Client, Site and/ or Location:
Date Conducted:
Evaluated By:
Facility Manager:
Facility Location:
Personnel Affiliated; if Applicable:
Expectations of this audit is to ensure that the facility is operating with in the guidelines of the regulating agencies as well as the specifically assigned permits. The goal of completing this audit is to avoid any potential environmental impacts by enforcing the requirements set forth by Ecoserv and the regulating agencies.
Environmental Services Division – [Check which operation that is applicable]:
- Collection Operations
- Processing Operations
- Injection Operations
- NORM Injection Operations
- Industrial Disposal Facility Operations
- Permian Basin Operations
Environmental Regulatory – [Click on all that apply]:
- Railroad Commission of Texas
- Spill Prevention Control, and Countermeasure
- Waste Management Operations Plan
- Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
- United States Coast Guard
- Louisiana Department of Environment Quality
- Texas Department of State Health Services
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Texas General Land Office
Reference Page #1
Reference Page #2
Reference Page #3
Is there an updated map of the facility
Is there an Emergency Contact listing posted (i.e. Louisiana Emergency Contacts for LA Facilities & Texas Emergency Contacts for TX Facilities)
Is the previous year's Tier II Report available.
Is there an up to date SDS packet for products found on-site
Is the facility permitted/regulated by Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Are the following documents available:<br>- WMOP<br>- UIC 28 Manifest (3 years)<br>- Samples (30 days)<br>- Louisiana Emergency Contacts
Which of the following documents are missing
- UIC 28 Manifest (30) Days
- Samples (30) Days
- Louisiana Emergency Contacts
Is this facility permitted/regulated by Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Which of the following are conducted at this facility
- Storm water/Sanitary Discharge
- D-Listed Area (i.e. Hazardous Waste Transfer, NORM Transfer/work, Non E&P Waste Transfer)
Is the Stormwater/Sanitary Discharge Permit available
Select which of the following operations are conducted on the D-Listed Area
- Hazardous Waste Transfer/Non E&P Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer
- NORM contaminated Waste/Equipment Transfer
Are the following documents available: <br>- EPA ID Number <br>- D-Listed Area waste log (log of accepted and shipped)<br>- Waste Manifest from D-Listed Area (3 years- Copies)<br>- Training Records ( Advanced & Basic Hazardous Waste, Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan)<br>- LDR Notices (Hazardous waste requirement only)<br>- Regulatory Agency Inspection (EPA/LDEQ)<br>- Internal Facility Inspections (Weekly)<br>- Inspection Log (3 Years)<br>- Copy of Inspection Plan<br>- Emergency Coordinator List<br>- Contingency Plan<br>- List and Locations of Emergency Response Equipment<br>- Evacuation Plan
Which of the following documents are not available
- EPA ID Number
- D-Listed Waste Log (log of accepted and shipped)
- Waste Manifest (3 years- Copies)
- LDR Notices (Hazardous Waste Only- copies)
- Training Records (Advanced & Basic Hazardous Waste, Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan
- Regulatory Inspection records
- Internal Facility Inspections (Weekly)
- Emergency Coordinator List
- Contingency Plan
- List and Locations of Emergency Response Equipment
- Evacuation Plan
- Inspection Log (3 years)
- Copy of the Inspection Plan
Are the following documents available: <br>- NORM Manifest<br>- NORM Training (NORM Worker, RSO)<br>- Records of Transfer<br>- Inventory Log (Accepted, Shipped, Current)<br>- DRC- 3 Posting (CDF)<br>- LDEQ Radiological License (CDF)
Which of the following documents are not available
- NORM Manifest
- NORM Training (NORM Worker, RSO)
- Records of Transfer
- Inventory Log (Brought in, shipped, and current)
- DRC-3 Posting (CDF)
- LDEQ Radiological License (CDF)
Is the facility permitted/regulated by Texas Railroad Commission
Is there a permitted pit at this facility?
Are the following documents available:<br>- Pit Permit<br>- Pit Inspections
Which of the following documents are not available
- Pit Permit
- Pit Inspections
Do disposal operations occur at this facility?
