Downtime analysis: S/F paper breaks
Conducted by:
Machine breakout. Try to determine root cause of the breakout. Also identify gaps in crew functions getting the machine back to a running state.
Downtime Event
Did operator try to identify the root cause of the breakout?<br>
Did operator the operator check for any additional problems that I he initial breakout could cause when trying to start back up?
Did the operator clean up the mess created by the breakout prior to or directly after starting back up?
Did the operator effectively communicate to his assistant operators there responsibility during the down time event?
Did the crew clean up any possible slip, trip and fall hazards created by the downtime event?
Was there a sense of urgency to get the machine back up and running?<br>
Once threaded back up and running, did the crew no where to go and there role to get the machine back to a running state?
Was the crew successful in getting the machine back to a running state on the 1st attempt?
Was the crew successful on there 2nd attempt?
Was the overall communication between the crews sufficient to help drive towards a successful start up?
Any noticeable gaps that need to be addressed with any of the crew members?
Any additional comments or feedback?