Equipment Info
Hour Meter Reading
Unit Number
Power OFF Checks
1. Undercarriage
A. Track Shoes/Wheels & Tires
B. Track Links
C. Rollers/Sprockets
D. Clean of Mud, Dirt, & Rock
2. Lights/Strobes
3. Mirrors/Visibility Aids
4. Engine/Engine Compartment
A. Belts/Hoses
B. Cables/Wires
C. Debris
5. Battery/Batteries
A. Cylinders/Rods
B. Cables/Wires
C. Debris
6. Hydraulics
A. Cylinders/Rods
B. Hoses/Lines/Fittings
C. Pins/Locks
7. Fluids
A. Engine Oil
B. Engine Coolant
C. Hydraulic Oil
D. Fuel/Battery
8. Chassis
A. Cab/Glass/Doors
B. Emergency Exit
C. Entry/Exit Steps
E. Counterweight/Counterweight Bolts
F. Fire Extinguisher/Tagged & Current Inspection
9. Digging Assembly
A. Bucket & Cutting Edge/Work Attachment
B. Loader Arms & Pins
10. Other
List here
Power ON Checks
11. Unit Starts & Runs Properly
12. Instruments/Gauges
13. Warning Lights/Audible Alarms
14. Lap Bar/Hydraulic Release
15. Fuel Level
16. Horn/Audible Warning Device(s)
17. Function Controls
A. Hold to Run
B. Drive-Forward/Reverse
C. Steer-Left/Right
D. Bucket/Attachment-All movements
E. Accessories
18. Emergency/Auxiliary Controls
19. wipers
20. Seatbelt Inspected & Fastened
21. Housekeeping
22. Manufactures Operating Manuals
23. Decals/Warning/Placards
24. Misc. Parts-Loose/Missing/Broken
Workplace Inspection
25. Drop-offs or Holes
26. Bumps & Floor/ Ground Obstructions
27. Debris
28. Overhead Obstructions
29. Energized Power Lines
30. Hazards Locations
31. Ground Surface & Support Conditions
32. Pedestrian/Vehicle Traffic
33. Wind & Weather Conditions
34. Other Possible Hazards
Operators Signature
Alternate Operators Signature