Are the following documents available:<br>- Well Permits<br>- H-5 Reports
Which of the following documents are not available
- Well Permits
- H-5 Reports (Most Recent: 1 yr/ 5 yr)
Is the facility permitted/regulated by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Which of the following does TCEQ regulate at this facility
- Stormwater Discharge
- Waste Processing and Disposal
Are the following documents available:<br>- Permit Application<br>- Facility Permit (Solid Waste Permit)<br>- Well Permits<br>- Waste Analysis Plan<br>- Waste Manifest<br>- Waste Profiles<br>- Scale Certificate<br>- Safety Survey of Waste Management Units (Every day of month)<br>- Waste Analysis Plan <br>- Well Pressure Chart (Every day of month)<br>- Employee Training (SEMS)
Which of the following documents are not available
- Permit Application
- Facility Permit (Solid Waste Permit)
- Well Permits
- Waste Analysis Plan
- Waste Manifest
- Waste Profiles
- Scale Certificate
- Safety Survey of Waste Management Units (Every day of Month)
- Waste Acceptance Reports
- Well Pressure Charts (Every day of Month)
Are the following documents available:<br>- Storm Water MSGP<br>- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)<br> or<br>- No-Exposure Certificate (must have if above two are not available)<br>
Which of the following documents are not available
- Stormwater MSGP
- No-Exposure Certificate
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Is the facility permitted/regulated by Texas Department of State Health Services
Are the following documents available:<br>- TDSHS License<br>- Quarterly Reports<br>- Dosemitry Badge Reports<br>- Monthly Audits/Surveys<br>- Employee Training (SEMS)<br>- NORM Employee Awareness Posting<br>- Ambient Air Reports<br>- Past TDSHS Audits<br>- Gamma Spec Daily Response Checks (Big Hill only)
Which of the following documents are not available
- TDSHS License
- Quarterly Reports
- Dosemitry Badge Reports
- Monthly Audits/Surveys
- Employee Training Documents (NORM Worker, RSO)
- NORM Employee Awareness Posting
- Ambient Air Reports
- Past TDSHS Audits
- Gamma Spec Daily Response Check
Is the facility permitted/regulated by United States Coast Guard
Are the following documents available:<br>- Facility Operation Manual<br>- Facility Response Plan<br>- Tabletop Drill (3 years)<br>- OSRO Letters (3 years)<br>- Past Inspections<br>- PIC List<br>- PIC Training<br>- Quarterly Phone Drills (3 years)<br>- Declaration of Inspection (DoI)<br>- Transfer Hose Pressure Reports<br>- Site Diagram<br>- Spill Notification List<br>- Hose Log<br>
Which of the following documents are not available
- Facility Operations Manual
- Facility Response Plan
- Tabletop Drill (3 years)
- OSRO Letters (3 years)
- Past Inspections (3 years)
- PIC List
- PIC Training
- Quarterly Phone Drills
- Declaration of Inspection (DoI)
- Transfer Hose Pressure Reports
- Site Diagram
- Spill Notification List/Emergency Contact List
- Hose Log
Are all items above up to date.
Is the facility permitted/regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. (i.e. Oil or oily material onsite)
Is there an SPCC for the facility.
Is employee training up to date
Are permanent ASTs (i.e. Water plant tanks, slurry tanks, waste storage tanks) in compliance with tank inspection program.
Are equipment inspection sheets available.
Equipment Inspection Sheets
Were issues that were noted with equipment corrected
Which piece of equipment is there an issue with.
Coaching Comments and/or Category Recognition:
Sampling/Waste Screening
Is sampling/waste screening equipment located on site
Which of the following sampling equipment can be found on site
- Retort
- Chloride test
- pH
- Flashpoint
- EC/Resistivity Meter
- Centrifuge
- LEL- 4 Gas Meters
- VOC- PID Meters
- Confirmation Analysis (Drager Tubes)
- NORM Screening Device (Ludlum Model 3/3000)
- NORM Confirmatory Device (Ludlum Model 2200)
- Scales
- Gamma Spec
Does sampling/screening equipment meet requirements of what the permit/regulatory agency require and what is required from the safety department (Employee Education, Protection, and Exposure Application).
Which of the following required sampling/screening equipment, cannot be found at the site.
- Retort
- Chloride test
- pH
- Flashpoint
- EC/Resistivity Meter
- Centrifuge
- LEL- 4 Gas Meters
- VOC- PID Meters
- Confirmation Analysis (Drager Tubes)
- NORM Screening Device (Ludlum Model 3/3000)
- NORM Confirmatory Device (Ludlum Model 2200)
- Scales
- Gamma Spec
Where is the sampling/screening equipment stored
Is all sampling/screening equipment properly maintained and stored (i.e. properly Calibrated, properly working, properly stored)
Can calibration logs be verified
Are any pieces of equipment being used passed it's calibration date.
Which pieces of equipment are past the calibration date.
- Retort
- Chloride test
- pH
- Flashpoint
- EC/Resistivity Meter
- Centrifuge
- LEL- 4 Gas Meters
- VOC- PID Meters
- Confirmation Analysis (Drager Tubes)
- NORM Screening Device (Ludlum Model 3/3000)
- NORM Confirmatory Device (Ludlum Model 2200)
- Scales
- Gamma Spec
Demonstration of sampling/screening procedure.
Who demonstrated sampling/screening procedure; Name and Title.
Was sampling/screening of waste demonstrated by qualified individual. (i.e. Knowledgeable on Sampling/screening)
Was sampling/screening completed properly
What problems were encountered?
