
  • Case #

  • Location Search
  • Street Address

  • Date and Time of Incident

  • Type of Incident

  • Date of Initial Scene Examination

  • Lead Investigator

  • Assisting Personnel

  • To complete a Photo Card: click the document below, then click the box with the arrow at the top right corner of the screen, select "Copy to PDF Expert."

Weather Conditions

Historical Weather Data


  • Screenshot of historical weather observations

Historical Weather Radar


  • UTC -5 (Spring - Fall)

  • UTC -6 (Fall-Spring)

  • Precipitation detected within 25 miles of incident location?

  • StrikeNet Report


  • Username:

  • Password: Fire1234!

  • Does the StrikeNet Report place the incident location within the bounds of a lightning strike confidence ellipse?

Fire Weather

  • Is there a burn ban in effect?


  • Fire Danger Rating


  • Screenshot of KBDI Summary

  • Screenshot of KBDI Interactive Map

Public Safety Agencies Involved

  • Primary fire department

  • Primary law enforcement agency

  • Primary EMS provider

  • Assisting agencies

  • Total Personnel

  • # of Personally Owned Vehicles

  • # of Command Vehicles

  • # of Rescues/Squads

  • # of Brush Trucks

  • # of Engines

  • # of Tenders

  • # of Aerial Ladder Trucks

  • # of Dozers/Graders

Water Supply

    Water Supply
  • Type

  • Location of the closest fire hydrant
  • Photo of the closest fire hydrant

  • Size of main

  • Outlet sizes

  • Fire Hydrants.jpg
  • Estimated flow rate

  • Tank size

  • Tank location
  • Photo of the tank

  • Estimated flow rate

  • Location of dry hydrant
  • Photo of the dry hydrant

  • Outlet sizes

  • Estimated flow rate

People Involved

  • Involvement

  • Method of Identification

  • Name

  • Race

  • Sex

  • Date of Birth

  • ID/DL #

  • Phone
  • Type

  • Phone Number

  • Email
  • Type

  • Email Address

  • Address
  • Type

  • Address


  • Date/Time of Interview

  • Enter each interviewed person's identifying information under "People Involved." Refer to their "Person #" in the question below.

  • Person #

  • Role

Interview questions

  • What is your rank / position?

  • At what time was the fire department dispatched?

  • At what time did the first unit arrive on scene?

  • At what time was the fire under control?

  • At what time did the last fire department unit clear?

  • Was there anything that caused a delayed response or prevented the fire department from arriving as quickly as they normally would?

  • Who was the incident commander?

  • Which unit was the first unit to arrive on scene?

  • Who was the first fire officer to arrive on scene?

  • Which firefighter was on the nozzle?

  • Was smoke visible?

  • Where did you see smoke coming from?

  • Description of the smoke (color; density; turbulence)

  • Which direction was the smoke drifting?

  • Was fire visible?

  • Where did you see fire coming from?

  • Description of fire conditions (fuel items involved; fire behavior)

  • What was the status of the doors upon arrival (open/closed; locked/unlocked; forced entry)?

  • What was the status of the windows upon arrival (open/closed; locked/unlocked; broken/intact)?

  • Were electrical utilities turned off / disconnected by the fire department?

  • Who turned off / disconnected the electrical utilities?

  • Where were electrical utilities disconnected at in the system?

  • What was the status of the switch / circuit breaker before it was manipulated?

  • Were any fuel gas systems turned off / disconnected by the fire department?

  • Who turned off / disconnected the fuel gas system?

  • Where was the fuel gas system disconnected at?

  • What was the status of the valve before it was manipulated?

  • Was forcible entry made by the fire department?

  • Who forced entry?

  • Which door / window was forced?

  • What type of tool was used to force entry?

  • Did you hear smoke alarms while on scene?

  • Did you hear a security (burglar) alarm while on scene?

  • Where was the "seat" of the fire?

  • Were there any unconnected fires?

  • Where did you find unconnected fires?

  • Description of fire conditions (fuel items involved; fire behavior)

  • Describe the strategy and tactics used to fight the fire

  • Did any firefighter take pictures or video of the incident / scene?

  • Do any firefighters wear helmet cameras?

  • Did firefighters remove anything from the scene?

