Title Page

Client / Customer Details

  • Client

  • Client Reference

  • Customers Name / Address

  • Customer Tel No

  • Customer Email Address

  • Inspection Date

  • Inspected By

  • Installers Names

  • Reason for Inspection

Property Details

  • Type

  • Construction

  • Approx Year Built

  • Year Insulation Installed

  • Approx Roof Area m2

  • General condition of the roof and trusses

Observations (within each of the following provide written details of any defects with photographic evidence)

  • Have all areas within the roof space been insulated

  • Images

  • What is the overall thickness of the insulation?

  • Images

  • What type of insulation is installed?

  • Images

  • Have the eaves areas been left clear for ventilation?

  • Images

  • Is the roof space adequately ventilated?

  • Has the Technician fitted Felt Lap Ventilators?

  • Images

  • Have all tanks been adequately Insulated?

  • Images

  • Has insulation been installed beneath the tanks?

  • Images

  • Has all pipework been adequately insulated?

  • Images

  • Has a walkway been installed correctly?

  • Images

  • Has insulation been installed beneath the walkway?

  • Images

  • Have all down lighters been protected correctly?

  • Images

  • Have all high ampere electrical cables been left uncovered?

  • Images

  • Are there any signs of condensation in the roof space?

  • Images

  • Are there any signs of damp on the ceilings?

  • Images

  • Is the danger warning sign fixed in the roof space and is it clearly visible?

  • Images

  • Is the loft insulation certificate fixed in the roof space and is it clearly visible?

  • Images

  • Has the loft hatch been insulated?

  • Images

  • Has draught proofing been fixed to the loft hatch?

  • Images

  • Have hooks and eyes been fitted to the loft hatch?

  • Images

Additional TMO

  • Does the measures installed match the notified measure type?

  • Images

  • Does the heating system installed match the notified heating system?

  • Images

  • Does the property type match the notified property type?

  • What type is the property?

  • Images

  • Does the number of bedrooms match the notified number of bedrooms?

  • How many bedrooms are there?

  • Images

  • Is the notified percentage of property treated, a reasonable reflection of the actual percentage of property treated when rounded to the nearest multiple of 10%

  • Has any percentage been left untreated?

  • Images

  • If the measure has been notified as loft insulation with less than 100mm of pre-existing insulation, is there a pre-existing insulation level declaration present?

  • Images

  • Is the level of pre-existing insulation recorded by the installer an accurate reflection of the pre-existing insulation in the property?

  • Images

  • If the roof measure has been notified as having insulated the residual loft space - has the residual loft space been insulated?

  • What percentage has been insulated?

Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Conclusions


  • Tidying / Relaying or removal of the existing insulation?

  • Applying insulation to the loft hatch

  • Fitted draught proofing and / or hooks and eyes to the loft hatch?

  • Fitting suitable tank set to the cold water tank(s)?

  • Number

  • Sizes

  • Fitting insulation to the pipework?

  • Thickness

  • Linear Metres

  • Fitting F Cap rated covers to down Lighters?

  • Number

  • Fitting Walkway?

  • Linear Metres

  • Uncover existing electrical cables?

  • Installing felt lap vents?

  • Number

  • List any other measures required


  • Signature of auditor

  • Signature of customer

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.