Title Page
Site conducted
Audit Section
Audit Team #
10 IMPROVEMENT (Seek objective evidence that improvement is taking place: does not need to be continuous, but it does need to be evidenced as occurring)
10.1 General
1. Has the organization determined opportunities for improvement & taken necessary actions to achieve the intended outcome of its EMS?
Objective Evidence/Notes
10.2 Non-Conformity & corrective action
1. When non-conformances occur, does the organization take steps to control & correctly deal with the consequences to mitigate adverse environmental impacts?
Objective Evidence/Notes
2. Has the organization determined the action to eliminate the cause of the NC so that it does not recur or occur elsewhere?
Objective Evidence/Notes
3. Does the organization review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken?
Objective Evidence/Notes
4. Does the organization make changes to the environmental management system, if necessary to correct non-conformance?
Objective Evidence/Notes
5. Are corrective actions appropriate to the significance of the effects of the nonconformities encountered, including the environmental impact(s)?
Objective Evidence/Notes
6. Does the organization retain documented information as evidence of:<br>- the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken<br>- the results of any corrective action?
Objective Evidence/Notes
10.3 Continual improvement
1. Does the organization continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS to enhance environmental performance?
Objective Evidence/Notes
2. How does the organization drive continuous improvement to improve environmental performance?
Objective Evidence/Notes
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