Engineer name and tech code escalating
Conducted on
Prepared by
Job details
Job number
Customer Name
Is this the account holder
- yes
- no
Additional contact phone number for the customer
Snap shot of the job details
Details to why an SE pairing is required onsite
What other options have been given to the customer
- relocate been offered
- S pole been offered
- every other option available has been given to the customer
Any additional options given
Was a second opinion given?
- 2nd opinion from TM
- 2nd opinion SE engineer
- 2nd opinion DTH engineer
- 2nd opinion onsite
- 2nd opinion over the phone
Photos off all angles showing line of site, dish location, etc
Add media
Has an explanation been given to the customer of the window of opportunity ?
- yes
- no
What days is the customer available
- Saturday
- Sunday
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- Friday
Please sign below if all the above has been completed
Engineer signature
Add signature
Customer signature
Add signature