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Crane Safety
WORKING AROUND CRANES - A crane is one of the most versatile and important pieces of equipment usually found on a construction site. It can be used to accomplish a lot of otherwise heavy lifting task; however, it can also be one of the most dangerous operations effecting a large area of the project. We will discuss some of the important safety points about working around cranes.
- Proper planning of all major lifts is essential including placement of equipment and materials, communications of those involved, site safety and security, etc.
- Always be aware of the swing radius of the crane.
- Never walk within the swing radius of the crane.
- Never work under suspended loads or boom; the crane boom has the potential to fail.
- Never ride the hook. There are too many things that you cannot control.
- Always wear the proper PPE, including hard hat, safety glasses, high-visibility clothing, and fall arrest, if needed.
- Stay off of and away from the crane unless you are assigned to be on the crane by the operator.
- All persons not involved in the operation must be kept clear of the danger area by barricades and signs.
- Before lifting begins, know exactly where the load is to be set and the travel path is clearly noted.
- Inspect all rigging equipment prior to use. Damaged equipment shall be removed from the area.
- Ensure communications are clear and operable between the signal person and crane operator.
- Do not allow any distractions to interfere with the lift until a load has been set.
- Avoid grabbing taglines until the load has been lowered.
- Lift and lower slowly to avoid from jerking.
- Everyone must know the sequence of lifting events. Any changes shall be discussed before hand.
- Everyone must know and understand their responsibility to the operation.
- Be aware of trip and fall hazards.
REMEMBER - When working around a crane, the operator will be watching the load and signal person, and not for stray workers. Never enter the swing radius of the crane unless it is absolutely necessary.