Add media
Was waste properly collected in order to demonstrate a representative sample of the contents being collected. i.e.: homogeneous mixture; top, middle, and bottom.
Which of the following equipment was used for this demonstration.
- Retort
- Chloride test
- pH
- Flashpoint
- EC/Resistivity Meter
- Centrifuge
- LEL- 4 Gas Meters
- VOC- PID Meters
- Confirmation Analysis (Drager Tubes)
- NORM Screening Device (Ludlum Model 3/3000)
- NORM Confirmatory Device (Ludlum Model 2200)
- Scales
- Gamma Spec
Was equipment used in sampling/screening demonstration used properly.
3.0 Observation
3.1 General Facility
Is there a Muster Station with proper signage.
Is there a smoking area with proper signage.
Is there a "Transfer Communication System" used (i.e. Two Way Radio)
What type of system is being used
Is the "Transfer Communication System" being used intrinsically safe (this is noted on the systems)
Does the Facility Manager have the capability of being notified via this form of communication
3.2 Facility Entrance
Is there a sign(s) posted at the entrance of the facility
Take picture of entrance- including all sign(s)
What is the condition of the sign(s)
Is there a lockable gate
What is the condition of the gate and lock
Is there a security fence or a barrier of entry located around the entire facility.
What is the condition of the security fence or barrier of entry
Add media
3.3 Facility Housekeeping
Are there any spills/leaks or signs of spills/leaks. (soil/gravel stains)
Spill Location/Description:
Add media
Is there permanent/portable Secondary Containment present at this facility
Secondary Containment
What type of secondary containment is present
Is containment sufficient for total storage capacity
What is the condition of the secondary containment
Add media
Is there any trash/junk located throughout the facility. (i.e.: Junk piles, trash on ground, overflowing trashcans, empty drums)
Add media
Are there spill kits located throughout the facility (i.e. oil absorbent)
3.4 Facility Equipment
Is there a washwater plant at this facility
Is the plant in good condition and properly functioning
Are there any odors present
Is there sufficient/adequate containment. Does the containment meet regulatory requirements (i.e.: 100 year flood, if required).
Are all AST's in good condition, no signs of age/wear and tear or leaks.
Is there a transfer pit/tank present at this facility.
Transfer pit/tank
Is the "Pit Permit Number" posted, if applicable. (Required by RRC)
Does the freeboard meet the requirement found in permit, if applicable.
What is freeboard
What condition is the truck ramp in, if applicable
What is the condition of the pit/tank
Add media
Is there a washrack/ cleaning slab present at this facility (i.e.: area where cleaning jobs occur)
What is the condition of the washrack/cleaning slab. (i.e.: cracks, not draining properly, releases outside of area)
Add media
Are there above ground storage tanks (ASTs) present at this facility
Location/I.D. of ASTs
What are the contents of the ASTs
What is the condition of the ASTs
Is there any signs of leaks or spills around ASTs
Add media
Are there any portable tanks present at this facility (i.e. MPTs, Frac Tanks, Cutting boxes)
Portable tanks
Location of portable tanks
What are the contents of the portable tanks
Is there any signs of leaks or spills around portable tanks
Add media
Is there mobile equipment present at this facility (i.e. Forklift, Cranes, Excavator)
Mobile Equipment (i.e. Forklift, Cranes, Excavator)
Mobile Equipment I.D. (i.e. Forklift, Crane, Excavator)
Is there any visible signs of faulty, leaking, or damaged parts (i.e. damaged hydraulic hose, oil leak, leaking seal)
Add media
Is there permanent lighting at this facility
Is work conducted during non-daylight hours
Do the lights put off sufficient illumination
What is the condition of the lighting
3.5 Dockside Facility (USCG regulated)
Is this a dockside facility (USCG regulated)
Are there warning signs on the dock
Total number on dock
Do they face Downstream and Upstream
Do they face Seaward and Landward
Are the signs in good condition
Add media
Are there Fire Extinguishers on the dock
Total number on dock
Are the extinguishers in good condition
Are the extinguishers fully charged
When were the extinguishers last inspected
Is there proper signage indicating location of extinguishers
Are the extinguishers properly mounted
Add media
Are there Life Rings on the dock
Total number on the dock
Is there retrieval rope on all Life Rings
Are the Life Rings mounted properly (i.e. on rack with retrieval rope properly coiled)
Are the Life Rings in good condition
Add media
Are there Work Vest located on the dock
Total number of Work Vest
Are the Work Vest in good condition.
