
Project Details (Completion of all of the following fields is mandatory. Forms submitted without all fields completed will not be assessed.)

  • Audit Title/Project Description

  • Design Pack ECB Link ID (eg. ABC-1234)

  • Work Parcel/Contract No.

  • Separable Portion No.

  • Order No.

  • Site Address
  • Project Manager

  • Team Manager

  • Authority Number

  • Installer Name

  • Installation Date

Section 1


  • a. Wall bars correct height

  • b. Superstructure isolation material installed correctly

  • c. Superstructure correctly mounted and assembled

  • d. Top iron/tie bar spacing correct and aligned over centre line of suite

  • e. Suite support frames mounted at correct intervals & vertical (within 5 mm)

  • f. Protectors fitted to U bar ends

  • g. Cable runway mounted correctly

  • h. Power cable tray mounted correctly

  • i. Lighting correctly installed

  • j. Metal chips, dirt etc cleaned from work area

  • k. Surface treatment of superstructure undamaged

  • Ref: TM00011 CN1234 CSD 26203

  • *Mandatory photo required - Fairly wide shot of the whole rack, may need to use arrows to highlight where your rack is.

Section 2

Superstructure Safety Rails

  • a. Safety Rail Installed correctly

  • b. Landing gate self closes

  • c. “helmet ”warning plate attached

  • d. Access ladder correctly installed

  • Ref: TM00011 CN1234 CSD 26203

  • *Mandatory photo required - Superstructure access ladder

Section 3

Type 04 Rack DWDM TERMINAL CORE (Vendor Value Add)

  • Photo of rack before installation of S/Rs.

  • a. Correct Rack Layout delivered eg, Layout 244

  • b. No damage to rack (structural /paint /plating)

  • c. Subrack mounting rails in the 170mm mid-mount position

  • d. All cage nuts installed as per rack layout

  • e. PDP installed as per rack layout

  • f. Fibre storage tray/s as per rack layout

  • g. Subrack support bar installed as per rack layout

  • h. ESD socket installed in SU15 RHS only

  • i. Correct Earth tree fitted

  • Ref: Design Pack TM00046 Iss 6 TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum TAF0001-118783(8) Rack Layouts

  • *Mandatory photo required - Rack photo showing rack at delivery.

Section 4

Type 04 Rack DWDM Terminal CORE Top photo

  • a. Scratches, exposed rivets covered with supplied patches

  • b. Rack installed in the correct floor position

  • c. Rack installed at the same s/structure height as adjacent racks

  • d. Rack level and plumb (check with spirit level)

  • e. Rack securely attached to superstructure or wall using correct mounting kits and earthing practices

  • f. High superstructure kit “thick washers installed below RH C-channel”

  • g. SDH / Non SDH racks isolated (undamaged paint provides insulation) <br>

  • h. Rack earthed to SRPP or MSRPP cable via flying lead & IPC connectors correctly torqued

  • i. Rack connected to site optic ducting with 2 x 50mm convoluted tubes (LHS)

  • j. Rack ducting / Convoluted tubing correctly mounted and as straight as possible secured with minimal cable ties

  • k. Convoluted tube enters rack by approximately 65mm (clears the top tongue of the rack optic duct) and is tied to the rack optic duct using both anchor points<br>

  • l. Rack labelled with SRPP label

  • m. Rack labelled with rack header label

  • Ref: Design Pack TM00046 Iss 6 TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of Terminal Core rack top half with superstructure connection

Section 5

Type 04 Rack DWDM Terminal CORE Bottom photo

  • a. Vertical Rack optic duct position adjusted to 80mm

  • b. Hook & Loop pads fitted to the rear of the rack optic ducts as per Rack Layout

  • c. Fibre storage tray guide clips installed in correct positions

  • d. Rack correctly located over floor tiles (raised floor only)

  • e. Rack securely bolted to floor, using supplied anchors & feet set at 45 degree angle to frame edges

  • Ref: Design Pack, TM00046 Iss 6, TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of Terminal Core rack bottom half.

Section 6

HC-PDP (Vendor Value Add)

  • a. HC-PDP installed in the correct position and secured correctly

  • b. 32A CBs installed to power subrack

  • c. Secondary power terminations secure with no bare copper exposed

  • d. Secondary power cables labelled in HC-PDP, label has correct orientation away from termination point

  • Ref: TM 00046 A01

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of HC-PDP at delivery. Alarm wires are not Vendor Add.

Section 7


  • a. Anderson connectors for each primary feed RF1 & RF2 cable tied to prevent accidental pulling apart<br>

  • b. Correct alarm cable and colour code

  • c. Alarm cables terminated correctly on Krone Terminations

  • d. Alarm priority switches set to correct position

  • e. No Excessive Cable Lengths in HC-PDP

  • f. No permanent alarms on HC-PDP

  • g. HC-PDP Subrack label correct size

  • h. Label subrack Position correct format

  • i. RF1 & RF2 , Fuse / Breaker Location correct format

  • j. Circuit Breaker designation for relevant subracks

  • k. Correct ACCADS/TESAMS alarm IDF location

  • l. ACCAD/TESAMS Alarm IDF labelled

  • Ref: TM 00046 A01

  • *Mandatory photo required - Close up Photo of front cover label and panel

Section 8

Rack Primary Feed Cables

  • a. Rack power cables correct size (16mm2)

