
Project Details (Completion of all of the following fields is mandatory. Forms submitted without all fields completed will not be assessed.)

  • Audit Title/Project Description

  • Design Pack ECB Link ID (eg. ABC-1234)

  • Work Parcel/Contract No.

  • Separable Portion No.

  • Order No.

  • Site Address
  • Project Manager

  • Team Manager

  • Authority Number

  • Installer Name

  • Installation Date

Section 1

Rack OMS1460 – Rack Layouts 273 / 274

  • a. No damage to rack (structural /paint /plating)

  • b. Correct Earth tree fitted

  • c. Scratches, exposed rivets covered with supplied patches

  • d. Rack installed in the correct floor position

  • e. Rack installed at the same s/structure height as adjacent racks

  • f. Rack level and plumb (check with spirit level)

  • g. Rack securely attached to superstructure or wall using correct mounting kits and isolation practices

  • h. High superstructure kit “thick washers installed below RH C-channel”.

  • i. Rack securely fixed to floor, using supplied anchors & feet set at 45 degree angle to frame edges

  • j. Rack correctly located over floor tiles (raised floor only)

  • k. Internal rack optic fibre duct position correctly adjusted.

  • l. Connection to site Fibre duct system correct for RL273. (No connection shall be made for RL274)

  • m. All subracks and management brackets installed at correct location within rack

  • Ref: Design PackT,M00046,SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment, Ericsson Equipment Rack Layouts - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - Show rack layout, Top section showing & support brackets, bottom showing floor fixing

Section 2


  • a. Anderson connectors for each rack primary feed RF1 & RF2 cable tied to prevent accidental pulling apart

  • b. Anderson connectors housed within the rack

  • c. Correct alarm cable and colour code

  • d. Alarm cables terminated correctly on Krone Terminations

  • e. Alarm priority switches set to correct position

  • f. No Excessive Cable Lengths in HC-PDP

  • g. No permanent alarms on HC-PDP

  • h. CBs correct rating & position

  • Ref: Design Pack,Kerem Type04 HC-PDP Installation - Telstra Environment,Kerem HC-PDP175 (5+5) Operator Handbook,TRMR242, SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - PDP with & without cover showing alarm cable, pwr cable, CBs, DIP switches

Section 3

S.R.P.P & Earthing

  • a. Suite SRPP correct size (min. 35mm2)

  • b. Bare copper ends of SRPP cable covered with heat shrink end caps

  • c. Earth Tree connected to SRPP using IPC and correct torque

  • d. Subrack Earth Tail Connected

  • e. Power Module configured for 3 wire working.(link removed)

  • f. Temporary SDH superstructure safety earth removed when first LOD rack superstructure earth has been installed

  • Ref: Design Pack,SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment,Power and Environment Principles for New Technology Deployments

  • *Mandatory photo required - Suite SRPP, Rack IPC, End cap, subrack earth connection

Section 4

Power Cabling – LOD to HC-PDP

  • a. LOD CB correct rating and type

  • b. Power Cable correct size

  • c. Bootlace crimp tube / lug fitted correctly and secured in CB (-ve)

  • d. LOD Alarm lead fitted

  • e. Lug fitted and installed correctly (+ve)

  • f. CB position as per design

  • g. LOD CB Locking clip is in the “closed” position

  • h. Rack power cables contained within the power tray

  • i. Cables not damaged/ against a sharp edge

  • j. Cables segregated from the LOD Primary Power 150 mm2 cables

  • Ref:Design,Low Ohmic Distribution (LOD) Product Details,Low Ohmic Distribution (LOD) Rack, Accessories & Protective Devices,D.C. Distribution Voltage Drop Limits,SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment,Power and Environment Principles for New Technology Deployments,Design Criteria for LOD Panel & LOD Rack Installations

  • *Mandatory photo required - LOD open showing CB & power connections

Section 5

Subracks - SPO1460 & Cable Management

  • a. Cable guard fitted

  • b. Endless Grommet installed to cable guard

  • c. Cord management Clips located correctly on Fibre management brackets

  • d. Fibres routed correctly & Min. Bend Radius not compromised (30mm)

  • e. Unused fibres managed via Dummy SFP

  • f. Electrical signal cables routed correctly. Min. Bend Radius not compromised

  • g. Power cables route correctly

  • Ref: SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - Subrack with guard open, include cable/fibre management bars

Section 6

OEF Subrack

  • a. Correct subrack types.

  • b. OEF mounted correctly<br>

  • c. Uppermost subrack has Perspex top cover fitted

  • d. All OEF fibre tie cables route down same side of rack.

  • e. Strength member secured

  • f. Protective tubing installed correctly

  • g. Fibre pigtails route correctly. (Left &/or Right depending on which half of SPO1460 Sr is being serviced.)

  • h. All Min. Bend Radii complied with.

