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2. Life Limited Parts Management

  • 2.00.01 - Are all observations related to Life Limited Parts Management satisfactory?<br><br>ie: Were any deviations noted for the records log for life limited structure materials delineating certification status and exposure time and are temperature disc being replaced as required?<br><br>NOTE: Class I Station only - Composite Shop - verify QA is monitoring.<br><br>GPM 12.09

3.01 Fuel Recieving

  • 03.01.01 - Receiving (Fuel): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel delivered to the Fuel Receiving area?<br><br>ie: Verify quality tests performed to establish compliance with ASTM D-1655 specifications. Review results of white bucket tests, API gravity (between 37* and 51*API corrected to 60*F, one degree maximum difference between observed and reported API gravity), Millipore color test (pipeline deliveries only).<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 02.04, 02.05, 02.06, Intl stations refer to 02.31

  • 03.01.02 - Receiving (Equipment): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel Receiving Equipment?<br><br>ie: Verify fuel storage tanks properly prepared prior to fuel receiving operation. Ensure fuel is not being received and dispensed from the same tank simultaneously.<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 02.05, 02.06, Intl stations refer to 02.31

  • 03.01.03 - Receiving (Records): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel Receiving Records?<br><br>ie: Are fuel delivery documents available and complete? Verify records are retained for 12 months. Check records for fuel grade or type, destination, quantity, batch numbers, ASTM D test results and receiving filter differential pressure. Where pipelines are used check suspended water and filter membrane tests. Review results of white bucket tests, API gravity (between 37* and 51* API corrected to 60*F, one degree API maximum difference between observed and reported API gravity), Millipore color test (pipeline deliveries only) and flash point (multi-purpose pipelines only, 100*F minimum value or 5*F maximum difference between observed and reported flash points).<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 2.05 and 2.06, Intl stations refer to 2.31

3.02 Fuel Storage Facility

  • 03.02.01 - Storage (Fuel): Were any deviations noted for the fuel quality at the Fuel Storage Facility?<br><br>ie: Verify the quality of fuel samples are acceptable.<br><br>Perform white bucket and water detector tests (working tank sump).<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 02.04, 02.14, 02.15, 02.16

  • 03.02.02 - Storage (Filtering/Water Defense): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel Storage Facility Filtering Equipment?<br><br>ie: Verify filter requirements are met. Filter/separators installed after 6/16/1987 are equipped properly and have the following equipment: water defense systems (not applicable if using full flow monitor elements), differential pressure gauges, upstream & downstream membrane sampling taps, manual sump drains, automatic air eliminator, pressure relief valves, sump and drain heaters (if required) and filter replacement dates.<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 02.07, 02.08, Intl stations refer to 02.31

  • 03.02.03 - Storage (General Eqpt): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel Storage General Equipment?<br><br>ie: Verify the fuel storage facility meets AA requirements. Verify the condition and appearance of the following: facility security, refueler loading deadman controls, bonding cables, hoses, nozzles, dust covers, waste fuel containers, general housekeeping/appearance, storage tank ventilation and that the tanks are properly equipped. <br><br>AA Fuel Manual 02.07, 02.08 and 02.19, Intl stations refer to 02.31

  • 03.02.04 - Storage (Sfty Eqpt): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel Storage Facility Safety Equipment?<br><br>ie: Verify safety equipment is available and/or accessible, the presence of NO SMOKING / FLAMMABLE signs, fuel grade markings, emergency shut-off, fire extinguishers, emergency telephone list, selective couplers for fuel loading and proper segregation if supplier handles more than one type of aircraft fuel (JET A, JET B, AVGAS, etc.).<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 01.01, 02.07 and 02.08, Intl stations refer to 02.31

  • 03.02.05 - Storage (Records): Were any deviations noted for the Fuel Storage Facility Records?<br><br>ie: Verify completion and one year retention of storage facility records for:<br><br>(DAILY) working tank sump, hydrant pits, filter vessel sumps/differential pressure and visual hose checks.<br><br>(MONTHLY) working tank floating suction, filter membrane test, nozzle screens, bonding cable continuity and hydrant system low point drains. <br><br>(QUARTERLY) emergency shut-off, filter vessel water defense system and tank high level controls.<br><br>(ANNUAL) line strainers, filter element changes, pressure gauge accuracy, fire extinguisher service and *storage tank interior inspections. *Note retention period for tank interior inspections should be kept on file indefinitely.<br><br>AA Fuel Manual 02.01, 02.08, 02.11 and 02.22, Intl stations refer to 02.31

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