  • Did you notice anything out of place or suspicious at the scene?

  • Did you notice any people or vehicles leaving the scene?

  • Did you notice any familiar faces in the crowd or bystanders that seemed out of place?

  • Was there anyone being overly helpful or disruptive to firefighters upon arrival?

  • Did the fire department treat anyone for burn injuries?

  • Are you aware of any previous calls for service at this property (fires or otherwise)?

  • Was any firefighter injured or killed while responding, on scene, or returning from this incident?

Interview questions

  • Electrical utility provider

  • Work order # (for disconnection after fire)

  • Were there any power outages or surges affecting this property within the 24 hours leading up to the incident?

  • Are there any work orders associated with or affecting this property within the 24 hours leading up to the incident?

  • Were electrical utilities active immediately prior to and during the incident?

  • Is there a history of tampering or power theft at this property?

  • Is this property current on payments?

  • Is there any history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Request records of power usage for the property.

  • How long have you owned this property / when was it purchased?

  • When was the property built / manufactured?

  • Is the property in regular / normal use?

  • How long has it been since the property was in regular / normal use?

  • Has the property been recently listed for sale?

  • Where was it listed?

  • What was the asking price?

  • Why was it for sale?

  • Are you responsible for utility services to the property?

  • What utilities are available to the property?

  • Water utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the water utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Electricity utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the electric utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Natural gas utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the natural gas utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Propane gas utility provider

  • When was the propane tank last filled?

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the propane gas utility disconnected?

  • Utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Was the property secured / locked?

  • Have there been any recent changes, renovations, modifications, alterations, additions, or repairs?

  • Who performed the work (name, phone)?

  • Do you have any documentation associated with this work (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc.)?

  • Are there any known electrical, mechanical, utility, or appliance problems?

  • What were those problems?

  • Were those problems fixed / repaired?

  • Who performed the repairs (name, phone)?

  • When was the work completed?

  • Do you have any documentation associated with this work (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc.)?

  • Is there a surveillance or security system on the property?

  • Is it cloud-based or recorded to a DVR?

  • Who is the service provider for the surveillance / security system?

  • What date and time did the fire / explosion occur?

  • When was the last time you were at / on / in the property before the fire / explosion?

  • Who was the last person at / on / in the property?

  • Was anyone at / on the property when the fire / explosion occurred?

  • Who discovered the fire / explosion (name, phone)?

  • Who reported the fire / explosion to 911 (name, phone)?

  • How did you become aware of the fire / explosion?

  • Where were you and what were you doing when you became aware of the fire / explosion?

  • What actions did you take after becoming aware of the fire / explosion?

  • What observations did you make about the fire / explosion (see, hear, smell, or feel)?

  • Where were you when you made those observations?

  • Did you or anyone you know take pictures or videos of the fire / explosion?

  • What were you doing the last time you were at / on / in the property?

  • Did you notice anything out of the ordinary / atypical?

  • Who has access to the property?

  • Is there a hidden key or other readily available access to the property?

  • Have you experienced any evictions, criminal activity, conflicts with neighbors, friends, or family?

  • Are there any fire protection systems installed at the property?

  • Have you experienced any problems with these systems?

  • Is there any reason these systems would be disconnected or disabled?

  • When was the last time the system was maintained?

  • Have you ever experienced a fire at your properties in the past?

  • Discuss the area(s) of origin with the owner. Ask what potential ignition sources were located in the area(s) of origin.

  • What potential ignition sources were located in the area(s) of origin?

  • Was the ignition source purchased new or used?

  • When was the ignition source purchased?

  • Where was the ignition source purchased from?

  • Have there been any recent modifications, alterations, repairs, etc. to the ignition source?

  • Have there been any recent issues with the ignition source?

  • Was the ignition source operating at the time of the fire / explosion?

  • What fuel items / packages are believed to be in the area(s) of origin?

  • Is there any reason that an ignitable liquid would be found in the area(s) of origin?

  • When did you move to this property / how long have you stayed at this property?

  • Is the property in regular / normal use?

  • How long has it been since the property was in regular / normal use?

  • Has the property been recently listed for sale?

  • Where was it listed?

  • What was the asking price?