  • b. Rack power cables segregated from the LOD Primary Power 150 mm2 cables

  • c. Rack power cables contained within the power tray

  • d. Cables not damaged/ against a sharp edge

  • e. Rack feed A& B fed from different s/racks/planes but same CB position (unless specified in Design Pack)

  • f. Power cable lugs crimped correctly/ securely at LOD

  • g. Heatshrink on all lugs

  • h. LOD CBs correct type and rating

  • i. LOD CBs securely fitted on “Din” rail

  • j. LOD CB Locking clip is in the “closed” position

  • k. Rack feed cables labelled at APDP end (RF1 & RF2)

  • l. Rack feed cables labelled at LOD

  • m. LOD labelled for correct CB allocation

  • Ref: CSD 26204

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of primary connections at distribution point

Section 9

DWDM Terminal CORE Subrack

  • a. Subrack installed in correct position as per rack layout

  • b. Power cables run correctly down RHS of rack.<br>

  • c. Bridge cables run correctly down RHS of rack

  • d. Subrack label location and data correct

  • e. Laser warning labels fitted to outside of hinged fibre cover

  • f. Fibre pinching warning labels fitted to inside hinged fibre cover

  • g. Subrack earthed correctly

  • Ref: TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required -Photo of Terminal CORE subrack

Section 10

DWDM Terminal Core Subrack RHS LTU area

  • a. Power Cables not too long/short at LTU end

  • b. Subrack power terminations correct and secure

  • c. Bridge cabling routing correct, neatly run & secured with cable ties (cut flush)

  • d. Card modules securely installed in the correct slot as per supplied Inventory sheets

  • Ref: TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of power and bridge cable connection fields – Upper and Lower shelves.

Section 11

DWDM Terminal CORE Subrack Optical Fibres

  • a. Optic cords correctly run and maintained at the rear of the rack optic duct with Velcro ties

  • b. Minimum bending radius of 30mm maintained for all optic cord bends

  • c. Fibres run correctly in S/R fibre trays – no extra length stored at this point.

  • d. Line/External optical fibres labelled with port number and direction, EQ IN or OUT

  • e. Internal interconnect optical fibres labelled with correct factory labelling

  • f. All optic interfaces checked for cleanliness

  • Ref: TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of subrack and fibres

Section 12

DWDM Terminal CORE DCM Unit

  • a. Subrack installed in correct position as per rack layout

  • b. Subrack label location and data correct

  • c. Optic cords correctly run and maintained at the rear of the rack optic duct with Velcro ties

  • d. Minimum bending radius of 30mm maintained for all optic cord bends

  • e. Fibres labelled with correct factory labelling

  • f. All optic interfaces SC checked for cleanliness

  • Ref: TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of filter units

Section 13

Secure Drawer

  • a. Secure drawer installed as per rack layout (1st in rack only)

  • b. Secure drawer alarm cable has sufficient cable to allow the drawer to be removed from rack for maintenance purposes

  • c. “Secure Drawer” Label attached 50mm from drawer

  • d. Correct gooseneck on rear of drawer

  • e. Secure drawer alarm cable terminations correct

  • f. First in Secure drawer contents correct as per attached spare list

  • Ref: TAF0001-232593[1]_Installation Addendum

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of secure drawer

Section 14


  • a. Single Point of Connection Bar marked as “SPC”

  • b. MSRPP / SRPP connected to the building earth only at one point SPC

  • c. CCB Bar mounted on insulated spacers

  • d. MSRPP/ SRPP has no direct electrical contact with non-SDH earth planes

  • e. Mechanical rack supporting is electrical insulated from superstructure

  • f. SDH superstructure is temporarily earthed for safety by a dedicated conductor to the SPC (typically16 mm2) Note: This to be removed once the first NON SDH rack has been installed and bolted to the superstructure

  • g. Bare copper ends of MSRPP / SRPP covered with heat shrink end caps

  • h. Common Collector Bar labelled with “MSRPP / SRPP”

  • i. Internal Common Collector Bar in Small Station SDH rack labelled with SRPP

  • j. MSRPP / SRPP label on Either End of CCB to SPC connecting cable

  • k. MSRPP / SRPP label at 1 Metre interval above/below equipment racks

  • l. MSRPP / SRPP label on either end of the SUITE cable

  • Ref: CSD 26204, 007334 Sect 5 Paper 1

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo of rack earth connection.

Section 15

Optic Ducting

  • a. Duct installed as per design

  • b. Overhead fibre ducting correctly mounted

  • c. Duct level and centred above suite (where possible)

  • d. All joints fully pushed home and secure

  • e. No broken slots

  • f. All ducting is secure and supported both Horizontally & Vertically with no lateral movement

  • g. No internal protrusions

  • h. Ramp drop-offs correctly installed

  • i. ODF/OFDP drop-off correctly positioned

  • j. Ducting within alignment +- 5 mm

  • k. No Refuse/litter in ducting

  • l. Duct capacity not exceeded (50mm in 100,200 & 300mm duct)

  • m. Warning signs present

  • Ref: CSD 26203, TM00138 A01

  • *Mandatory photo required - Optical ducting


  • General Comments

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