Title Page

  • Prepared by:

  • Prepared on:

  • Customer:

  • M3 Reference:

Customer Information


  • Plot/Door Number

  • Address:

  • Postcode:
  • Fit Date:


  • What is the property constructed of?

  • What type of Render is on the property?

  • Anything other than standard sand/cement/lime is very difficult to patch and often requires the services of a professional, external contractor to resolve.

  • Anything other than standard sand/cement/lime is very difficult to patch and often requires the services of a professional, external contractor to resolve.

  • Anything other than standard sand/cement/lime is very difficult to patch and often requires the services of a professional, external contractor to resolve.

  • Anything other than standard sand/cement/lime is very difficult to patch and often requires the services of a professional, external contractor to resolve.

  • Are we removing the render to install any of the frames?

  • The render will be reinstated, but due to aging and atmospheric conditions, it can't be guaranteed that it will match the existing finish

  • Are we removing the dashing to install any of the frames?

  • The render will be reinstated, but due to aging and atmospheric conditions, it can't be guaranteed that it will match the existing finish

  • Will the Tyrolean coating be disturbed as part of the remediation process?

  • Ensure a flicker gun is specified on the materials section of this report. The texture coating will be reinstated, but due to aging and atmospheric conditions, it can't be guaranteed that it will match the existing finish.

    Flicker Gun.jpg
  • Are the tiles in good order?

  • Document & photograph any missing tiles and ensure the customer is aware.

  • Photograph the hanging tiles for our records

  • Can we remove the frames without damaging the insulation and/or external coating?

  • This type of finish is extremely difficult to patch and is outside the skillset of our contractors. Any damage will require the services of a professional to rectify.

Skillset/Manpower/Involved Parties


  • Does this Installation require a Specialist Team?

  • Please detail the required skillsets to complete the Installation to a high level

  • How many people will it take to complete the job?

  • How long will the job take to complete?


  • Name:


  • Name:


  • Name:


  • Visit Requested by:

  • Department requesting visit:

  • Visit booked for:


  • Please document the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) requirements for the remediation team

  • As well as the above PPE, ensure a mandatory First Aid kit, with eye wash, is available 'on vehicle'. If necessary these items will need picking up from Depot prior to arriving on site (for the avoidance of doubt, 'site' refers to the place the work is being carried out, usually the contract holder's home).

Access Solution(s)


  • Is an Access Solution required to complete any of the necessary works?

  • Please ensure an Access Solution Form is attached to this report and that the location of any Scaffolding/Easi-Dec is clearly drawn on the photos, along with all other relevant information requested on said form, including overhead cables and parking for a 7.5m long wagon.

Inspection Details


  • Within this report, reference may be made to certain Building Regulations. For the avoidance of doubt and/or confusion, these are listed below, with a short description;
    • ADA - Approved Document A - Deals with structure, adequate fixings and spacing of same.

    • ADB- Approved Document B – Deals with Means of Escape and Preventing Fire Spread.

    • ADC - Approved Document C - Deals with amongst other things, adequate sealing to prevent the ingress of moisture and other contaminants.

    • ADF - Approved Document F – Deals with Ventilation, whether this be Purge Ventilation or Background Ventilation.

    • ADK - Approved Document K – Deals with The Protection from Falling, Collision & Impact, which primarily refers to safety glass and restriction devices.

    • ADL - Approved Document L - Deals with energy efficiency, in the case of window/door installation, the injection of a polyurethane foam around the perimeter of the frames.

    • ADM - Approved Document M – Deals with Access & Use of the Building, primarily around door set widths and threshold heights.

    • ADN - Approved Document N – This has been superseded by ADK in England but is still relevant in Wales and deals with Safety Glass.

    • ADO – Deals with overheating in buildings. At the moment this only covers new build and not the replacement market.

    • ADQ - Approved Document Q – Deals with enhanced security and refers only to New Builds within Wales and New Builds and Material Changes of use in England.

    • Regulation 7 – Governs the use of the appropriate materials for a construction and how those who are working on the building must behave in a workmanlike manner.


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    Location & Issues
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  • Add media


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  • Manufacturing Quality

  • 3rd party products Quality (Slabs/BIF's/Roofs etc...)

  • Component Quality (Handles/Locks/Hinges etc...)

  • Surveying Quality

  • Installation Quality

  • Service Engineer Quality



  • Please document the materials required to complete the outstanding work(s)

  • Depot Stock (Products which are readily available from Depot, i.e. Handles/Locks/Jacking Kits etc..)

  • To Order In (Products we'll need to source externally, i.e. Remakes/Specialist Timber/Roof Parts etc...)

  • Is there any additional information pertinent to the ordering of parts?

  • Please document the additional requirements/information below.


  • Please Document the Failure Mode for this Inspection

  • Have any of the frames been mismeasured?

  • Ensure the correct sizes are documented and ordered via the appropriate channels

  • Are any of the designs incorrect/not what the customer was expecting (including transom/mullion positions)?

  • Ensure the correct designs are discussed and contained within this report for the customer to physically document and authorize

  • Do we have any FENSA Downgrades?

  • Please document the areas of non-compliance

  • Are the Georgian Bars/Leads Designs Incorrect?

  • Ensure the correct layout/design is discussed and documented within this report, for the customer to authorize

  • Has the Service Engineer exacerbated the current situation in any way?

  • Please give a brief description of the issue(s) the Service Engineer is alleged to have exacerbated

  • Has the Product failed to perform its intended role?

  • Please document the component parts which have failed and supply photographic evidence for supplier feedback

  • Is there a fault with the Manufacturing of the frames?

  • Is the Issue Foil Related?

  • Please provide photographic evidence and forward these to the Quality Dropbox via email with the contract number as the subject header along with a brief description

  • Is the fault related to poor welds?

  • Please provide photographic evidence and forward these to the Quality Dropbox via email with the contract number as the subject header along with a brief description

  • Is the issue related to component parts of the frame? (e.g. transoms/mullions being too long/short)

  • Please provide photographic evidence and forward these to the Quality Dropbox via email with the contract number as the subject header along with a brief description

  • Is the issue related to a defect in the IGU's?

  • Is the issue related to Decorative Lead peeling or Georgian Bars being uneven?

  • Please photograph the issues and feed back to the relevant department for RCA

  • Are there scratches or marks on the glass either inside or outside the unit?

  • Please provide photographic evidence and forward these to the Quality Dropbox via email with the contract number as the subject header along with a brief description

  • Have the Installation Team failed to comply with any of the relevant Building Regulations?

  • Please document the Building Regulations where we have a non-compliance issue.

  • Does the quality of the Installation fall below expectations?

  • Please provide photographic evidence of all failure points and feed this back, via email, to the relevant Installation Depot

Schedule of Work(s)

  • Below is an abridged list of all works required to complete the Report. Please use this as a checklist to ensure all works are completed.

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.