  • Why was it for sale?

  • Are you responsible for utility services to the property?

  • What utilities are available to the property?

  • Water utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the water utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Electricity utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the electric utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Natural gas utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the natural gas utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Propane gas utility provider

  • When was the propane tank last filled?

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the propane gas utility disconnected?

  • Utility provider

  • Monthly payment

  • Status at the time of the incident

  • When was the utility disconnected?

  • Is there a history of disconnection for non-payment?

  • Was the property secured / locked?

  • Have there been any recent changes, renovations, modifications, alterations, additions, or repairs?

  • Who performed the work (name, phone)?

  • Do you have any documentation associated with this work (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc.)?

  • Are there any known electrical, mechanical, utility, or appliance problems?

  • What were those problems?

  • Were those problems fixed / repaired?

  • Who performed the repairs (name, phone)?

  • When was the work completed?

  • Do you have any documentation associated with this work (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc.)?

  • Is there a surveillance or security system on the property?

  • Is it cloud-based or recorded to a DVR?

  • Who is the service provider for the surveillance / security system?

  • What date and time did the fire / explosion occur?

  • When was the last time you were at / on / in the property before the fire / explosion?

  • Who was the last person at / on / in the property?

  • Was anyone at / on the property when the fire / explosion occurred?

  • Who discovered the fire / explosion (name, phone)?

  • Who reported the fire / explosion to 911 (name, phone)?

  • How did you become aware of the fire / explosion?

  • Where were you and what were you doing when you became aware of the fire / explosion?

  • What actions did you take after becoming aware of the fire / explosion?

  • What observations did you make about the fire / explosion (see, hear, smell, or feel)?

  • Where were you when you made those observations?

  • Did you or anyone you know take pictures or videos of the fire / explosion?

  • What were you doing the last time you were at / on / in the property?

  • Did you notice anything out of the ordinary / atypical?

  • Who has access to the property?

  • Is there a hidden key or other readily available access to the property?

  • Have you experienced any evictions, criminal activity, conflicts with neighbors, friends, or family?

  • Are there any fire protection systems installed at the property?

  • Have you experienced any problems with these systems?

  • Is there any reason these systems would be disconnected or disabled?

  • When was the last time the system was maintained?

  • Have you ever experienced a fire at your properties in the past?

  • Discuss the area(s) of origin with the owner. Ask what potential ignition sources were located in the area(s) of origin.

  • What potential ignition sources were located in the area(s) of origin?

  • Was the ignition source purchased new or used?

  • When was the ignition source purchased?

  • Where was the ignition source purchased from?

  • Have there been any recent modifications, alterations, repairs, etc. to the ignition source?

  • Have there been any recent issues with the ignition source?

  • Was the ignition source operating at the time of the fire / explosion?

  • What fuel items / packages are believed to be in the area(s) of origin?

  • Is there any reason that an ignitable liquid would be found in the area(s) of origin?

  • Details

  • Details

Miranda Warning

  • 1) You have the right to remain silent and not make any statement at all and any statement you make may be used against you at your trial.

  • 2) Any statement you make may be used as evidence against you in court.

  • 3) You have the right to have a lawyer present to advise you prior to and during any questioning.

  • 4) If you are unable to employ a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer appointed to advise you prior to and during any questioning.

  • 5) You have the right to terminate the interview at any time.

  • Time Given

  • Given By

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

Identifying information

  • Name

  • Rank / position

  • Phone number

  • Email address

Interview questions

  • At what time was law enforcement dispatched?

  • At what time did the first unit arrive on scene?

  • At what time did the last law enforcement unit clear?

  • Was there anything that caused a delayed response or prevented the law enforcement from arriving as quickly as they normally would?

  • Which unit / law enforcement officer was the first to arrive on scene?

  • Is there dash camera video of the response and time on scene?

  • Is there body camera video of the response and time on scene?

  • Did any law enforcement officer take cell phone pictures or video of the incident / scene?

  • What actions did you take once you arrived on scene?

  • Was smoke visible?

  • Where did you see smoke coming from?

  • Description of the smoke (color; density; turbulence)

  • Which direction was the smoke drifting?

  • Was fire visible?

