
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Business Name

  • Operator's Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Address

1.0 Administration

  • 1.1 Does the licensee hold an operator's licence under the Tattoo Industry Act 2013

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 1.2 Do all Body Art Tattooists performing body art tattooing procedures hold a Tattooist Licence?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 1.3 Does the business operator hold a current licence issued under the Public Health (Infection Control for Personal Appearance Service) Act 2003? Note: This Licence may apply to multiple approved premises. A copy of the Licence must be displayed at each of the premises to which it applies.

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 1.4 Are copies of all required licences displayed in a prominent location at the premises so as to be clearly visible by patrons?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 1.5 Do all persons performing higher risk personal appearance services hold an infection control qualification?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 1.6 Is a copy of the current Infection Control Guidelines maintained on-site and easily accessible if required for reference?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 1.7 Are records maintained for staff immunization and needle stick injuries that occur in the workplace?

  • Directions

  • Timeframe for Compliance:


3.0 Hygiene

  • 3.1 Are suitable hand washing facilities provided?<br>At least one hand wash basin must be provided for each five workstations where hand washing facilities are not obstructed by walls or fixtures (additional hand washing basins may be required if obstructions are present).<br>Hand washing facilities must be located between 800mm and 1000mm above the floor, of a suitable size (400mm x 250mm), connected to a reticulated water supply, controlled by non-touch taps, and provided with liquid soap, paper towel and a waste receptacle. Hand wash basins should be provided with a splashback or the surrounding wall surfaces should be constructed of an impervious material.<br>Note: Hot water is not required, however is recommended.

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.2 Are personal appearance service providers washing their hands frequently and when required?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.3 Do personal appearance service providers remove all hand jewellery and watches prior to performing any services?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.4 Do personal appearance service providers adequately protect themselves and clients from risk of infection? (Wear clean clothing, gloves (inspect for faults before use), closed-in puncture -resistant footwear, as well as goggles or face masks and aprons when required)?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.5 Do personal appearance service providers ensure any skin lesions are covered on exposed parts of their body with an adhesive water-resistant dressing?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.6 Is a suitable first aid kit readily available for staff to attend to themselves and clients when necessary?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.7 Are staff suitably trained and equipped to manage a client bleed?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.8 Are staff aware of how to manage exposure to a client’s blood or other body substances and do they ensure any incidents are reported to Management?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.9 Is the area on the client’s body suitably prepared, cleaned and antiseptic applied where required prior to performing a personal appearance service?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.10 Do all staff refrain from smoking, eating and drinking while attending to clients and cleaning or disinfecting instruments?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.11 With the exception of assistance animals, are animals prohibited from places where personal appearance services are provided?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.12 Are single use items (i.e. stencils, wax, applicators, single-use razors etc.) only used once before being disposed of and are they stored in a protected manner until use?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.13 Are inks, pigments or other liquids decanted into single use containers and applied with single use or sterile apparatus?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.14 Is linen/single use protectors changed between each client and soiled linen placed in a suitable receptacle separate to clean linen that is lined or able to be easily cleaned? Where re-usable linen is used, is this effectively cleaned before re-use?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.15 Are re-usable instruments cleaned using a suitable method before being re-used, disinfected or sterilised?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 3.16 Are benches, seats, and all other work station surfaces that may have been contaminated during the performance of a procedure effectively cleaned and disinfected between clients using detergent and a hospital grade disinfectant or suitable alcohol-based product (i.e. Isopropyl)?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

Premises and Equipment

4.0 Premises and Equipment

  • 4.1 Are all ceiling, wall and floor surfaces constructed and maintained in a manner to allow for the ease and effectiveness of cleaning?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.2 Is coving provided at floor/wall junctions in work stations that is at least 50mm high? Alternatively, continuous skirting may be provided that is at least 50mm high constructed of timber, ceramic tiles or the like.

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.3 Are joints between wall and ceiling linings flush with the surface, without any gaps between panels and intersections?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.4 Are joints between ceramic wall and floor tiling filled with heavy duty 100% epoxy, acid resistant grouting?

  • Directions:

  • 4.5 Are surfaces of all other equipment appropriate for their intended use and able to be easily and effectively cleaned (i.e. benches, cupboards, shelving, and work station areas)?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.6 Are separate areas provided for clean and dirty equipment to prevent cross-contamination and is sterilised equipment stored in a sterile environment?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.7 Is at least one sink provided solely for washing and cleaning instruments and equipment?<br>This sink must be located between 800mm and 1000mm above the floor, of a suitable size (at least 400mm in width), and connected to a reticulated hot and cold water supply.

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.8 Is the premises and all fixtures, fittings and equipment (including cleaning equipment) maintained in a good state of repair?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 4.9 Is the premises maintained in a clean condition?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

Waste Management

5.0 Waste Management

  • 5.1 Are sharps disposal containers located in each work station?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 5.2 Are sharps (including single use razor blades) disposed of immediately in a compliant sharps container after use and not placed down or handed to another person? Where re-useable sharps are used, are these placed in a suitable container (i.e. kidney dish) that is set aside and identified for used instruments?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 5.3 Are sharps containers collected and/or disposed of by a licensed service provider?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

  • 5.4 Are waste receptacles present in each work station and all contaminated waste disposed of immediately into these?

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:

6.0 Amenities

  • 6.1 Are clean and suitable amenities provided for staff and clients? <br>Note: This is a requirement when colonic lavage procedures are performed.

  • Directions:

  • Timeframe for Compliance:


  • Name

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.