Client / Address
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Conducted on
Environmental Policy
Is the Environmental Policy displayed on site?
Is the Policy up to date?
Is the Policy signed by CEO?
Are Environmental factors included in Risk Assessments?
Are Environmental emergency procedures adequately addressed and displayed?
Are Environmental issues adequately addressed at site induction?
Are Environmental control measures described in method statements?
Are all operatives briefed and aware of good Environmental practices?
Are sub-contractors conforming to the companies Environmental Policy?
Site Establishment
Are site cabins clean and in good condition?
Are there adequate parking facilities off/on site?
Are fences, hoardings, and gates in good condition?
Waste Management
Is there any existing contamination on site? Is it being dealt with adequately?
Does a licensed carrier remove waste?
Are transfer notes (consignment notes for special waste) in place?
Are adequate segregation measures in place?
Energy Management
Is electrical power for light and heat kept on minimum period?
Is water usage minimised?
Is plant shut down when not in use?
Water Protection
Are consents in place for discharge of water?
Are drains identified (surface and sewer)?
Is silt being prevented from discharging to watercourses?
Are fuel tanks, bowsers and drums within a bund to EA guidelines?
Are drip trays in place for plant and fuelling points?
Are emergency measures in place (spill kits)?
Are all chemicals stored safely and marked?
Is plant in good condition and without any leaks?
Is plant and materials reasonably kept away from drains and watercourses?
Are wheel washes suitably constructed and contained?
Materials Management
Are there alternative arrangements for unused materials other than disposal?
Are materials such as hardwoods from a sustainable source?
Are their arrangements to reuse/recycle existing site material?
Is dust suppression adequate?
Are noise and vibration within reasonable limits?
Are activities smokeless?
Is there any inessential burning on site? Has approval been sought from the LA?
Are deliveries arranged to minimise disruption to neighbours?
Are their arrangements to keep neighbours informed and liaison procedures?
Are site lights positioned away from neighbours?
Are site cabins screened from neighbours as appropriate?
Flora & Fauna
Is adequate protection in place for existing planted areas, Tree Preservation Orders?
Are measures in place to protect initial life adequate?
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