  • Ref: SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment,TM00183A06 Optical Distribution Frame - Optical Equipment Frame (OEF),Ericsson Equipment Rack Layouts - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - OEF with drawer swung out

Section 7

Secure Drawer Subrack

  • a. Secure drawer installed as per rack layout

  • b. Secure drawer alarm cable has sufficient cable to allow the drawer to be removed from rack for maintenance purposes

  • c. Correct gooseneck on rear of drawer

  • d. Secure drawer alarm cable terminations correct

  • Ref:SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - Secure Drawer

Section 8

OMF/OFF Subrack

  • a. Cabling as per applicable TM

  • Ref: Optical Distribution Frame – W&BT High Density Optical Distribution Frame (HDODF), Optical Distribution Frame - High Density Optical Distribution Frame (HDODF)

  • *Mandatory photo required - Subrack showing cable routing & entry

Section 9

Cable Routing – Rack

  • a. All cables and fibres routed correctly into and within rack.

  • b. All Cables secured at Electrical Cable Management bar where applicable.

  • c. Subrack power cables routed correctly

  • d. Cord management Clips located correctly on Fibre management brackets

  • Ref: Ericsson Equipment Rack Layouts - Telstra Environment, SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - Show cables entering rack, within rack. Show power cables routing onto sub.

Section 10

Couplers SFW

  • a. Maximum of 8 SFW couplers installed per tray

  • b. SFW couplers installed in the rear 8 positions of comb

  • c. Fibres to/from the SFW couplers run to the front of tray & form a 1800 bend either clockwise or anticlockwise around the coupler as required to exit the tray

  • d. Thru connector for single fibre side of the coupler is positioned on the opposite side of the coupler entry/ exit point

  • e. SFW Trays correctly assembled

  • Ref: Ericsson Equipment Rack Layouts - Telstra Environment, SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • Insert photos please

Section 11

Optic Fibre storage Trays

  • a. Fibre storage tray/s as per rack layout

  • b. Fibre Storage Tray Management clips fitted in correct positions ( guide clips installed in 3rd hole from front of tray)

  • Ref: Ericsson Equipment Rack Layouts - Telstra Environment, SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • Insert photos please

Section 12

2Mbit/s Cabling - SPO1460 End

  • 2 types of cabling methods.
    • Direct from SPO1460 Subrack to DDF (<30m)
    • SPO1460 Subrack Via LFH Adaptor Subrack (>30m) to DDF

  • a. Cable correctly routed from subrack.

  • b. Cables secured to Electrical Cable Management Bar

  • c. Minimum Bend Radius (120mm) OK.

  • d. LFH Adaptor Subrack Configured correctly for left/right use.

  • e. Cables from LFH adaptor subrack routed correctly

  • Ref: Ericsson Equipment Rack Layouts - Telstra Environment, SPO1460 Installation - Telstra Environment

  • Please insert photos.

Section 13

2Mbit/s Cabling - DDF

  • a. EQ IN and OUT cables not tied together on long runs

  • b. Cables run and secured correctly down DDF (within guides)

  • c. Minimum Bend Radius (120mm) OK.

  • d. Correct gooseneck into blocks

  • e. Cable butted & insulated correctly at grommet

  • f. Cables not damaged/ against a sharp edge

  • Ref: TM00099A01 Digital Distribution Frames

  • Insert photos please

Section 14

2Mbit/s DDF Blocks

  • a. Grommets correctly fitted

  • b. Jumper rings fitted & secure

  • c. Back mounts fitted correctly

  • d. Back mounts installed with full complement of modules

  • e. Wires lay flat over modules correctly

  • f. Correct wiring, colour code etc

  • g. 100mm tail left behind modules

  • h. Jumpers routed correctly

  • Ref: TM00099A01 Digital Distribution Frames

  • Insert photos please

Section 15

Labelling Type 04 Rack Header SPO1460

  • a. Rack labelled with rack header label

  • b. Rack labelled with SRPP label

  • Ref: Design Pack, Ericsson Transmission Equipment Common Labelling Practices, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, SPO1460 Equipment Specific Labelling - Telstra Environment

  • Insert photos please

Section 16

Labelling HC-PDP

  • a. HC-PDP Subrack label correct size

  • b. Subrack Position correct format

  • c. RF1 & RF2 , Fuse / Breaker Location correct format

  • d. Circuit Breaker designation for relevant subracks

  • e. Correct Alarm IDF location

  • Ref: Design Pack, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, SPO1460 Equipment Specific Labelling - Telstra Environment

  • Insert photos please

Section 17

Labelling at SPO1460 Subrack

  • a. Subrack labels placed correctly (SR & Cable Guard) and contains LIS & NE-ID

  • b. Where installed, System Controller cables labelled. Eg. Sync, Management (Slot 9 & 11 )

  • c. Where installed, Data Fabric cables labelled. Eg. AUX , Alarm (Slot 10 )

  • d. Power Cables Labelled. (Slot 20 & 22)

  • e. Cables &/or fibres to Plug-In Modules (Slots 1-8, 12-19) labelled.

