Title Page
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Brief Description of Task/Activity
Document Number:
Fatal Risk Control
Make sure you know which Fatal Risks are present in your work area!
If any fatal risk controls are not effectively implemented or maintained the task/activity should be stopped immediately and the related risks needs to be re assessed by a competent person.
Fall of Ground - Surface
These CRITICAL CONTROLS needs to be in place to minimize fall of ground.
Does the activity present Surface fall of ground risks.
Has the worker been trained and authorized, and does the worker understand the components of Fall of Ground activity?
Is the worker familiar with the FRA and critical controls?
Ground Control
Have identified ground control hazards and mitigations been communicated from geotechnical to supervisors and frontline operations in between shifts?
Are the highwalls scaled and free of debris, and are the catch benches adequate?
Are team members maintaining loading faces at a safe working height/angle and are not positioning themselves between mining equipment and the face?
Is there a barrier (e.g., berm or jersey barriers) in place to stop people and mobile equipment from entering areas where material can fall from a high wall/excavation?
Is the highwall/stockpile built and maintained to plan design?
Are team members entering restricted areas without permission? (e.g., base and crest of highwalls/stockpiles, benches, mining faces, dumps and blasting areas)
Is the surface water control installed and maintained according to design and clear of obstructions? (e.g., storm water drains)
Barriers/Barricades and Exclusion Zones
Are restricted areas demarcated and signed? Is employee entry prohibited without authorization?
Are employees not entering equipment swing radius or blind spots unless positive communication is established, equipment is shut down and any blades/buckets/rippers/etc. are lowered to the ground? Are barriers/barricades and exclusion zones being communicated and maintained?
Engineered Support System & Geotechnical Inspection and Monitoring Systems
Do installed trenching controls meet or exceed Excavation and Trenching Standard requirements? (e.g., shoring, sloping, benching designs, or hydro excavating)
Is a ground disturbance/dig permit at the work site and filled out correctly?
Is there functioning ground displacement detection equipment in place for all areas of the pit wall where there is a risk of failure?
Uncontrolled Ground Movement Procedures
Do the employees understand the emergency procedures? (e.g., seismic, primary/secondary escape)
Fall of Ground - Underground
Does the activity present Underground fall of ground risks.
Has the worker been trained and authorized, and does the worker understand the components of Fall of Ground activity?
Is the worker familiar with the FRA and critical controls?
Ground Control
Have identified ground control hazards and mitigations been communicated from geotechnical to supervisors and frontline operations in between shifts?
Is an adequate length scaling bar immediately available to workers?
Does it appear that scaling/sounding has been conducted in the active work area?
Is there a barrier in place to stop people and occupied mobile equipment from entering areas where ground fall hazards exist?
Are employees working in supported ground?
Barriers/Barricades and Exclusion Zones
Are restricted areas demarcated and signed?
Are employees not entering equipment blind spots unless positive communication is established, equipment is shut down, brake set and any blades/buckets/etc. are lowered to the ground?
Is there a barrier or barricade and sign in place to prevent employees from entering areas where material can fall?
Engineered Support System
Has the correct ground support been installed per the site’s Ground Control Management Plan?
Is shotcrete/paste/backfill being installed in compliance with the Ground Control Management Plan?
Is there a ground support testing program in place and to standard? (e.g., pull testing)
Geotechnical Inspection and Monitoring Systems
Is the work being performed within the design limits? (e.g., cut sheets)
If design variances are noted, have controls been implemented to mitigate the hazard?
Emergency Procedures
Do the employees understand the emergency procedures? (e.g., seismic, primary/secondary escape, and refuge locations)
Are up-to-date escape and evacuation maps available and communicated?
When was the last drill and what had we learn from it?
Sign off
Person Conducted Fatal Risk Critical Control Verification.