3.6 Transfer Hoses/Transfer piping (i.e. Hoses used to transfer waste)
Are there transfer hoses/Transfer piping present at this facility
Transfer Hoses
Hose I.D./Location
Hose Markings
is there a Hose Marking indicating OIL SERVICE
Is there a Hose Marking stating the "Maximum Allowable Working Pressure" (MAWP)
Is there a Hose Marking idicating the "Hose I.D." (Hose I.D. should match information in hose log book)
Hose Defects (i.e. Wear and Tear of hoses)
Is the hosed mashed
Are there any cuts
Are there any kinks
Does the hose show any signs of peeling/deteriorating
Spill Control
Are all connections properly secured (i.e. Camlocks secured with pins, diapered)
If not being used are ends properly capped (i.e. Camlocks secured with pins, diapered)
Drip pans placed under connections
Is drip pan empty of any fluids and clean
Add media
Transfer Piping
Pipe I.D./Location:
What is condition of the piping
Do all flanges, have sufficient number of bolts
Are Nuts and Bolts in good condition
Add media
3.7 Over the top transfers
Are over the top transfers being conducted at this facility
Does the Transfer Manifold Equipment being used meet the requirements of the SOP "Marine Liquid Bulk Transfer Procedure" Section D
Do the hoses being used meet the requirements of the SOP "Marine Liquid Bulk Transfer Procedure" Section E.
Do the hoses connections being used meet the requirements of the SOP "Marine Liquid Bulk Transfer Procedure" Section F
Does the Grounding/Bonding mechanisms being used meet the requirements of the SOP "Marine Liquid Bulk Transfer Procedure" Section G
3.8 Hopper Barges
Are Hopper Barges present at this facility.
Hopper Barges
Barge Name:
Number of mooring lines
Condition of lines
Percent loading
Is an oil sheen present
Add media
Are the following documents available:<br>- Vessel Response Plan/USCG Letter<br>- Stability Letter<br>- Certification of Financial Responsibility <br>- COI <br>- USCG Documents:<br> o Interim Period to Operate<br> o Security Exemption<br>- Manifest (If in transit/fleet area; or has been transited)<br>
Select which of the following documents can not be found in the barge
- Vessel Response Plan/ USCG Letter
- Stability Letter
- Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Barge Specific)
- CoI
- USCG Document: Interim Period to Operate
- USCG Document: Security Exemption
- Manifest (If in transit/fleet area; or has been transitted)
Are all documents up to date (i.e. not expired)
If free oil is present, is the oil being skimmed prior to navigation
Does the oil skimming operations being conducted meet the requirements of the SOP "Marine Liquid Bulk Transfer Procedure" Section J
3.9 Disposal Wells
Are there disposal wells located at this facility
Disposal Wells
Well Number:
Is there a sign located at the well head
Can the following information be found on the well sign:<br>- Operator (Ecoserv)<br>- Lease Name <br>- Lease Number<br>- Well Number<br>- Well Permit Number
Select the following information that can not be found on the well sign
- Operator
- Well Number
- Lease Number
- Lease Name
- Well Permit Number
Is the sign legible
Is the sign big enough
Add media
Is this well currently being used for disposal
Is the well's pressure within the permitted limits set in disposal permit
Is there a pressure gauge on the well head
Is the gauge working
Can the pressure gauge be read
Is there a pressure observation valve on the tubing and for each annulus
Is the wellhead in good condition
Was an H-5/MIT completed on this well within the last year, or if applicable (Fannett only) 5 years
Is there any signs of releases around the wellhead
3.10 D-Listed Area
Does this facility have a "D-Listed" Area (i.e. Areas of the dock non-LDNR permitted)
Are there items/waste present in the D-Listed area
Do the items found on the Inventory log of the D-listed area match what is located on the site.
Are containers within storage limits (i.e. Hazardous Waste: Manifested Offshore- 10 days/ Classified onshore- 90 days; All other waste: 90 days (Ecoserv Policy)
Waste Containers being used
Are Waste Containers closed
Are containers in good condition
Are containers leaking or show evidence of a leak
If applicable, is the container stored in adequate secondary containment
Are containers marked with accumulation start date (i.e. Date accepted on Ecoserv's facility)
Are containers labeled with contents
If applicable, is the container marked with "Hazardous Waste"
If applicable, are ignitable Hazardous Waste stored >50 feet from the property line
Are containers DOT approved
Is there appropriate aisle space between containers being stored (i.e. Enough room to navigate to each container if necessary)
Is there a water source near by with sufficient flow rate and pressure
What is the source
Is facility security system adequate to minimize unauthorized entry
Is an Emergency Number Posted
Are "NO SMOKING" signs posed in the area
Is "No Unauthorized Entry" sign posted
Is a "Hazardous Waste" sign posted, if applicable (i.e. if hazardous waste is present)
Are signs posted and legible for 25 feet
Are there spill kits located throughout the D-Listed area (i.e. oil absorbent)
Name of (PIC) Person In Charge:
(PIC) Person In Charge Signature:
Name of Reviewer/ Evaluator:
Evaluator Signature: