Title Page
Document Number
Job Reference Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Customer Name
Handover Checklist
The system complies with the original specification/design
Any changes to the original specification/design have been referred to the system designer for approval
System has been installed to meet requirements of category
- L1
- L2
- L3
- L4
- L5
- P1
- P2
- Other
Variations to defined category have been identified and the schedule of variations agreed with client
Cables meet requirements for
Cables are segregated as required and suitably supported (no plastic clips, cable ties or trunking used as sole means of support)
Junction boxes are correctly labelled and identified on drawings. Connector boxes are fire resistant.
All cable insulation and continuity resistance measurements are logged
Mains supply is dedicated, correctly fused and labelled
Mains supply is correctly identified at all distribution boards
Standby battery verification has been carried out for all power supplies
All batteries clearly marked and labelled with date of installation
Field wiring is labelled and correctly terminated in all control and ancillary equipment
Isolators are fitted as appropriate, operate correctly and are marked on the drawings
There are a minimum of two sounder circuits installed
Sound pressure levels have been checked and recorded and meet the minimum requirements
Detector type and spacing is appropriate to the system category
MCP's are located correctly and travel distance is appropriate to the system category
Remote signalling has been checked for correct operation to Alarm Receiving Centre
Zone charts have been fitted in all appropriate locations (adjacent to control equipment and repeaters)
As fitted drawings are complete and have been updated where required
Log book and operating instructions have been issued to the responsible person
The responsible person has been adequately trained in the use of the fire alarm system
Customer Name