
  • Layered Audit

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Other Personnel involved

  • What:
    * Narrow and deep focus on a particular topic
    * The topic selected for the Layered Audit should enable the leader to focus on areas of their business where they have safety issues or want to verify HSEC systems and standards
    * As part of your preparation, refer to our high level documentation for example, GLDs, site procedures, legal registers to establish the system complies with business expectations and legal requirements

  • Process - Pre-Audit meeting
    * Review last audit including action close-out
    * Identify and discuss topic - dig deep into the topic but maintain a narrow focus
    * Assign roles - senior leader usually undertakes lead auditor role
    * Develop audit plan for area, people and questions
    * Discuss applicable documents (GLDs, standards, procedures)

  • Process: Conduct Layered Audit
    * Observe work activities in the field - engage with workers to validate and verify their understanding of the topic
    * Use the Take Time Talk model when engaging with people in the field
    * Check records

  • Process: Post Audit meeting
    * Discuss observations and identify most significant gaps
    * Agree actions and assign with timing for completion (enter into SAP)

  • Outcomes:
    * Gaps identified with two or three SMART actions
    * Observer to provide feedback to the lead auditor on process and safety leadership
    * Record field leadership data on this form
    * Raise actions in SAP as required

Pre-Audit Meeting

  • Discuss last audit and actions (Enter comments)

  • Was the last audit discussed?

  • Are actions from the last audit available?

  • Are actions from the last audit closed out or progress discussed?

  • Identify and discuss topic for this Layered Audit (Enter comments)

  • Has a topic been selected for this Layered Audit?

  • Is the topic relevant and specific?

  • Roles assigned (Enter comments)

  • Are there at least two levels of line management present?<br>(E.g. GM/Manager, Manager/Superintendent, GM/Head of)

  • Have you identified the Lead Auditor and Team Members?

  • Have you identified a Process Checker and Time Keeper?

  • Applicable documents discussed (Enter comments)

  • Have you identified relevant GLDs, Standards, Procedures or FRCs?

  • Have you identified any relevant risk bow-ties, CDAs, CCVs, CETs or other risk management tools?

  • Have you identified any relevant legislation?

  • Have you developed the Audit Test Plan?<br>Have you identified the area, people and questions?

Observe Field Practices

  • Observe Work Area (Enter comments)

  • Did the team follow all HSE rules in the field?

  • Did they miss any key hazards / risks?

  • Did the team respond appropriately to situations?

  • Interaction process (Enter comments) * Observe behaviour during an activity * Safety Stop Activity - introduce self and ask the participant to explain the task and associated risks * Commend positive behaviours and discuss at risk behaviours * Get commitment to work safely * Thank the participant and action findings and provide feedback

  • Was good interaction processes followed in the field?

  • Check records (Enter comments)

  • What records were checked?

  • Did those records correlate with the Audit Test Plan?

Post Audit Meeting

  • Observations discussed (Enter comments)

  • Were gaps in expected standards discussed and expectations clearly set?

  • Was enough time allocated to the Audit?

  • Did the Lead Auditor ask for feedback to improve?

  • Actions closed-out (Enter comments)

  • Were actions discussed and agreed?

  • Were SMART actions assigned and prioritised (max 5 actions)?

  • Were links to the risk register, Management of Change or SEs made where needed?

Sign off

  • Lead Auditor

  • Team Member

  • Team Member

  • Team Member

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.