  • Where did you see fire coming from?

  • Description of fire conditions (fuel items involved; fire behavior)

  • What was the status of the doors upon arrival (open/closed; locked/unlocked; forced entry)?

  • What was the status of the windows upon arrival (open/closed; locked/unlocked; broken/intact)?

  • Was forcible entry made by any law enforcement officer?

  • Who forced entry?

  • Which door / window was forced?

  • What type of tool was used to force entry?

  • Did you hear smoke alarms while on scene?

  • Did you hear a security (burglar) alarm while on scene?

  • Were there any unconnected fires?

  • Where did you find unconnected fires?

  • Description of fire conditions (fuel items involved; fire behavior)

  • Did any law enforcement officer remove anything from the scene or collect any evidence?

  • Did you notice anything out of place or suspicious at the scene?

  • Did you notice any people or vehicles leaving the scene?

  • Did you notice any familiar faces in the crowd or bystanders that seemed out of place?

  • Was there anyone being overly helpful or disruptive to firefighters upon arrival?

  • Are you aware of any previous calls for service at this property (fires or otherwise)?

  • Was any law enforcement officer injured or killed while responding, on scene, or returning from this incident?

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

Right of Entry

  • To view the Right of Entry decision tree, click the document below.

  • Right of Entry

  • To complete the Consent to Search form: click the document below, then click the box with the arrow at the top right corner of the screen, select "Copy to PDF Expert."

Property Involved

  • Did the fire originate at this structure or was it an exposure?


  • Location search
  • Physical address (include building/apartment/room number if relevant)

  • Closest cross streets

  • KCAD Parcel ID


  • Aerial image or map of the property


  • Is this structure located inside an incorporated city or town?


Occupancy Information

  • Is any portion of this structure adapted for the overnight accommodation of persons?

  • Is the property a place of assembly or worship?

  • Occupancy Classification

  • Occupant Status

  • Building Status

Building history

  • Year built

  • Pertinent building history (renovations, repairs, modifications, alterations, etc.)

Building construction

General construction details

  • Construction type

  • Frame design

  • Square footage

  • Building height (AGL)

  • # of stories / floors

  • # of units

Foundation system

  • Foundation type

  • Foundation materials

Load bearing system

  • Materials used in load bearing walls and columns

  • Provide description, location, spacing, orientation, and dimensions of load bearing walls and columns.

  • Materials used in beams and trusses

  • Provide description, location, spacing, orientation, and dimensions of beams and trusses.

  • Exterior elevation
  • Photo of the elevation

  • Direction the elevation faces

  • Exterior elevation sheathing

  • Ventilation opening on the exterior elevation
  • Type

  • Door height (floor to top of door)

  • Header height (top of door to ceiling)

  • Door width (stud to stud)

  • Location (distance to / from adjacent walls)

  • Door material

  • Door design

  • Door operation

  • Door hardware

  • Locking mechanism

  • Is the door fire rated?

  • Provide pertinent details, such as the rating, design standard, fusible links, magnetic releases, and any issues with self-closing and latching.

  • Photo(s)

  • Sill height (floor to bottom of window)

  • Window height (sill to header)

  • Header height (top of window to ceiling)

  • Window width (stud to stud)

  • Window inset depth (interior wall to frame)

  • Location (distance to / from adjacent walls)

  • Window frame material

  • Windowpanes

  • Window design

  • Window operation

  • Is the window fire rated?

  • Provide pertinent details, such as the rating, design standard, etc.

  • Window accessory
  • Type

  • Photo(s)

  • Photo(s)

  • Dimensions

  • Location

  • Photo(s)

Roof system

  • Roof Style

  • Guide to Roof Types

  • Height of the roof ridge (highest point)

  • Height of the eaves (lowest point)

  • Roof decking material

  • Roof sheathing

  • Soffit depth

  • Dimensions of soffit vent

  • Photo of soffit vent

  • Distance between soffit vents

  • Roof projection
  • Type

  • Dimensions

  • Photo

  • Ventilation opening in roof
  • Type

  • Dimensions

  • Photo


  • Sub-flooring

  • Floor finish

Interior walls

  • Interior wall structure

  • Total thickness of interior wall

  • Interior wall finish

  • Thickness of interior wall finish

Interior ceilings

  • Interior ceiling finish

  • Thickness of interior ceiling finish

  • Interior ceiling height

Insulating materials

  • Type

  • Elevation Change
  • Type

  • Location, orientation, design, and construction materials

  • Photo

Building Services, Systems, and Appliances

    Building Service, System, or Appliance
  • Type

  • Electrical utility provider

  • Distribution lines

  • Fuse cutout status

  • Pole #

  • Transformer #

  • Transformer type

  • Transformer rating (kVA)

  • Service-entrance (SE) cable route

  • Describe the markings on the service-entrance (SE) cable

  • Is there any damage to the SE cable insulation?

  • Is the damage from the fire?

  • Is there any evidence of a floating neutral?

  • Meter socket status

  • Wire padlock #

  • Is there any evidence of tampering at the meter socket?

  • Meter #

  • Meter type

  • Meter Location

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

Service provider

  • Service provider

  • Phone number

Propane tank

  • Tank type

  • Serial number

  • Tank manufacturer

  • Manufacture date

  • Tank size / water capacity

  • Tank length (OL)

  • Tank diameter (OD)

  • Surface area

  • Head thickness

  • Shell thickness

  • Head design (HD)

  • % volume

  • Maximum allowable pressure

  • At (temp)

  • Did relief valve activate during the fire?

  • Is the tank properly bonded and grounded?

Distribution system

  • Main valve position

  • Regulator brand and model

  • Normal operating pressure

  • Distribution system

  • Is the distribution system properly bonded and grounded?

  • Was the system pressure tested?

  • Were there any leaks in the system?

  • Pipe size

  • Orifice size

  • Height above the floor

  • In-line valve
  • Type

  • Location

  • Position

  • Describe the portion of the system or appliance isolated by this valve

  • Appliance
  • Type

  • Location

  • Position of control valve(s)

  • Describe any pertinent information about this appliance

Service provider

  • Service provider

  • Phone number

Distribution system

  • Main valve position

  • Regulator brand and model

  • Normal operating pressure

  • Distribution system

  • Is the distribution system properly bonded and grounded?

  • Was the system pressure tested?

  • Were there any leaks in the system?

  • Pipe size

  • Orifice size

  • Height above the floor

  • In-line valve
  • Type

  • Location

  • Position

  • Describe the portion of the system or appliance isolated by this valve

  • Appliance
  • Type

  • Location

  • Position of control valve(s)

  • Describe any pertinent information about this appliance

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

  • Details

Main disconnect

  • Disconnect location

  • Brand of the disconnect

  • Type of disconnect

  • Type of overcurrent protection

  • Amperage rating

  • Status of overcurrent protection device

  • Describe any markings on the overcurrent protection device

  • Is there any evidence of thermal damage to the overcurrent protection device?

  • Is there any evidence of mechanical or impact damage to the overcurrent protection device?

  • Is there any evidence of electrical arcing at the disconnect, overcurrent protection device, or associated components?

Distribution panel

  • Panel name / number / identifier

  • Panel location

  • Panel brand

  • Panel type

  • # of slot

  • Year of installation

  • Is the panel properly grounded?

  • Is there evidence of thermal damage to the distribution panel?

  • Is there evidence of mechanical or impact damage to the distribution panel?

  • Is there evidence of electrical arcing at the distribution panel?

  • Branch circuit and overcurrent protection
  • Circuit name / number / identifier

  • Type of overcurrent protection

  • Brand

  • Amperage rating

  • Status

  • Describe what the circuit provides electricity to

  • Describe any markings on the conductors leaving the overcurrent protection

Fire Service Features

    Fire Service Feature
  • Type

  • Width of the fire apparatus access road

  • Photo of fire apparatus access road markings

  • Was the fire apparatus access road obstructed at the time of the fire?

  • Location of the Knox Box

  • Contents of the Knox Box

  • System details

Fire Protection Systems

    Fire Protection System
  • Type

  • Details (location, orientation, rating, design standards, and construction materials)

Mortgage, Loan, Lien, or Security Interest

  • Is the property subject to a mortgage, loan, lien, or security interest?

  • Type

  • Company / Lien Holder Name

  • Company Address
  • Company Phone #

  • Account #

  • Total Amount

  • Monthly Payment

  • Remaining Balance

  • Are you current on payments / do you owe arrears?

  • Are property taxes current and paid?

Insurance Information

  • Is the property insured against damages?

  • Insurance Company

  • Policy #

  • Policy Start Date

  • Policy End Date

  • Coverage Amounts

  • Deductable

  • Insurance Agent Name

  • Insurance Agent Phone Number

  • Recent changes to the policy?

  • Has a claim been filed?

  • Adjuster Name

  • Adjuster Phone Number

  • Has a private investigator been assigned?

  • Private Investigator Name

  • Private Investigator Phone Number

Code Compliance

  • Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

  • Code(s) in effect at time of construction / significant improvement

  • Civil and architectural plans

  • Records of inspections and acceptance testing

  • Were any potential code violations observed during the scene examination?

TCIC / NCIC Results

  • Reported Stolen?

Damage Assessment

  • Brief Description of Damage

  • Photographs

  • Vehicle
  • Did the fire originate at this vehicle or was it an exposure?


  • Location search
  • Physical address (include building/apartment/room number if relevant)

  • Direction of travel (front of vehicle)

  • Closest cross streets

  • Aerial image or map of the incident location


  • Was this vehicle located inside an incorporated city or town?


  • Was the vehicle removed / towed from the scene?

  • Towing service provider

  • Towing service phone number

  • Storage location

  • Tow operator's signature

Vehicle Description

  • Vehicle Type

  • Is any portion of this vehicle or connected vehicles adapted for the overnight accommodation of persons?

  • License Plate Number

  • State

  • Plate Year/Registration

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

  • Year

  • Make

  • Model

  • Color

Loan, Lien, or Security Interest

  • Is the property subject to a loan, lien, or security interest?

  • Type

  • Company / Lien Holder Name

  • Company Address
  • Company Phone #

  • Account #

  • Total Amount

  • Monthly Payment

  • Remaining Balance

  • Are you current on payments / do you owe arrears?

Insurance Information

  • Is the property insured against damages?

  • Insurance Company

  • Policy #

  • Policy Start Date

  • Policy End Date

  • Coverage Amounts

  • Deductable

  • Insurance Agent Name

  • Insurance Agent Phone Number

  • Recent changes to the policy?

  • Has a claim been filed?

  • Adjuster Name

  • Adjuster Phone Number

  • Has a private investigator been assigned?

  • Private Investigator Name

  • Private Investigator Phone Number

TCIC / NCIC Results

  • Reported Stolen?

Damage Assessment

  • Is there evidence that the vehicle was involved in a collision?

  • Brief Description of Damage

  • Photographs

  • Mobile Equipment
  • Did the fire originate at this mobile equipment or was it an exposure?


  • Location search
  • Physical address (include building/apartment/room number if relevant)

  • Direction of travel (front of mobile equipment)

  • Closest cross streets

  • Aerial image or map of the incident location


  • Was this mobile equipment located inside an incorporated city or town?


  • Was the mobile equipment removed from the scene?

  • Towing service

  • Towing service phone number

  • Storage location
  • Tow operator's signature

Mobile Equipment Description

  • Mobile Equipment Type

  • License Plate Number

  • State

  • Plate Year/Registration

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

  • Year

  • Make

  • Model

  • Color

Loan, Lien, or Security Interest

  • Is the property subject to a loan, lien, or security interest?

  • Type

  • Company / Lien Holder Name

  • Company Address
  • Company Phone #

  • Account #

  • Total Amount

  • Monthly Payment

  • Remaining Balance

  • Are you current on payments / do you owe arrears?

Insurance Information

  • Is the property insured against damages?

  • Insurance Company

  • Policy #

  • Policy Start Date

  • Policy End Date

  • Coverage Amounts

  • Deductable

  • Insurance Agent Name

  • Insurance Agent Phone Number

  • Recent changes to the policy?

  • Has a claim been filed?

  • Adjuster Name

  • Adjuster Phone Number

  • Has a private investigator been assigned?

  • Private Investigator Name

  • Private Investigator Phone Number

TCIC / NCIC Results

  • Reported Stolen?

