
  • Document No.

  • Site Name

  • Project No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel Audited

1.0 Housekeeping

  • Site entrance clear and tidy and free from mud and debris?

  • Site compound and offices clear and tidy?

  • Are there designated waste collection points (i.e. bins or skips) and are these maintained?

  • Is the material storage area well laid out and materials adequately stored?

  • Designated vehicle / wheel washing area?

  • Re-fueling area tidy?

  • Are oils/fuels/chemicals stored on site and in a safe manner?

2.0 Fuel / Oil / Chemical Management

  • Are oils and chemicals stored on a bund with 110% capacity in a COSHH container?

  • Are oils / fuels / chemicals clearly labelled?

  • Are fuel bowsers bunded and secure?

  • Are all oils, fuels or chemical stored away from water courses?

  • Does static plant have appropriate drip trays or plant nappies in place?

  • Are spill kits available in the immediate vicinity?

  • Are spill control measures effectively communicated? (i.e. posters, notices or information boards)

  • Are gas bottles correctly stored in a secure cage?

3.0 Waste Management

  • Is there a designated waste collection point set up and maintained?

  • Are waste skips clearly labelled with appropriate signage?

  • Are the following waste types segregated or sent to a recycling facility?

  • Paper/Cardboard

  • Plastics

  • Waste Timber

  • Waste Steel

  • Canteen Waste

  • Are hazardous wastes, (i.e. spray tins, solvents, oily rags, etc.) segregated and stored correctly prior to disposal?

  • Is oil contaminated material correctly disposed of?

  • Is a bunded Waste Oil tank in place?

  • Are all bunds, drip trays and absorbent pads fit for purpose?

  • Are MSDS or COSHH assessments available for all chemicals in use on site?

  • Chemical containers clearly marked and labelled?

  • Is the Waste Management Register up to date?

4.0 Pollution of Watercourses

  • Has the existing drainage network been identified and suitable control measures implemented?

  • Surface water management in place, maintained and adequate?

  • Are watercourses free from silt and suspended solids?

  • Are watercourses free from signs of pollution?

  • Is water quality monitoring being undertaken?

  • Are all excavated materials stored >10m from registered and ordinary watercourses?

  • Have all water bodies and aquifers been identified and suitable control measures been implemented?

  • Are the relevant permits / consents / exemptions in place for type of work being undertaken?

5.0 Use of Materials/Natural Resources

  • Are materials stored to avoid deterioration and damage?

  • Are all perishable materials stored under suitable cover?

  • Recycled materials being used where possible?

  • Are surplus materials returned to suppliers or used elsewhere?

6.0 Ecology

  • Are works coordinated with an Ecologist / ECoW / Environmental Advisor?

  • Have potential habitats been identified and suitable control measures been implemented?

  • Have protected plant species been identified and maintained with an adequate buffer zone and signage?

  • If nesting bird season, have working areas been approved by an Ecologist?

  • If reptile hibernation period, have working areas been approved by an Ecologist?

  • Have mammal sets been identified and checked for evidence of use by an Ecologist?

  • Are bat or bird boxes in place?

  • Have invasive plant species (Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam or Giant Hogweed) been identified and control measures implemented?

7.0 Air Pollution/Dust

  • Are carbon emissions recorded for fuel used on-site?

  • Are machines well maintained and turned off when not in use?

  • Is plant free from exhaust fumes and in line with Non Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) targets?

  • Is dust monitoring being carried out and suitable control measures implemented?

  • Are dust suppression methods being utilised? (i.e. wetting down by water bowser, water hose fitted to concrete saw, etc.)

8.0 Noise and Vibration

  • Are machines switched off when not in use?

  • Are noise barriers in place?

  • Are noise levels monitored at sensitive receptors?

  • Have all efforts been made to avoid public complaints regarding excessive noise levels?

9.0. Water Consumption

  • Water use being metered on site?

  • Is there hot and cold running water in site toilets?

  • Is a grey water system (i.e. rain water harvesting) in place at site compound?

  • Is ground water being used for water bowsers rather than mains?

  • Are other methods / sources being utilised to supply water for site specific activities?

10.0 Emergency Resources

  • Is there an adequate supply of spill kit materials?

  • Are designated spill kit areas suitably sited? (i.e. beside refueling area, near watercourses)

  • Contents of spill kit materials is regularly checked and replenished?

  • Is there an adequate supply of silt mitigation products? (i.e. silt fencing, wooden posts, sedimats, etc.)

  • Are the environmental emergency response contact numbers clearly identified at the site office?

  • Are environmental emergency response drill carried out?

11.0 Documentation

  • Are environmental plans (CEMP, SEMP, SWMP, EERP) available at the site office?

  • Are permits / licences / exemptions / EA letters of correspondence available at the site office?

  • Are records of waste disposal (Waste Transfer Notes and Waste Consignment Notes) available at the site office?

  • Copies of waste carriers licences available at the site office?

  • Has a waste duty of care check been carried out?

  • Is there an environmental notice board on display at the site office / compound?

  • Are the latest Farrans policies on display at the site office / compound?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.