Title Page

  • Project

  • Site ID

  • Site Type

  • Client

  • Subcontractor(s)

  • Subcontractor

  • Subcontractor

  • Inspection Date

  • Site Location
  • Event Manager

  • Site supervisor for site and company they work for

  • Safety Advisor

Summary & Highlights of Audit

  • Good Practice(s)

  • Bad Practice(s)

  • Have Supervisor & Installers been issued the latest QHSE Bulletins?

Site Setup

  • Suitable fencing?

  • Site Secure?

  • Project details / title displayed?

  • Site Safety signs ( hard hat etc) displayed?

  • Fit for purpose?

  • Well maintained?

  • Site lighting sufficient?

  • no lights shinning into / onto residential buildings?

Method Statements / Risk Assessments / Site Briefings

  • CPP, Quality and Environmental Plans on site and available?

  • Daily MS and RA briefings - briefing records?

  • Relevant MS with crew- latest issue & in date?

  • Accompanied by Risk assessments?

  • Emergency arrangements, fire, environment detailed ?

  • HASWA notice displayed - correct addresses, contact details?

  • Site Specific inductions - briefing records?

  • Latest Safety Notices available -briefing records?

  • Are all briefings adequate, sufficient, appropriate and understood by operatives?

Housekeeping / Site Tidiness

  • Access & egress -suitable-kept clear

  • Public fenced off/ protected from work area.

  • Work site free from slipping/ tripping hazards?

  • Litter correctly disposed of?

  • Site tidy-equipment/ materials stored/ stacked/ secured safely away from walkways and work areas?

  • Vehicles positioned safely.

  • Is spare PPE (Hi Viz jackets and Helmets) available on site?

Welfare Facilities

  • Location(s) known?

  • Within 3 minutes of worksite?

  • Soap water, wet wipes for hand washing available?

  • Adequate facility for resting / eating/ drinking?

  • Facilities for heating food / water?

  • Drinking water available and clearly marked?

  • Drying room / facilities available?

  • Waste bins provided?

Emergency Procedures

  • Operatives aware of emergency procedures?

  • Route/ contact details of nearest A&E Hospital displayed?

  • Office emergency contact details documented?

First Aid and Fire Arrangements

  • Is there a qualified (3 day) First Aider?

  • Is there an Emergency First Aider?

  • First Aider known?

  • First aider

  • First Aider has certification? ( Expiry date)

  • First Aid kit available?

  • First Aid kit Full and in date?

  • Appropriate extinguishers available?

  • Full and within service date? (1 year)

  • Is site providers Visitor book in use?

  • Is an appropriate muster point identified and included in briefings?

Waste Management and Pollution Control

  • is this section applicable?

  • Is it being continually reviewed and updated

  • All personnel briefed

  • All litter disposed of correctly

  • Skips correctly marked

  • General waste stored & segregated correctly

  • Hazardous waste correctly stored & controlled (asbestos)

  • No cross contamination of waste

  • Skips covered- reduce wind blown waste?

  • Only approved waste carriers employed to removed waste.

  • Copies of waste carriers licence kept?

  • Copies of transfer / consignment notices kept?

  • Copies of waste management licence kept for point of disposal / recycling.

  • All scrap collected / disposed of correctly?

  • dust / Fumes / gases / odours & smoke emissions being controlled.

  • Silty water handled correctly

  • Concrete washout handled correctly

  • Spillage kits available or other appropriate measure.

  • drip trays and funnels available?

  • Emergency arrangements known / displayed?

  • All pollution incidents ecorded?

Engineers on site

    Engineer on site
  • Name of engineer & company

  • Are persons wearing required PPE

  • Where applicable is there evidence of First Aid training?

  • Where applicable is the evidence of Manual Handling training?

  • Where applicable is there evidence of Asbestos training?

  • Where applicable is there evidence of 18th/ 19th electrical certificates?

  • Where applicable is there evidence of NSWR ( streetworks) training?

  • Where applicable is there evidence of CSCS certificate?

  • Where applicable is there evidence of training in the use of plant operation?

  • Where applicable is the evidence of Cable avoidance training? CAT scan and Genny.

Excavations / Permit to dig/ Trenches

  • Is this section applicable

  • Utilities search ( STATS) on site and current, less than 3 month old?

  • Permit to dig completed correctly?

  • CAT / GENNY scan taken place ( buried services)

  • CAT Scan records?

  • Utility / service strikes/ damage recorded and logged?

  • Excavated material stored safely ( >1m from excavation not interfering with surface drains)

  • Excavation securely shored where appropriate.

  • Stability on neighbouring structures catered for

  • Competent person training

  • Edge protection ( guard rails)

  • Inspection records available

  • Leptospirosis / Weils disease information available.

Plant Machinery & Tools

  • Is this section applicable?

  • Lifting equipment (excavators) certificates available?

  • Maintained in good repair. Safety devices operating correctly ( records / certs)

  • Weekly logs maintained- including CSCS operators log book

  • Tools/ equipment stored correctly

  • Supply voltage for tools / equipment lowest possible for task . 110v / battery.

  • Certificates of competence for Operatives

  • Roll over protection - cage , bar, seatbelt.

  • Automatic stop system

  • Banksman used

  • Appropriate warnings


  • Is this section applicable?

  • Has the site be inspected prior to work start?

  • Precautions implemented to work near overhead lines ?

  • Safe systems of work including lock offs implemented?

  • Pat / installation testing

  • Are all hand tools used insulated?

Confined Spaces ( inc Permits)

  • Is this section applicable?

  • Confined space training

  • Risk assessment?

  • Permit to enter available

  • Entry drills completed?

  • Work equipment checked ?

  • Gas detectors available?

  • Air tested / testing continously?

  • Emergency arrangements known?

  • Emergency equipment available? ( escape BA, tripod/ winch , harness)

Hazardous Substances ( COSHH)

  • Is this section applicable?

  • Are COSHH data sheets available?

  • Briefing to all Staff?

  • Appropriate PPE available?

  • Stored correctly-Suitable container- appropriate markings

Test and Safety Equipment

  • CAT scan available, working and within Calibration?

  • GENNY available, working and within Calibration?

  • Gas Detector available, working and within Calibration?

  • Loop tester available, working and within Calibration?

  • Megger tester available, working and within Calibration?

  • Test lamp & tester available , working and within Calibration?

  • Saver sets 6 / 10 mins in working order date?

  • Harness and ropes inspected within 6 months and serviceable?

  • Tripod and winch inspected serviceable with LOLER documents?

  • Gas equipment / hoses inspected and serviceable correctly jointed?

  • Installation and PAT testing equipment serviceable and in Calibration?


  • Is the section applicable?

  • Is there a Traffic Management plan available on site?

  • Is there an Eaton available on site?

  • Is the traffic management setup as per Management plan and Eaton?

  • Pedestrian walkway maintained as per NSWR regulations?

  • Safety zone provided if any barricading in the road.

  • Signs/cones / barriers in accordance with code of practice.

Ladders / Step Ladders

  • Is this section applicable?

  • Should ladders be used for task?

  • Are ladders set up correctly for task?

  • Ladder secured to prevent sideways / outwards movement?

  • Ladder in good condition and inspection record available.

  • Class 1 &2 ladders / steps for use on construction sites.

Working at Height and Scaffolding

  • Is this section applicable?

  • Scaffold erected, altered & dismantled by competent persons?

  • Safe access to scaffold platform

  • Uprights provided with base plates / timber sole plates.

  • Adequate guard rails and toe boards in place ( brick guards or netting as required)

  • Working platforms fully boarded/ no trip hazards.

  • Scaffold not overloaded.

  • Incomplete scaffold signs erected as required

  • Inspection records completed

  • Handover certification completed

  • Suitable barriers , guard rails or covers provided where persons pass or work near fragile materials.

  • Crawling boards provided

  • Persons protected from falling debris

Hot Works ( inc Permits)

  • is this section applicable?

  • Permit in place?

  • Safe system of works in place?

  • Fire Extinguisher available ?

  • Suitable and sufficient PPE worn?

  • Is the task isolated from the public?

Noise / Vibration

  • Is this section applicable?

  • All persons briefed and records kept?

  • Noise levels acceptable

  • Shouting and swearing kept to a minimum?

  • All engine / motor guards closed?

  • Low vibration equipment in use?

  • Appropriate PPE worn?


  • Is this section applicable

  • Quantity of flammable material kept to a minimum on site

  • Proper storage of flammable materials

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.