Damage Assessment

  • Brief Description of Damage

  • Photographs

  • Stationary Equipment / Machinery
  • Did the fire originate at this stationary equipment / machinery or was it an exposure?


  • Location search
  • Physical address (include building/apartment/room number if relevant)

  • Closest cross streets

  • Aerial image or map of the incident location


  • Was this stationary equipment / machiner located inside an incorporated city or town?


Stationary Equipment / Machinery Description

  • Stationary Equipment / Machinery Type

  • Manufacture Date

  • Manufacturer

  • Model

Loan, Lien, or Security Interest

  • Is the property subject to a loan, lien, or security interest?

  • Type

  • Company / Lien Holder Name

  • Company Address
  • Company Phone #

  • Account #

  • Total Amount

  • Monthly Payment

  • Remaining Balance

  • Are you current on payments / do you owe arrears?

Insurance Information

  • Is the property insured against damages?

  • Insurance Company

  • Policy #

  • Policy Start Date

  • Policy End Date

  • Coverage Amounts

  • Deductable

  • Insurance Agent Name

  • Insurance Agent Phone Number

  • Recent changes to the policy?

  • Has a claim been filed?

  • Adjuster Name

  • Adjuster Phone Number

  • Has a private investigator been assigned?

  • Private Investigator Name

  • Private Investigator Phone Number

TCIC / NCIC Results

  • Reported Stolen?

Damage Assessment

  • Brief Description of Damage

  • Photographs

  • Open Space Land
  • Did the fire originate on this open space land or was it an exposure?


  • Location search
  • Physical address (include building/apartment/room number if relevant)

  • Closest cross streets

  • Aerial image or map of the incident location


  • Is this open space land located inside an incorporated city or town?


Open Space Land Description

  • Fuel Description

  • Is this property used for agricultural purposes?

Loan, Lien, or Security Interest

  • Is the property subject to a loan, lien, or security interest?

  • Type

  • Company / Lien Holder Name

  • Company Address
  • Company Phone #

  • Account #

  • Total Amount

  • Monthly Payment

  • Remaining Balance

  • Are you current on payments / do you owe arrears?

Insurance Information

  • Is the property insured against damages?

  • Insurance Company

  • Policy #

  • Policy Start Date

  • Policy End Date

  • Coverage Amounts

  • Deductable

  • Insurance Agent Name

  • Insurance Agent Phone Number

  • Recent changes to the policy?

  • Has a claim been filed?

  • Adjuster Name

  • Adjuster Phone Number

  • Has a private investigator been assigned?

  • Private Investigator Name

  • Private Investigator Phone Number

Damage Assessment

  • Brief Description of Damage

  • Photographs

  • Miscellaneous
  • Did the fire originate at this property or was it an exposure?


  • Location search
  • Physical address (include building/apartment/room number if relevant)

  • Closest cross streets

  • Aerial image or map of the incident location


  • Was this property located inside an incorporated city or town?


Property Description

  • Property Description

Loan, Lien, or Security Interest

  • Is the property subject to a loan, lien, or security interest?

  • Type

  • Company / Lien Holder Name

  • Company Address
  • Company Phone #

  • Account #

  • Total Amount

  • Monthly Payment

  • Remaining Balance

  • Are you current on payments / do you owe arrears?

Insurance Information

  • Is the property insured against damages?

  • Insurance Company

  • Policy #

  • Policy Start Date

  • Policy End Date

  • Coverage Amounts

  • Deductable

  • Insurance Agent Name

  • Insurance Agent Phone Number

  • Recent changes to the policy?

  • Has a claim been filed?

  • Adjuster Name

  • Adjuster Phone Number

  • Has a private investigator been assigned?

  • Private Investigator Name

  • Private Investigator Phone Number

TCIC / NCIC Results

  • Reported Stolen?

Damage Assessment

  • Brief Description of Damage

  • Photographs

Scene Examination

  • Type of Incident

  • Task List

  • Describe scene security / integrity (right of entry, entry log, access points, barrier tape, police presence, no trespass signs, boarded up, etc.).

  • Describe the safety assessment (weather conditions, structural integrity, utilities secured, air monitoring, PPE, hazardous materials, etc.).

