Title Page
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Brief Description of Task/Activity
Document Number:
Fatal Risk Control
Make sure you know which Fatal Risks are present in your work area!
If any fatal risk controls are not effectively implemented or maintained the task/activity should be stopped immediately and the related risks needs to be re assessed by a competent person.
Hazardous Chemicals
These CRITICAL CONTROLS needs to be in place when handling Hazardous Chemicals
Does the activity present hazardous chemical risks.
Has the worker been trained and authorized, and does the worker understand the components of working with hazardous materials?
Identification of Chemicals
Do employees understand the hazards associated with the chemical(s) they will be handling or potentially exposed to? (e.g., health hazards, chemical reactivity, flammability)
Do employees know where to locate the Safety Data Sheets (SDS)?
Are employees wearing the correct type of PPE for the task being performed?
Handling and Storage
Do team members know and understand the procedure to follow when unknown substance is found?
Is the chemical compatible with the containers in which it is transferred/stored? (e.g., leaks or containment)
Are containers/pipes appropriately labeled and clearly legible? If applicable, what is the direction of flow?
Is the transfer/handling area easily accessible with proper containment measures in place?
Have the contents of the delivery truck been verified? Is the delivery driver following safe loading/unloading practices?
Are hazardous substances adequately stored and segregated based on SDS storage and segregation requirements?
Are pipes or other distribution systems used for hazardous substances clearly identified?
Controlled Access and Emergency Response
Are physical controls and signage (legible) in place to prevent unauthorized access?
Are hazardous substances stored in designated locations?
Do employees understand controlled access areas, exclusion zones, and evacuation procedures? (e.g., chemical leaks or explosives)
Do employees understand when and how to activate Emergency Call? (e.g., fire, spill, first aid, or chemical reaction)?
Does the team member understand immediate first aid measures (e.g., how long to eye wash/shower) when in contact with chemicals?
Are personnel knowledgeable of the monitoring and alarm systems required for the area where they are working? Do they know what to do when alarms are activated?
Sign off
Person Conducted Fatal Risk Critical Control Verification.