all reach-in coolers including the meat drawers clean, and at the proper temp?
Are all containers NSF approved?
Are all utensils and presses being used properly?
Are all dressing bottles and shakers clean?
Are all slicers and utensils clean and stored properly?
Is the thermometer available, working, and clean?
Is the ice machine clean? Is the bucket and scoop stored and cleaned properly?
Is the fry freezer clean? This includes the front vent. Are all gaskets clean and in good repair?
Is the fry station clean? hood, vents & surrounding walls?
Is the fryer dump station clean? Heating element clean and working properly?
Is the oil test kit available? Is the oil clean?
Is the 2 burner stove area and pots clean?
Is the heat well clean and does have adequate amount of water?
Is the microwave clean inside and under?
Is the expeditor station clean and organized? Heating elements clean and in good working condition?
Are the dine in baskets clean and stored properly?
Are the service walls clean?
Are the service area floors and drains clean?
Are the ceiling tiles, lights and vents clean?
Is the mop bucket and sink clean? Is the Mop hanging up?
Is the 3 compartment sink clean and set up properly?
Are there sanitizer strips present and in use?
Is the freezer clean and organized? Are all gaskets clean and in good repair?
Is the temperature of the freezer at or below 0?
Is the walk in clean? Are all gaskets clean and in good repair?
Is the temperature of the walk in 32 - 39 degrees?
Are the dry stock shelves clean and organized?
Is the bag in the box station clean and organized? Are the lines clean?
Are all hand sinks clean and stocked with soap and paper towels?
Are the proper hand washing signs posted?
Are the employees using the slicers / knives properly?
Are all employee personal items stored properly? Drinks with lids stored in the designated area?
Are all chemicals properly stored away from food? Are all chemicals labeled properly?
Any visible signs of pests?
Are all ladders being used and stored properly?
Is there a first aid kit properly stocked?(band-aids & burn cream)
Are all of the fire suppression and the fire extinguishers up to date?
Are wet floor signs being used if needed? Are they clean and in good repair?
Are the MSDS sheets and Child Labor Law posters available for all employees?
All current promotional material up and displayed properly?
Is the 4 week folder organized and current? Spot checks/Daily counts,pre shift meetings, temp logs, maintenance invoices, transfer print outs from POS.
Do all of the deposits match the back office?
Is the communication board being used?
Is the good job board being used?
Do they have an action plan posted?
Is the red book (manager log) being used?
Is the sales chart posted and up to date?
Is the Manager Serv-Safe certified? ( list name and expiration date) Are all tax licenses posted?
Are all employees including the manager in full uniform? Grill,fry, & make all must have aprons on. The front line employees do not wear aprons.
Was there a pre-shift meeting done today?
Are all items available for sale?
Are employees following the proper hand washing procedures? Are they using gloves properly?
Are only approved food products being used?
Are all products properly dated and rotated? Are there any expired products?
Are all formulas being followed?
Are fries made fresh? Partial cooked or double cooking fries is not allowed.
Is the temperature log available and in use? Is the action log being used when necessary? Temps must be taken 2 times a day.
Is the temperature of the cold food in the reach in and walk in at or below 41?
Is the temperature of the hot food at or above 140?
Is there only one person per register?
Are receipts being given to every customer?
Is the safe closed and secure?
Is the safe code change log available and current?
Do all deposits have 2 sets of initials on them?
Are all banking safety procedures being followed?
Are there 2 weeks of schedules posted?
Are the back doors and service doors locked and secure?
Is all food stored at least 6" off the floor?
10 or more cleanliness items?
One on One Manager Discussion
My top 3 concerns for this location are?
What are the manager's top 3 concerns?
What does the staff need to be recognized/complimented for?
Person receiving this inspection.