Title Page
Facility Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is SWP3 current and available for inspection?
Are there revisions that need to be made to the SWP3 plan?
If revisions have been made, are they noted in the revision log?
Management Certification page current?
Delegation of Signatories current?
NOI in binder?
Permit certificate in binder?
Is management and team member contact information current?
Is the site map current with equipment, structures, stockpiles and outfalls?
Is material inventory list current?
Have employees been trained on the SWP3 plan within the past year?
Are the Daily Environmental Reporting forms up-to-date?
Are Monthly Environmental Inspections current?
Quarterly Visual Monitoring Reports up-to-date?
Annual Inspection conducted within past year?
Annual DMR available (past 3 years)?
Annual Metals DMR available (past 3 years)?
Bi-annual Benchmark Reports available (past 3 years)?
Is there a rain gauge located on-site?
Is the Rain Log up-to-date?
Are all BMP’s required by the SWP3 being implemented?
Are all drums/totes containing petroleum products within secondary containment?
Is the volume of secondary containment adequate?
Is there any discoloration present in secondary containment and surrounding area?
Are containers, drums, bags properly labeled and closed when not in use?
Is there any evidence of cracks or leaks in drums?
Are oil, grease and maintenance chemicals stored indoors or sheltered from rain?
Any evidence of uncontained garbage or refuse?
Is area around trash dumpster and in storage areas clean and orderly?
Are chemicals being stored in proper containers and clearly labeled?
Containers stacked according to manufacturer’s instructions?
55-gallon drums are stored on their side when not inside or under cover?
Scrap metal stored in scrap bin or in designated area out of the path of storm water runoff?
Surface coating area in dry/clean condition?
Abrasive blast area in clean condition?
Are production areas neat and clean?
Are the weirs and containment pit clean and maintained?
Is there a buildup of sediment that needs to be removed?
Is process water flowing through the weirs and pit as designed?
If equipped with pumps, are they working and are they being used as designed?
Is excess waste material removed from the property as soon as possible?
Are waste piles located away from the properly line as much as possible or kept within concrete block bins?
Are unpaved/unused areas planted with grass or other vegetative cover to prevent erosion?
Is there evidence of soil erosion?
Are areas with sheet flow or under construction utilizing aggregate filters?
Are additional measures such as reseeding or mulching needed in areas of vegetation growth?
Are dikes, berms, swales, and other storm water diversion structures properly maintained?
Are all the outfall(s) on the property accessible?
Is there vegetation at the outfall(s) that needs to be trimmed back or removed to help with access?
Do the outfall(s) have sediment filters?
Do the outfall(s) show signs of discharge? (i.e., sediment, erosion, standing water, etc.)
Was any evidence of negative impact observed?
Have any exceedances occurred?
If so, were they reported and documented to the applicable agency?
If so, have proper changes been made to the SWP3 to prevent reoccurrence?
Is SPCC current and available for inspection?
Are there revisions that need to be made to the SPCC plan?
Have employees been trained on the SPCC plan within the past year?
Are all containers clearly labeled?
Are spill kits located in all appropriate areas?
Is secondary containment provided around liquid storage areas?
Has there been an identifiable spill or leak since the last annual inspection?
If so, was the volume considered a reportable quantity (RQ)? (25-gal to ground/sheen on water)
If spill is a known RQ, was proper notification made and report form filled out?
Were spill kits replenished?
Was the material/liquid properly disposed if oil was present?
General maintenance regularly performed on equipment and vehicles to prevent leaks?
Was any leaking equipment observed?
Are drip pans and absorbents used under and around leaky vehicles/equipment and during daily maintenance?
Are clean-up materials and response equipment readily available?
Are there potential spill situations on-site?
Are used vehicle fluids, oil filters, paint and batteries being recycled?
Are there any unusable or outdated materials that can be removed or properly disposed of?
Does the tank show signs of rust or corrosion and need to be repainted?
Are tank labels/ markings legible and in good condition?
Are there signs of leaking from pipes, couplings or connections?
Is the tank fill-pipe equipped with a spill containment box?
Is the fill-pipe spill containment box free of spills and trash?
Is the fill-pipe equipped with a check-valve?
Is the fuel nozzle and hose in good condition?
Is fuel hose equipped with a hanger or other device that allows the hose to be hung up after each use?
Fuel hose equipped with a breakaway device?
Is the fuel nozzle capable of being locked after hours to prevent unauthorized use, theft or vandalism?
If equipped with secondary containment, are the walls in good condition? (i.e., no cracks or signs of seepage, etc.)
Is there standing water inside the secondary containment that needs to be drained or pumped out?
Does the containment have drain plugs in place or ball valves that are closed and locked when not in use?
If the containment was drained, has it been logged on the secondary containment drainage log form?
Are there signs of spills inside the containment or around the fuel pump that need to be cleaned up?
Is there trash inside the containment area that needs to be removed and disposed of properly?
Is the containment area free of wind-blown dirt and debris?
Are trash receptacles with lids available in the fueling area?
Is the Emergency Shut Off switch clearly labeled and accessible?
Is there a spill kit available?
Is the spill kit labeled and stocked with supplies?
Silo-top dust collectors working properly?
Central dust collector working properly?
Pulse-jets and/or vibrators on the bag-house(s)/dust collector working?
Central dust collector minimum 100’ from property line?
Dust collector inspections conducted monthly?
Filters in the bag-house(s) and central dust collector changed out on a regular basis?
High-level alarms maintained and working properly?
Is the loading boot and shroud in good condition?
Is there material buildup inside the shroud or vent line(s)?
Are there visible dust emissions from the plant during the loading of mixers or during the delivery of cement/fly ash?
All paved areas swept or watered regularly to help control dust?
Is a sweeper log maintained and current?
Are all material stockpiles kept within 3-sided bunkers?
Are the material stockpiles equipped with sprinklers?
Additional Notes
Inspector's Name & Signature