  • Describe the exterior examination (exposures, curtilage, fire effects / patterns on exterior surfaces, fire dynamics, etc.).

  • Describe the interior examination (fire effects / patterns on interior surfaces, fire dynamics, description of contents, etc.).

  • Describe the area of origin (location, measurements, fire effects / patterns, fire dynamics, ventilation openings, excavation, reconstruction, etc.).

  • Describe the fuel items, competent ignitions sources, and oxidizers in the area of origin.

  • Describe additional information gathered from the scene (surveillance cameras, witness statements, documents, digital/electronic evidence, etc.).

  • Describe any evidence of criminal activity (forcible entry, broken windows, missing contents, etc.).

  • Describe any human action or inaction which influenced fire development.

  • Describe your hypotheses, method of testing, elimination, and conclusions.

  • Area of origin

  • Cause

  • Classification

  • Estimated dollar loss ($)

  • Notifications

  • Notifications

  • Task List

  • Notifications

  • Describe scene security / integrity (right of entry, entry log, access points, barrier tape, police presence, no trespass signs, boarded up, etc.).


  • Attach Diagram(s)

  • Grid Paper

  • Site Plan Drawing

  • Elevation Drawing (exterior wall)

  • Floor Plan Drawing

  • Reflected Ceiling Plan Drawing

  • Roof Plan Drawing

  • Section Drawing (cross section of a portion of the object / structure)

  • Callout Drawing (a zoomed in view or portion of a larger diagram / drawing)

  • Detail Drawing (closeup drawing of a specific object / component)

Property / Evidence / Chain of Custody

    Evidence Item
  • Unique identifier

  • Description

  • Location discovered

  • Collected by

  • Date / time collected

  • Canine used?

  • Photographs

  • Chain of Custody
  • Transferred from

  • Transferred to

  • Date / time of transfer

Injury / Fatality

  • Enter each victim's identifying information under "People Involved." Refer to their Person # in the question below.

  • Person #

  • Was this person injured or deceased as a result of the incident?

  • Description of Injuries

  • Open this worksheet in GoodNotes for further documentation of the injuries.

  • Description of Circumstances

  • Open this worksheet in GoodNotes for further documentation of the deceased victim.

Criminal Offense

    Criminal Offense
  • Offense

  • Offense Type

  • Second degree felony

  • Starts a fire or causes an explosion

  • Intent to destroy or damage

  • Vegetation, fence, or structure on open-space land

  • Building, habitation, or vehicle

  • within the limits of an incorporated city or town

  • insured against damage or destruction

  • subject to a mortgage or security interest

  • located on property belonging to another

  • has located within it property belonging to another

  • reckless about whether the burning or explosion will endanger the life of some individual or the safety of the property of another.


  • Bodily injury or death

  • Enhanced to first degree felony

  • Habitation

  • Enhanced to first degree felony

  • Place of assembly or worship

  • Enhanced to first degree felony

  • State jail felony

  • Recklessly starting a fire or causing an explosion while manufacturing or attempting to manufacture a controlled substance

  • Causes damage to any building, habitation, or vehicle


  • Bodily injury or death

  • Enhanced to third degree felony

  • State jail felony

  • intentionally starting a fire or causing an explosion

  • recklessly damages or destroys a building belonging to another

  • recklessly causes another person to suffer bodily injury or death


  • Photographs

  • Field Notes

  • Diagram(s)

  • Written Statement(s)

  • Location of Recorded Statement(s)

  • Evidence Log

  • Lab Submission Form

  • Lab Analysis Report

  • Dispatch CFS Report(s)

  • NFIRS / Incident Report(s)

  • Insurance Records (Declarations Page)

  • NICB ISO Claimsearch

  • Financial Records

  • County Appraisal Records


  • 10-27 (ID/DL)

  • 10-28 (Vehicle Registration)

  • 10-29 (Warrants)

  • Criminal Intel Analyst Report(s)

  • Medical Records

  • Autopsy Report(s)

  • Court Order(s)

  • Subpoena(s)

  • Consent to Search

  • Search Warrant(s)

  • Arrest Warrant(s)

  • Offense Report(s)

  • Room Data worksheet

  • Worksheet: Ignition matrix

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.