  • f. Wrap around labels used NO LABEL FLAGS<br>

  • g. Wrap around labels placed so that the text is orientated correctly.

  • h. Both ends of fibre pigtail labelled

  • Ref: Design Pack, Ericsson Transmission Equipment Common Labelling Practices, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, SPO1460 Equipment Specific Labelling - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - Overall photo of subrack use arrows to show fibres installed on this project

  • *Mandatory photo required - Individual close up photos (Macro setting) of each card to show fibres installed on this project.

  • *Mandatory photo required - Try to show Slot & Port number Photo rotated so that label is horizontal on page

Section 18

Labelling Secure Drawer

  • a. Secure Drawer cable connection labelled “SECURE DRAWER”

  • b. Label placed in correct position with LIS & “SECURE DRAWER”

  • Ref: Design Pack, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, Ericsson Transmission Equipment Common Labelling Practices

  • Insert photos please

Section 19

Labelling at LFH Adaptor Subrack

  • a. Subrack Labels

  • b. LFH Adaptor Cables Labels

  • c. DB78 Cable to DDF labels

  • Ref: Design Pack, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, SPO1460 Equipment Specific Labelling - Telstra Environment

  • *Mandatory photo required - Photo showing LFH adaptor subrack and cable labels

Section 20

Labelling 2Meg Twisted Pair Cables DDF end

  • a. Each Strip contains NE Location, NE ID, Slot no., Transmission direction

  • b. Each Strip contains 2Meg Port No.

  • c. Each Strip contains DDF Block pr. desig.

  • Ref: Design Pack, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, SPO1460 Equipment Specific Labelling - Telstra Environment

  • Insert photos please

Section 21

Labelling Alarm IDF

  • a. HC-PDP location correct (front of label) F/S/R/Sr

  • b. CB number (rear of label)

  • Ref: Design Pack, TESAMS - Labelling TEMPLATES, Technology Manual - ACCADS Install and Commissioning

  • Insert photos please

Section 22

Labelling Couplers


  • b. Label visible without moving coupler

  • c. Label placed in correct position and contains LIS & NE-ID

  • d. Pigtails labelled correctly

  • Ref: Design Pack,Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, Ericsson Transmission Equipment Common Labelling Practices

  • Insert photos please

Section 23

Labelling OEF

  • a. Subrack Labelled as per TM00183A06 - Optical Distribution Frame - Optical Equipment Frame (OEF)

  • b. Fibre Cable labelled with PVC tag prior to rack entry.

  • Ref: Design Pack, Optical Distribution Frame - Optical Equipment Frame (OEF), Optical Fibre Cable - Outside Plant, Optical Distribution Frame - Optical Fibre Tie Cables, Optical Distribution Frame – Tyco High Density Optical Distribution Frame (HDODF), Optical Distribution Frame – W&BT High Density Optical Distribution Frame (HDODF)

  • Insert photos please

Section 24

Labelling HDODF

  • a. Subrack Label

  • b. Subrack Colour Code label applied

  • c. Pigtails labelled (Tyco only)

  • d. Fibre Cable labelled with PVC tag prior to rack entry.

  • Ref: Design Pack, Optical Fibre Cable - Outside Plant, Optical Distribution Frame - Optical Fibre Tie Cables, Optical Distribution Frame – Tyco High Density Optical Distribution Frame (HDODF), Optical Distribution Frame – W&BT High Density Optical Distribution Frame (HDODF)

  • Insert photos please

Section 25

Labelling LOD

  • a. LOD panel labelled with LIS, LOD No, Max demand current, where it is fed from, plane & SP & WO

  • b. LOD labelled for correct CB allocation, NE LIS, Feed No & CB rating

  • Ref: Design Pack, Design Criteria for LOD Panel & LOD Rack Installations

  • *Mandatory photo required - LOD Panel/s

Section 26

Labelling LOD Power Cables

  • a. Cables labelled at LOD with NE LIS, RF1 or 2 & CB position

  • b. Cables labelled at PDP end (RF1 & RF2)

  • Ref: Design Pack, Design Criteria for LOD Panel & LOD Rack Installations, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements

  • *Mandatory photo required - LOD Cable labels, PDP Cable Labels

Section 27

Labelling S.R.P.P Cables

  • a. SRPP label applied.<br>• 1 metre intervals above/below equipment racks<br>• Each end of cables. E.g. CCB<->SPC &/or Suite cable<br>

  • Ref: Design Pack, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, Internal Service Earthing System

  • Insert photos please

Section 28

Labelling SPC / CCB Bars

  • a. Single Point of Connection Bar marked as “SPC”

  • b. CCB bar labelled CCB and also has an SDH MSRPP /SRPP label

  • Ref: Design Pack, Generic Transmission Labelling Requirements, Internal Service Earthing System, Telecommunications Power System Earthing

  • Insert photos please


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